
Arobases transporter label generation plugin for sylius




Step 1: Download the plugin

composer require arobases/sylius-transporter-label-generation-plugin

Step 2: Enable the plugin

# config/bundles.php

return [
    Arobases\SyliusTransporterLabelGenerationPlugin\ArobasesSyliusTransporterLabelGenerationPlugin::class => ['all' => true],

Step 3: Import Routes

# config/routes.yaml
    resource: "@ArobasesSyliusTransporterLabelGenerationPlugin/Resources/config/admin_routing.yml"
    prefix: /admin

Step 4: Import config

# config/packages/arobases_sylius_transporter_label_generation.yaml
  - { resource: "@ArobasesSyliusTransporterLabelGenerationPlugin/Resources/config/resources.yaml" }

Step 5: Include Traits

override Shipment entity to include TransporterTrait

# Entity/Shipping/Shipment.php

 * @ORM\Entity
 * @ORM\Table(name="sylius_shipment")
class Shipment extends BaseShipment {
    use TransporterTrait;

override Address entity to include PickupPointTrait

# Entity/Addressing/Address.php

 * @ORM\Entity
 * @ORM\Table(name="sylius_address")
class Address extends BaseAddress
    use PickupPointTrait;

override Product entity to include HsCodeTrait and add the field to your form

# Entity/Product/Product.php

 * @ORM\Entity
 * @ORM\Table(name="sylius_product")
class Product extends BaseProduct {
    use HsCodeTrait;
# Form/Extension/Product/ProductTypeExtension.php

->add('hsCode', TextType::class,[
        'label' => "arobases_sylius_transporter_label_generation_plugin.form.product.hs_code",
        'required' => false
# Product/Tab/_details.html.twig

{{ form_row(form.hsCode) }}

override OrderRepository or add it 'findByShipment'

# OrderRepository.php

public function findByShipment($transporterId): QueryBuilder
  $qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('o')
    ->leftJoin('o.shipments', 'shipment')
    ->leftJoin('shipment.transporter', 'transporter')
    ->andWhere(' = :transporterId')
    ->andWhere('o.shippingState IN (:shippingState)')
    ->andWhere('o.paymentState IN (:paymentState)')
    ->setParameter('transporterId', $transporterId)
    ->setParameter('shippingState', ["ready", "shipped", "in_preparation"])
    ->setParameter('paymentState', ["paid"])
    return $qb;

Step 6: Update database

bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate

Don't forget to run those commands to generate your files

bin/console asset:install
bin/console sylius:theme:asset:install

How it works

!!! think to allow file writting for label generation (public/upload/label/colissimo) !!!

Add a transporter

As things stand, you can add only Colissimo transporter. To add another one, override TransporterType and add more choices :

# TransporterType.php

->add('name', ChoiceType::class, [
                'label' => '',
                'choices' => [
                    'Colissimo' => 'colissimo',
                    'another transporter' => 'another_transporter'

Create another connector service to looks like ColissimoRequest service and complete OrderLabelController.php to handle others transporters.