
Maintenance bundle for Symfony 4

dev-master 2021-03-28 10:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-26 22:03:07 UTC


Build Status

The maintenance bundle helps managing software maintenance.

What this bundle for ?

Use this bundle to enable/disable maintenance and manage options.

Getting Started

$ composer require atournayre/maintenance-bundle


Enable the bundle

# config/bundles.php
return [
    // ...
    Atournayre\MaintenanceBundle\AtournayreMaintenanceBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    // ...

Configure .env

# .env / .env.local.php
return array (
  // ...
  // MAINTENANCE_IS_ENABLED : true / false
  // MAINTENANCE_START_DATETIME : "2021-03-25 00:00:00" / "2021-03-25"
  'MAINTENANCE_START_DATETIME' => "2021-03-25 00:00:00",
  // ...

Add configuration to services.yaml

# config/services.yaml
  atournayre_maintenance.is_enabled: '%env(MAINTENANCE_IS_ENABLED)%'
  atournayre_maintenance.start_date_time: '%env(MAINTENANCE_START_DATETIME)%'
  atournayre_maintenance.authorized_ips: '%env(MAINTENANCE_AUTHORIZED_IPS)%'

Overriding templates

Using Symfony 4.4.* ?

$ mkdir -p templates/bundles/AtournayreMaintenanceBundle
$ cp -r vendor/atournayre/maintenance-bundle/Resources/views/. templates/bundles/AtournayreMaintenanceBundle

Templates are now ready for customization!


Schedule maintenance

Use command below to add maintenance in the future.

$ php bin/console maintenance --start="2021-01-01 12:00:00"


Use command below to enable maintenance.

$ php bin/console maintenance --enable


Use command below to disable maintenance.

$ php bin/console maintenance --disable

Add authorized IP

If you want your application to be under maintenance except for specific IPs, use command below.

Works for IPv4 and IPv6.

$ php bin/console maintenance --add-ip=""

Clean IPs

Use command below to reset authorized IPs.

$ php bin/console maintenance --clean-ips

Dump IPs

Don't remember which IPs are authorized ?

Use command below to dump authorized IPs.

$ php bin/console maintenance --dump-ips


Use command below to view maintenance configuration.

$ php bin/console maintenance --debug


You can use multiple instructions at once.

$ php bin/console maintenance --enable --clean-ips --add-ip=""

In this example, maintenance will be enabled, old authorized IPs will be reset and a new one will be added.