bam / php-publisher
PHP data publisher for BAM
- apache/log4php: 2.3.0
- packaged/thrift: 0.9.0
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-25 05:13:03 UTC
The PHP data publisher allows PHP clients to publish data to WSO2 Business Activity Monitor. The data can be published to predefined or custom set of data fields. The functionality of the PHP data publisher is analogous to the functionality of a custom java data publisher
The publisher uses Apache Thrift to publish data sent by the PHP client to the BAM server. The publisher exposes the client to operations such as defining data streams, searching stream definitions and publishing events.
Read more on data streams and publishing data to WSO2 BAM
- PHP 5.5.x or above
- WSO2 BAM 2.4.1 or above
- Apache log4php v2.3.0
- Apache Thrift v0.9
Getting Started
Installing the Publisher
The recommended way of installing the Publisher is via Composer.
The BAM PHP publisher is added to the Packagist archive. Therefore the publisher can be installed to a project by including it as a dependency in Composer.json
. When installing via Composer, log4php and thrift dependencies will be automatically installed to the project.
{ "require": { "omindu/php-publisher": "1.0.0" } }
Sample Publisher Client
$receiverURL = 'tcp://'; $authenticationURL = 'https://localhost:9443'; $username = 'admin'; $password = 'admin'; $verifyPeer = true; $caFile = '/absolute/path/to/certificate.pem'; try { //Set configuration properties for the publisher $config = new PublisherConfiguration($verifyPeer, $caFile); //Initializing a Publisher object $publisher = new Publisher($receiverURL, $username, $password, $authenticationURL, $config); //JSON formatted stream definition $streamDefinition = "{ 'name':'', " ."'version':'1.0.0', " ."'nickName':'Sample Saream Definition'," ."'description':'This is a description'," ."'metaData':[{'name':'metaField1','type':'STRING'}]," ."'correlationData':[{'name':'corrField1','type':'STRING'}]," ."'payloadData':[{'name':'payloadField1','type':'STRING'}," ."{'name':'payloadField2','type':'DOUBLE'}," ."{'name':'payloadField3','type':'STRING'}," ."{'name':'payloadField4','type':'INT'} ] }"; //Adding the strem definition to BAM $streamId = $publisher->defineStream($streamDefinition); //Searching a stream definition $streamId = $publisher->findStream( '', '1.0.0' ); //Initializing an Event object $event = new Event($streamId, time()); //Setting up event attributes. The of each array should follow the data type and order of the stream definiiton $metaData = ['meta1']; $correlationData = ['corr1']; $payloadData = ['pay1',pi(),'pay2',888]; $arbitraryDataMap = ['x'=>'arb1','y'=>'arb2']; //Adding the attributes to the Event object $event->setMetaData($metaData); $event->setCorrelationData($correlationData); $event->setPayloadData($payloadData); $event->setArbitraryDataMap($arbitraryDataMap); //Publish the event to BAM $publisher->publish($event); }catch(Exception $e){ //To see the exception types supported by the publisher, refer the API section print_r($e->getTrace()); }
class Publisher
function __construct($receiverURL, $username, $password, $authenticationURL) @param string $receiverURL @param string $username @param string $password @param string $authenticationURL - @default null function findStreamId($streamName, $streamVersion) @param string $streamName @param string $streamVersion @return string $streamId @throws NoStreamDefinitionExistException function defineStream($streamDefinision) @param string $streamDefinision @return string $streamId @throws StreamDefinitionException @throws DifferentStreamDefinitionAlreadyDefinedException @throws MalformedStreamDefinitionException function publish($event) @param Event $event @throws UnknownEventAttributeException
class PublisherConfiguration
function __construct($verifyPeer, $caFile) @param boolean $verifyPeer - @default false @param string $caFile - @default null @throws NullPointerException function setVerifyPeer($verifyPeer) @param boolean $verifyPeer function getVerifyPeer() @return boolean $verifyPeer function setCaFile($caFile) @param string $caFile function getCaFile() @return string $caFile
class Event
function __construct($streamId, $timeStamp, $metaData , $correlationData, $payloadData , $arbitraryDataMap) @param string $streamId - @default null @param string $timeStamp - @default null @param string $metaData - @default null @param array $correlationData - @default null @param array $payloadData - @default null @param array $arbitraryDataMap - @default null function getStreamId() @return string $streamId function setStreamId($streamId) @param string $streamId function getTimeStamp() @return long $timeStamp function setTimeStamp($timeStamp) @param long $timeStamp function getMetaData() @return array $metaData function setMetaData($metaData) @param array $metaData function getCorrelationData() @return array $correlationData function setCorrelationData($correlationData) @param array $correlationData function getPayloadData() @return array $payloadData function setPayloadData($payloadData) @param array $payloadData function getArbitraryDataMap() @return array $arbitraryDataMap function setArbitraryDataMap($arbitraryDataMap) @param array $arbitraryDataMap