batfish / core
batfish a high performance domain driven framework built for nosql data store
2020-06-20 23:37 UTC
- coinbase/coinbase: ^2.5
- coingate/coingate-php: ^2.0
- cpliakas/magento-client-php: ^0.1.1
- cron/cron: ^1.2
- digitalnature/php-ref: ^1.2
- filp/whoops: ^2.1
- guzzlehttp/psr7: ^1.4
- league/monga: ^1.2
- league/plates: ^3.1
- mailgun/mailgun-php: ^2.3
- marc-mabe/php-enum: ^2.2
- mongodb/mongodb: ^1.1
- nesbot/carbon: ^1.22
- php-http/curl-client: ^1.7
- psr/log: ^1.0
- symfony/finder: ^3.1
- symfony/var-dumper: ^3.1
- symfony/yaml: ^3.3
- universal/universal: 2.0.x-dev
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-21 21:44:04 UTC
##Install Composer
Composer installation is really simple and can be done with a single command:
curl -sS | sudo php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer
## Use Project Stub
wget -O && unzip "$_" -d batfish_procgect
cd batfish_procgect && composer insall
## Composer
mkdir batfish_procgect && cd "$_"
composer requier batfish/core
##Name spacing
The App is the default namespace for the project stub and is in the App folder
## Routes
By default in the stub there is a App\Route\routes.php
## Controllers
Controllers implement 4 mastheads
- get() for retrieving a documents
- post() for creating new documents
- put() for updating documents
- delete() for removing documents
- _clone() for handling thread duplication for websockets