
Simple PHP framework for developing usage. Provide http request & response processing, router, resource building, and basic ORM supporting.

v1.0.11 2024-11-10 08:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-14 02:36:59 UTC


Simple PHP framework for developing usage. Provide http request & response processing, router, resource building, and basic ORM supporting.


Use composer

$ cd /your/web/root
$ composer require attokit/attobox

This will generate vendor folder in your website root.

These folders are required in your website root:

    /app        #different actions for your website
    /assets     #all static resources, e.g., images, js
    /library    #db, custom PHP Class files
    /page       #PHP pages need to show directly
    /record     #ORM Record Class files for each table
    /route      #routes file
        /Web.php    #basic route extended from base route

You also need these files in your website root:


.htaccess for Apache server, cause all http requests will go through index.php, so ...

# ./.htaccess

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteBase /

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [QSA,PT,L]

index.php is the web entrance. In this file, you need to require start.php of attobox framework.

# ./index.php

    //all init config goes here
    "WEB_PROTOCOL"  => "http",
    "WEB_DOMAIN"    => "localhost",
    "WEB_IP"        => "",
    "WEB_DOMAIN_AJAXALLOWED" => "localhost",

/route/Web.php is required. All your custom controllers must be defined as a public method of Class \Atto\Box\route\Web in this file.

# ./route/Web.php

namespace Atto\Box\route;

class Web extends Base
     * this will define a controller named index
     * @param Array $args URI array
     * if request url == https://your.domain/index/foo/bar
     * then $args = ["foo", "bar"]
    public function index(...$args)
        $rtn = [
            "hello" => "world"

        //default response type is html
        return "string";    //echo "string"
        return $rtn;        //echo "{'hello': 'world'}"

        //you can assign response type by using query string

        return "string";    //{error:false, errors:[], data:'string'}
        return $rtn;        //{error:false, errors:[], data: {hello: 'world'}}

        return $rtn;        //var_dump($rtn)

        return $rtn;        //echo "{hello:'world'}"

         * !!! Use return method
         * !!! Response::[method] is NOT Recommand

        //you can response a PHP page like using view
        //page file recommand in /page, but you can put it anywhere
        $page = path_find("page/someView.php");
        Response::page($page, [
            //you can access these params in view page
            "rtn" => $rtn,

        //you can response a code

        //other response usage such as headers, 
        //you can check the Response Class in 
        // vendor/attokit/attobox/src/Response.php

Now you can request your website like https://your.domain/index.



Each /app/[appname] folder require a PHP Class file Appname.php. Must extended from \Atto\Box\App. And the directory structure of each /app/[appname] would be like:


Basicly, each app can be treated as vhost. The usage of these folders are same to the folders in the website root.

/app/appname/Appname.php must extends from Atto\Box\App, each public method of this Class can be requested as controller like https://your.domain/appname[/method]

# ./app/appname/Appname.php

namespace Atto\Box\App;

use Atto\Box\App;

class Appname extends App
    //default route(controller)
    public function defaultRoute(...$args)
        return "appname/indexController";

    //custom route(controller)
    public function foobar(...$args)
        return "appname/customController";


All static resources should be stored here. Such as images, js, css, etc. You can makeup whatever folders you like.

The default resource route is src, you can request any resource that stored in assets folder. If you have a image file /assets/image/img01.jpg, then you can request it like https://your.domain/src/image/img01.jpg. You also can adjust the image a little bit by using query string like https://your.domain/src/image/img01.jpg?thumb=128,128.

You can checkout all Mimes that supported by attobox in vendor/attokit/attobox/src/modules/resource.


You can create your own Class here. Require namespace Atto\Box. If this folder is in /app/appname, namespace should be Atto\Box\App\appname.


Simple PHP page can export directly. Can request like https://your.domain/page/pagename, if in app folder request like https://your.domain/appname/page/pagename.


See ORM Support.


Custom route Class file. Public method can be request as controller.

Special route file Web.php Dbm.php Src.php Uac.php, cannot use these file names.

ORM Support

Attobox provide simple ORM support. Only for personal dev usage, this framework recommand using sqlite3 for database actions.

Sqlite file must stored in /library/db or /app/appname/library/db, for advanced usage, you also need to create some config params in [/app/appname]/library/db/config/dbname.json, the sample of this config json file can be found in vendor/attokit/attobox/src/db/config_sample.json.

Record Class must create in [/app/appname]/record/dbname/Tablename.php, must extends from Atto\Box\Record. RecordSet Class must defined in same php file with Record Class. Record Object is based on table row, RecordSet contains Record Objects, and it can be used as a iterator, each item is a Record Object, result would be an indexed array.

Record Class file like :

# ./record/usr/Usr.php

namespace Atto\Box\record;

use Atto\Box\Record;
use Atto\Box\RecordSet;

use Atto\Box\Counter;

class Usr extends Record
    //generator method for auto increment ids
    //this method only triggered before insert
    public function __generateUid()
        //create uid
        //use Counter in vendor/attokit/attobox/src/modules/Counter
        $uidx = Counter::auto("usr_usr_uid");
        $uidx = str_pad($uidx, 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
        $uid = "U".$uidx;
        return $uid;

    //automatically process before/after insert/update/delete
    protected function beforeInsert() {return $this;}
    protected function afterInsert($result) {return $this;}
    protected function beforeUpdate() {return $this;}
    protected function afterUpdate($result) {return $this;}

class UsrSet extends RecordSet
    //custom methods
    public function disabled()
        //disabled all usrs in usrset
        $this->setField("enable", 0);
        return $this;


Use catfan/Medoo as db driver.

Common CURD method samples like :

use Atto\Box\route\Base;
use Atto\Box\Db;
use Atto\Box\db\Table;
use Atto\Box\record\Usr;

class SomeRoute extends Base
    public function dbtest()
        $usrdb = Db::load("sqlite:usr");
        $usrtb = $usrdb->table("usr");
        $usrtb = Table::load("usr/usr");

        //get recordset
        $usrs = $usrtb->whereEnable(1)->whereName("~","jack")->limit(10)->select();
        $usrs = $usrtb->query->apply([
            "where" => [
                "enable" => 1,
                "name[~]" => "jack",    //LIKE '%jack%'
            "limit" => 10

        //get record
        $usr = $usrtb->whereUid("123")->single();

        //read record field value as property
        $uname = $usr->context["name"];
        $uname = $usr->name;
        $unames = $usrset->name;    //[uname, uname, ...]
        $extra = $usr->extra;       //json to array

        //iterate recordset
        for ($i=0;$i<count($usrs);$i++) {
        $rst = [];
        $usrs->each(function($usr) use (&$rst){

        //export record object to associate array
        $usrinfo = $usr->export(
            "show",     //export type: ctx, db, form, show, table
            true,       //auto calc virtual field, defined in config.json
            true,       //auto query related table record, defined in config.json

        //edit record
        $usr->setField("fieldname", "value");
        //edit recordset multiple edit records
            "field1" => "val1",
            "field2" => "val2",
            "field3" => [
                "jsonkey" => "jsonval"
        ], true);   //if contains json field, need be true

        //insert new record
        $newusr = $usrtb->new([
            //init record data
            //record data

        //delete, will automatically trigger before/afterDelete()