
This Automad extension creates meta tags in templates. It also supports the Open Graph protocol to create beautiful preview cards for Facebook and Twitter.

1.1.3 2020-11-12 20:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-24 12:40:15 UTC


This extension creates a couple of meta tags for the <head></head> section in a template. It also supports the Open Graph protocol to create beautiful preview cards for Facebook and Twitter. The following meta tags are available:

  • charset="..."
  • name="viewport"
  • property="og:type"
  • property="og:url"
  • property="og:image"
  • property="og:title"
  • property="og:description"
  • name="description"
  • name="twitter:card"


The extension can be used in templates as follows:

<@ Automad/MetaTags { options } @>


The following options are available:


A full example for using this extension in the <head></head> section looks as follows:

<@ Automad/MetaTags { 
	description: @{ metaDescription | def(@{ text | stripTags }) },
	ogTitle: @{ ogTitle | def('@{ sitename } / @{ title }') },
	ogDescription: @{ ogDescription | def(@{ text | stripTags }) },
	ogType: 'website',
	ogImage: @{ ogImage | def('/shared/og*.png') }
} @>
<# Add some CSS or JS tags here ... #>