baacode / json-browser
Helper library for working with JSON data
2018-02-28 08:12 UTC
- php: ^7.0
- ext-json: *
- ext-mbstring: *
- seld/jsonlint: ^1.0
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: ^6.0
- roave/security-advisories: dev-master
- sami/sami: ^4.0
- satooshi/php-coveralls: ^1.0
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: ^3.0
use JsonBrowser\JsonBrowser; // returns a new JsonBrowser, or throws an exception if the JSON syntax is invalid $browser = new JsonBrowser(); // load document as JSON string $browser->loadJSON($json); // attach to existing document $browser->attach($document); // check for child node $childExists = $browser->childExists('childName'); // get child node $child = $browser->getChild('childName'); $child = $browser->childName; // dynamic __get() alias // count child nodes $numChildren = count($browser); $numChildren = $browser->count(); // iterate through child nodes foreach ($browser as $childName => $childNode) { // $childName is the index key of the child // $childNode is another JsonBrowser object (equivalent to $browser->getChild($childName)) } // check for sibling node $siblingExists = $child->siblingExists('siblingName'); // get sibling node $child = $browser->getSibling('siblingName'); // get arbitrary node by path $node = $browser->getNodeAt('#/childName/grandchildName/4'); // get arbitrary node value by path $value = $browser->getValueAt('#/childName/grandchildName/4'); // set arbitrary node value by path $browser->setValueAt('#/childName/grandchildName/4', 'myValue') // delete arbitrary node value by path $browser->deleteValueAt('#/childName/grandchildName/4') // get root node $root = $node->getRoot(); // test whether a node is the root $nodeIsRoot = $node->isRoot(); // get parent node $parent = $node->getParent(); // get node value $value = $node->getValue(); $value = $parent->node; // __get() alias method when OPT_GET_VALUE is set // set node value $node->setValue('myValue'); $parent->node = 'myValue'; // __set() alias method // delete node value $node->deleteValue(); // get node type $type = $node->getType(); // check whether the node exists $nodeExists = $node->nodeExists(); // test whether the node is at least one of the given types $isType = $node->isType(JsonBrowser::TYPE_STRING | JsonBrowser::TYPE_NUMBER); // test whether the node is *not* any of the given types $isNotType = $node->isNotType(JsonBrowser::TYPE_NULL | JsonBrowser::TYPE_INTEGER); // test for equality $isEqual = $node->isEqualTo("myValue"); // get node path $path = $node->getPath(); // get JSON source for node $json = $node->getJSON(); // get a node as the root of a subtree $root = $node->asRoot(); // set named annotation on a node $node->setAnnotation('myAnnotation', 'myValue'); // append to existing values $node->setAnnotation('myOtherAnnotation', 'myOtherValue', true); // overwrite previous values // get latest value for a named annotation, or null if not set $annotation = $node->getAnnotation('myAnnotation'); // get array of values for a named annotation, empty array if not set $annotations = $node->getAnnotations('myAnnotation'); // get an associative array of all annotations on a node, empty array if none set $annotations = $node->getAnnotations();
Configuration Options
Comprehensive API documentation is available here.
To install via composer, use:
$ composer require baacode/json-browser
- PHP >= 7.0
- PHP's native JSON extension
- PHP's native mbstring extension
- seld/jsonlint >= 1.0