
v1.0.6 2021-04-08 06:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 19:19:58 UTC


Software License Latest Version on Packagist

The Laravel RPX package is meant to integrate your Application with RPX Courier API. For clearer and more complete documentation, please visit the official website API PPX


This package provides tools for the following, and more:

  • Public Customer
  • Customer Account Number


You can install the package via composer.

composer require aslam/laravel-rpx


To get started. you should publish the config/rpx.php config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Aslam\Rpx\Providers\RpxServiceProvider"


The API method returns an instance of \Aslam\Response\Response, which provides a variety of methods that may be used to inspect the response:

method()->body() : string;
method()->toJson() : array|mixed;
method()->collect() : "\Illuminate\Support\Collection";
method()->status() : int;
method()->ok() : bool;
method()->successful() : bool;
method()->failed() : bool;
method()->serverError() : bool;
method()->clientError() : bool;
method()->header($header) : string;
method()->headers() : array;


Public Customer

 * Get all province
$getProvince = rpx()->getProvince()->toJson();

 * Get city
 * @param string|null $province
$getCity = rpx()->getCity()->toJson();

$getService = rpx()->getService()->toJson();

$getOrigin = rpx()->getOrigin()->toJson();

$getDestination = rpx()->getDestination()->toJson();

 * @param string origin
 * @param string destination
 * @param string|null service type
 * @param string|float|null weight
 * @param string|float|null discount
$getRates = rpx()->getRates('JAK', 'DPS', 'PSR', '1', '50')->toJson();

 * @param string origin postal code
 * @param string destination postal code
 * @param string|null service type
 * @param string|float|null weight
 * @param string|float|null discount
$getRatesPostalCode = rpx()->getRatesPostalCode('12310', '12310')->toJson();

 * @param string awb
$getTrackingAWB = rpx()->getTrackingAWB('100055295410')->toJson();

 * @param string|null city_id
 * @param string|null cod area
 * @param string|null service type
$getPostalCode = rpx()->getPostalCode('JAK', null, 'RGP')->toJson();

 * @param string awb
$getAWBbyReference = rpx()->getAWBbyReference('123456789')->toJson();

Customer Account Number

 * @param string trackdate from
 * @param string trackdate to
$getRevenue = rpx()->withAccountNumber('234098705')->getRevenue('2018-01-01', '2018-02-01')->toJson();

 * @param string service type
 * @param string origin
 * @param string destination
 * @param float|null weight
 * @param float|null disc
$getCustumerRates = rpx()->getCustumerRates(null, 'JAK', 'JAK', 1, 20)->toJson();

$sendShipmentData = rpx()->sendShipmentData([
    'awb' => '',
    'package_id' => '56849',
    'order_type' => 'MP',
    'order_number' => '101010',
    'service_type_id' => 'RGP',
    'shipper_account' => '234098705',
    'shipper_name' => 'Mahkotababy',
    'shipper_company' => 'Mahkotababy',
    'shipper_address1' => 'Jl. RS Fatmawati No. 17',
    'shipper_address2' => '',
    'shipper_kelurahan' => 'Kemayoran',
    'shipper_kecamatan' => 'Gandaria Selatan',
    'shipper_city' => 'CILANDAK',
    'shipper_state' => 'DKI Jakarta',
    'shipper_zip' => '12420',
    'shipper_phone' => '+6285314855952',
    'identity_no' => '',
    'shipper_mobile_no' => '+6281297773820',
    'shipper_email' => '',
    'consignee_account' => '',
    'consignee_name' => 'dedeh',
    'consignee_company' => '',
    'consignee_address1' => 'apotek marga mulyaAlamat kp pasarRtx2Frw 0502 Dssindangkerta',
    'consignee_address2' => '',
    'consignee_kelurahan' => 'Sukamaju',
    'consignee_kecamatan' => 'PAGELARAN',
    'consignee_city' => 'Cianjur',
    'consignee_state' => 'Jawa Barat',
    'consignee_zip' => '43266',
    'consignee_phone' => '+6285314855952',
    'consignee_mobile_no' => '6285314855952',
    'consignee_email' => '',
    'desc_of_goods' => 'Oblong panjang isi 4 9-12bln kode 3',
    'tot_package' => '1',
    'actual_weight' => '1',
    'tot_weight' => '1',
    'tot_declare_value' => '1',
    'tot_dimensi' => '1',
    'flag_mp_spec_handling' => 'N',
    'insurance' => 'N',
    'surcharge' => 'N',
    'high_value' => 'N',
    'high_docs' => 'N',
    'electronic' => 'N',
    'flag_dangerous_goods' => 'N',
    'flag_birdnest' => 'N',
    'declare_value' => '91500',
    'dest_store_id' => '',
    'dest_dc_id' => '',
    'widhtx' => '',
    'lengthx' => '',
    'heightx' => '',
    'flight_date' => '',
    'flight_no' => '',
    'remarks' => 'TEST API jangan Dipuckup',