
Cart for eCommerce store

v1.0.0-beta11 2025-02-15 21:41 UTC


Source Packagist Version

Basketin Cart

Cart module for eCommerce system based on Laravel.



Install via composer.

composer require basketin/cart

You need to migrate the package tables.

php artisan migrate --path=/vendor/basketin/cart/database/migrations

If you need to auth migrate without set path you can set true to basketin.cart.setup.auto_migrate at config.

Publish config

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=basketin-cart-config

How to use

Create New Cart


use Basketin\Component\Cart\Facades\CartManagement;

$cart = CartManagement::initCart('01HF7V7N1MG9SDFPQYWXDNHR9Q', 'USD', 'ORDER'); // <- ULID

You can open the cart if it exists or create a new cart if not exist.

Open Exist Cart


use Basketin\Component\Cart\Facades\CartManagement;

$cart = CartManagement::openCart('01HF7V7N1MG9SDFPQYWXDNHR9Q', 'ORDER'); // <- ULID

Get Ulid


Get Currency


Get Type


Get Count Products


Get Count items


Open the existing cart only

Add QuoteYou need to prepare a Product model to use like this.

// Product model

use Basketin\Component\Cart\Contracts\IQuote;
use Basketin\Component\Cart\Traits\HasQuote;
use Basketin\Component\Cart\Traits\HasTotal;

class Product extends Model implements IQuote
    use HasFactory;
    use HasQuote;
    use HasTotal;

    public function getOriginalPriceAttribute(): float
        return (float) $this->price;

    public function getSpecialPriceAttribute(): float|null
        return null;

Add Quote


use App\Models\Product;
use Basketin\Component\Cart\Facades\CartManagement;

$product = Product::first();

$cart = CartManagement::openCart('01HF7V7N1MG9SDFPQYWXDNHR9Q'); // <- ULID
$cart->quote()->addQuote($product, 1);

Increase Quote


use App\Models\Product;
use Basketin\Component\Cart\Facades\CartManagement;

$product = Product::first();

$cart = CartManagement::openCart('01HF7V7N1MG9SDFPQYWXDNHR9Q'); // <- ULID
$cart->quote()->increaseQuote($product, 5);

Decrease Quote


use App\Models\Product;
use Basketin\Component\Cart\Facades\CartManagement;

$product = Product::first();

$cart = CartManagement::openCart('01HF7V7N1MG9SDFPQYWXDNHR9Q'); // <- ULID
$cart->quote()->decreaseQuote($product, 2);

Has Quote


use App\Models\Product;
use Basketin\Component\Cart\Facades\CartManagement;

$product = Product::first();

$cart = CartManagement::openCart('01HF7V7N1MG9SDFPQYWXDNHR9Q'); // <- ULID

Remove Quote


use App\Models\Product;
use Basketin\Component\Cart\Facades\CartManagement;

$product = Product::first();

$cart = CartManagement::openCart('01HF7V7N1MG9SDFPQYWXDNHR9Q'); // <- ULID

Get Cart


use Basketin\Component\Cart\Facades\CartManagement;

$cart = CartManagement::initCart('01HF7V7N1MG9SDFPQYWXDNHR9Q'); // <- ULID

Get Quotes


use Basketin\Component\Cart\Facades\CartManagement;

$cart = CartManagement::initCart('01HF7V7N1MG9SDFPQYWXDNHR9Q'); // <- ULID

Get Totals


use Basketin\Component\Cart\Facades\CartManagement;

$cart = CartManagement::initCart('01HF7V7N1MG9SDFPQYWXDNHR9Q'); // <- ULID
$totals = $cart->totals();

If you need to add a global discount to the cart you can use it.



Coupon model

You need to prepare a coupon model to inject into cart services

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Basketin\Component\Cart\Contracts\ICoupon;

class Coupon extends Model implements ICoupon
    protected $fillable = [

    public function discountType(): String
        return $this->discount_type;

    public function discountValue(): Int
        return $this->discount_value;

The discount type: fixed = CouponCalculate::FIXED | percent = CouponCalculate::PERCENT

To apply coupon code on cart:-

$coupon = Coupon::first();

And you can use $this->couponInfo() to get coupon info


You can create fields that contain a key and values for each shopping cart.

Set Field

return $cart->fields()->set('key', 'value');

Get Field

return $cart->fields()->get('key');


return $cart->fields()->remove('key');

Has Field

return $cart->fields()->has('key');


Thank you for considering contributing to this package! Be one of the Store team.


This package is an open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.