
API to communicate with the mainframe bot api easily

v1.0.7 2017-09-11 09:02 UTC


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A package to use the mainframe bot api easily

You can find the documentation of the mainframe API here.

If you find any bug or problem feel free to fork the project and make a PR. Or you can write me an email to

How to install it

With composer: composer require aubruz/mainframe-bot-api Add use Aubruz\Mainframe\MainframeClient; in your project.

How to use it

Create client

$mainframeClient = new MainframeClient($botSecret);

You can specify the API url if you want to use another one. The default one is "".

$mainframeClient = new MainframeClient($botSecret, '');

Send message

$mainframeClient->sendMessage($conversationID, 'Hello World!!');

Setup subscription

$mainframeClient->setupSubscription($subscriptionToken, $label);

Edit subscription

$mainframeClient->editSubscription($subscriptionToken, $label);

Delete subscription

$mainframeClient->deleteSubscription($conversationID, $subscriptionID);

You can add an optional message to post to the conversation (to explain the reason for removal)

$mainframeClient->deleteSubscription($conversationID, $subscriptionID, $message);


The mainframe-bot-api package uses guzzlehttp/guzzle to perform the requests. Each call returns a response object from that library. You can find the documentation here.

$response = mainframeClient->setupSubscription($subscriptionToken, $label);
$response = json_decode($response->getBody());
if($response->getStatusCode() === 200 && $response->success){
    // Do something