
Simple PHP library for dribbble

1.6.0 2017-08-13 08:27 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-22 21:44:43 UTC


Latest Stable Version Latest Unstable Version License

Simple php library for dribbble api


  1. Start
  2. Usage
  3. Author
  4. License



$ composer require axp-dev/dribbble-api


$token  = '...';
$client = new DribbbleApi($token);


Get a bucket

public function getBuckets($id) : array

List shots for a bucket

public function getBucketsShots($id) : array

Get a project

public function getProjects($id) : array

List shots for a project

public function getProjectsShots($id) : array

Get a shot

public function getShot($id) : array

List shots

public function getShots($params = []) : array

List attachments for a shot

public function getShotsAttachments($id) : array

List buckets for a shot

public function getShotsBuckets($id) : array

List comments for a shot

public function getShotsComments($id) : array

List the likes for a shot

public function getShotsLikes($id) : array

List projects for a shot

public function getShotsProjects($id) : array

List rebounds for a shot

public function getShotsRebounds($id) : array

List a teams members

public function getTeamsMembers($id) : array

List shots for a team

public function getTeamsShots($id) : array

Get a single user

public function getUsers($id) : array

List a users buckets

public function getUsersBuckets($id) : array

List followers of a user

public function getUsersFollowers($id) : array

List users followed by a user

public function getUsersFollowing($id) : array

List shot likes for a user

public function getUsersLikes($id) : array

List a users projects

public function getUsersProjects($id) : array

List shots for a user

public function getUsersShots($id) : array

List a users teams

public function getUsersTeams($id) : array

Show a job

public function getJobs($id) : array


Alexander Pushkarev, e-mail:


Open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license