bcen / silex-dispatcher
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained.
No replacement package was suggested.
A Silex plugin
2013-07-05 19:03 UTC
- doctrine/common: 2.3.*
- friendsofsymfony/rest: 0.8.*@dev
- symfony/event-dispatcher: >=2.1,<2.3-dev
- symfony/http-foundation: >=2.1,<2.3-dev
- symfony/http-kernel: >=2.1,<2.3-dev
- symfony/routing: >=2.1,<2.3-dev
- symfony/serializer: >=2.1,<2.3-dev
Requires (Dev)
- behat/behat: 2.4.*@stable
- doctrine/orm: 2.3.*
- phpspec/php-diff: *@dev
- phpspec/phpspec2: 1.0.*@dev
- phpspec/prophecy: ~1.0@dev
- silex/silex: v1.0.0
- symfony/config: >=2.1,<2.3-dev
Via Composer:
"require": {
"bcen/silex-dispatcher": "0.5.*"
Then run $ composer.phar install
$app->register(new \SDispatcher\SDispatcherServiceProvider());
Django-alike CBV controller
class HomeController { public function get(Request $req) { return 'Hi, '.$req->getClientIp(); } public function post(Request $req) { return 'This is a post'; } } $app->match('/', 'HomeController');
Handle missing method:
class HomeController { public function get(Request $req) { } public function handleMissingMethod(Request $req) { // HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT, POST everything goes here // except GET, which is handle by the above method. } }
Hybrid-alike Service Locator/Dependency Injection pattern
$app['my_obj'] = function () { $obj = new \stdClass; $obj->message = 'hi'; return $obj; }; class HomeController implements \SDispatcher\Common\RequiredServiceMetaProviderInterface { public function __construct(\stdClass $obj) { var_dump($obj); } public function get($req) { return 'Hi, '.$req->getClientIp(); } public static function getRequiredServices() { return array('my_obj'); } } $app->match('/', 'HomeController'); // or by annotation use SDispatcher\Common\Annotation as REST; /** * @REST\RequiredServices("my_obj") */ class HomeController { public function __construct(\stdClass $obj) { var_dump($obj); } public function get($req) { return 'Hi, '.$req->getClientIp(); } }
Helpers/Middlewares for creating "RESTful" API
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; class NumberListResource { public function get() { return array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); } } class NumberDetailResource { public function get(Request $req, $nid) { return new \SDispatcher\DataResponse(array( 'id' => $nid, 'value' => 'some value', 'filters' => $req->query->all(), )); } } $app = new \Silex\Application(); $app->register(new \SDispatcher\SDispatcherServiceProvider()); $app['controllers']->setOption('sdispatcher.route.rest', true); $app->match('/numbers', 'NumberListResource'); $app->match('/numbers/{nid}', 'NumberDetailResource'); $app->run();
Content Negotiation:
$ curl local.domain.org/api-test/numbers/1 -H "Accept:application/xml" -i HTTP/1.1 406 Not Acceptable Date: Sat, 18 May 2013 00:28:58 GMT Server: Apache/2.4.3 (Win32) OpenSSL/1.0.1c PHP/5.4.7 X-Powered-By: PHP/5.4.7 Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Length: 0 Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Automated Serialization:
$ curl local.domain.org/api-test/numbers/1 -H "Accept:application/json" -i HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Sat, 18 May 2013 00:29:30 GMT Server: Apache/2.4.3 (Win32) OpenSSL/1.0.1c PHP/5.4.7 X-Powered-By: PHP/5.4.7 Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Length: 50 Content-Type: application/json {"id":"some_id","value":"some value","filters":[]}
Automated Pagination:
$ curl local.domain.org/api-test/numbers {"meta":{"offset":0,"limit":20,"total":6,"prevLink":null,"nextLink":null},"objects":[1,2,3,4,5,6]}
Automated 405 Response for missing method handler:
$ curl local.domain.org/api-test/numbers -i -X POST HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed Date: Sat, 18 May 2013 01:21:20 GMT Server: Apache/2.4.3 (Win32) OpenSSL/1.0.1c PHP/5.4.7 X-Powered-By: PHP/5.4.7 Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Length: 0 Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
NOTE: Remember to turn on URL rewrite!!
Known Issues:
- Incompaitible with some other resolvers
will return a closure due toSilexCbvControllerResolver
wraps the actual class controller instance with closure.
$ composer.phar install --dev
$ vendor/bin/phpspec
$ vendor/bin/behat
Silex-Dispatcher is licensed under the MIT license.