ashraam / ipaidthat-php
IPaidThat PHP Api connector
- php: ^7.3
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^7.3
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9.5
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-01 00:48:55 UTC
A PHP wrapper for IPaidThat's API (V2).
You can manage customers, invoices, invoice's items.
Table of contents
- IPaidThat-PHP
- Table of contents
- Installation
- Usage
- List or filter customers
- Get a customer
- Create a customer
- Update a customer
- Delete a customer
- List or filter invoices
- Get an invoice
- Create an invoice
- Update an invoice
- Download an invoice
- Validate an invoice
- Delete an invoice
- List or filter invoice items
- Get an invoice item
- Add an item to an invoice
- Update an invoice item
- delete an invoice item
- Contributing
- License
Using composer
composer require ashraam/ipaidthat-php
List or filter customers
This method returns an array of customers
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat; $api = new Ipaidthat('your_token'); $customers = $api->customers()->list(); // With filters $customers = $api->customers()->list([ 'last_name' => 'Doe', 'email' => '' ]);
Available filters: external_id, name, last_name, first_name, email, siren
Please refer to the official documentation for more informations about types and requirements.
Get a customer
This methods returns a customer
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat; $api = new Ipaidthat('your_token'); $customers = $api->customers()->get(123);
Create a customer
this methods returns the newly created customer
The method only accept an instance of Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Entity\Customer
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat; use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Entity\Customer; $api = new Ipaidthat('your_token'); $customer = $api->customers()->create(new Customer([ 'external_id' => 'string', 'name' => 'string', 'first_name' => 'string', 'last_name' => 'string', 'siren' => 'string', 'vat' => 'string', 'address' => 'string', 'email' => 'string', 'phone' => 'phone', 'extra' => 'string' ]));
Update a customer
this methods returns the updated customer
The method only accept an instance of Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Entity\Customer
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat; use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Entity\Customer; $api = new Ipaidthat('your_token'); $customer = $api->customers()->get(123); $customer->first_name = 'Chuck'; $customer->last_name = 'Norris'; $customer = $api->customers()->update($customer);
Delete a customer
This methods returns an empty response
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat; $api = new Ipaidthat('your_token'); $api->customers()->delete(123);
List or filter invoices
This methods returns an array of invoices
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat; $api = new Ipaidthat('your_token'); $invoices = $api->invoices()->list(); // With filters $invoices = $api->invoices()->list([ 'issue_date' => '2021-01-25', 'customer_id' => 123 ])
Available filters : external_id, type, status, issue_date, number, generated_number, due_date, sent, customer_id, sender_id, customer, sender.
Please refer to the official documentation for more informations about types and requirements.
Get an invoice
This methods returns an invoice by it's ID (without items)
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat; $api = new Ipaidthat('your_token'); $invoice = $api->invoices()->get(750);
Create an invoice
This methods returns the newly created invoice
The method only accept an instance of Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Entity\Invoice
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat; $api = new Ipaidthat('your_token'); $invoice = $api->invoices()->create(new Invoice([ 'external_id' => 'string, nullable', 'issue_date' => 'Y-m-d', 'type' => 'invoice|quote|order|credit|other', 'due_date' => 'Y-m-d', 'shipping' => 10.5, 'c_field_name_1' => 'string', 'c_field_value_1' => 'string', 'c_field_name_2' => 'string', 'c_field_value_2' => 'string', 'sender' => 'integer, nullable', 'customer' => 'interger, nullable', 'multi_page' => 'boolean', 'status' => 'draft|updating|not paid|paid', 'paid' => 'boolean' ]));
Update an invoice
This methods returns the updated invoice
The method only accept an instance of Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Entity\Invoice
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat; $api = new Ipaidthat('your_token'); $invoice = $api->invoices()->get(123); $invoice->due_date = '2021-12-15'; $invoice->multi_page = true; $invoice = $api->invoices()->update($invoice);
Download an invoice
This methods returns the string raw content of the PDF
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat; $api = new Ipaidthat('your_token'); $contents = $api->invoices()->download(123); file_put_contents('invoice.pdf', $contents);
Validate an invoice
This methods validate an invoice,
if the second parameter is set to true the invoice will be sent to the customer email address (default set to false
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat; $api = new Ipaidthat('your_token'); $invoice = $api->invoices()->validate(123, true);
Delete an invoice
This methods returns an empty response
Validated document can't be delete
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat; $api = new Ipaidthat('your_token'); $api->invoices()->delete(123);
List or filter invoice items
This methods returns an array of InvoiceItem
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat; $api = new Ipaidthat('your_token'); $items = $api->invoiceItems()->list(); // With filters $items = $api->invoiceItems()->list([ 'invoice_id' => 13255 ]);
Available filters: invoice_id, name, additionnal_info, invoice
Get an invoice item
This methods returns the item by it's ID
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat; $api = new Ipaidthat('your_token'); $item = $api->invoiceItems()->get(455874);
Add an item to an invoice
This methods returns the newly created item
The method only accept an instance of Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Entity\InvoiceItem
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat; $api = new Ipaidthat('your_token'); $item = $api->invoiceItems()->create(new InvoiceItem([ 'invoice' => $invoice_id, // Required 'name' => 'name', // Required 'unit_price' => 12.15 // Required 'quantity' => 1, 'tax_percent' => 20, 'discount_percent' => 5, 'additionnal_info' => '', 'position' => 1 ]));
Update an invoice item
This methods returns the updated item
The method only accept an instance of Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Entity\InvoiceItem
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat; $api = new Ipaidthat('your_token'); $item = $api->invoiceItems()->get(455874); $item->name = 'Edited name'; $item->quantity = 6; $item = $api->invoiceItems()->update($item);
delete an invoice item
This methods returns an empty response
use Ashraam\IpaidthatPhp\Ipaidthat; $api = new Ipaidthat('your_token'); $api->invoiceItems()->delete(455874);
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.