
Extra support classes and functions for making it easier to work with PHP

v1.2 2021-02-24 11:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-24 19:11:42 UTC


This package contains extra support classes and functions for making it easier to work with PHP. It implements some features which are missing from PHP but which are commonly required, for instance array and path manipulation.

Latest Stable Version Minimum PHP Version

All classes are placed under the namespace Aplia\Support, for instance:

use Aplia\Support\Arr;

Arr::get($array, 'key');


Install with Composer:

composer require aplia/support


Various functionality for working with arrays. These are mostly taken from the Laravel framework and placed in this repository to avoid extra dependencies.


use Aplia\Support\Arr;

$array = ['products' => ['desk' => ['price' => 100]]];

$price = Arr::get($array, 'products.desk.price');

// 100

A typical use case is to support keyword arguments to a function by passing an array as a parameter. Arr::get can then be used to easily fetch a parameter if it is set or use a default value.

use Aplia\Support\Arr;

function search($query, $params = null)
    $limit = Arr::get($params, 'limit');
    $fields = Arr::get($params, 'fields', 1);
    // ...


Path manipulation such as joining multiple files/dir names into one path.

Path::join(['var', 'storage']);
// "var/storage"
// ""
// Using a root
Path::join(['var', 'storage'], '/var/www');
// "/var/www/var/storage"
Path::make('vendor', 'composer');
// "vendor/composer"


Adapts the PSR logger interface to eZ debug, add this as a handler to any PSR log. If the class eZDebug exists it will pass log messages along.


Enforces a variable to a simple value, closures are called to get the real value.

use Aplia\Support\Val;

// Any regular value is simply returned
Val::value(5) === 5;

// Closures are called to fetch the actual value
Val::value(function () {
    return 5;
}) === 5;


Available since: 1.1

A trait which makes it easier to create classes with virtual properties.

Virtual properties are properties that doesn't exist on the object but are bound to a function that gets called when the property name is accessed on the object. This is all done using the PHP magic methods __get(), __isset(), __set() and __unset().

If the class extends a base class and that class also implements __isset() etc. VirtualProperties will make sure they are called as part of the checks.

If __baseProperties() exists it will use this to add in extra properties when __properties() is called.

Property lookup is strict by default and will throw PropertyError for missing properties in __get(), to disable strictness reimplement the method __requireProperties() and make it return false.

Example of a class using all functionality, it will have the following properties:

  • name - regular
  • id - virtual and read-only
  • version - virtual
  • code - virtual and cached
 * @property-read string $id
 * @property string $version
 * @property string $code
class Topic
    use \Aplia\Support\Traits\VirtualProperties;

    public $name;
    protected $_id;
    protected $_version;

    public function __construct($id, $version, $name)
        $this->_id = $id;
        $this->_version = $version;
        $this->name = $name;
    public function cachedCode()
        return $this->version !== null ? ($this->_id . '-' . $this->version) : $this->_id;
    public function propId($id)
        return $this->_id;
    public function propVersion()
        return $this->_version;

    public function setpropVersion($version)
        $this->_version = $version;
    public function unsetpropVersion()
        $this->_version = null;

$t = new Topic('english', '1', 'foo');
$t->name; // returns 'foo' (regular property)
$t->id; // returns 'english'
$t->id = 'greek'; // *id* is read-only so this fails
$t->version; // returns '1'
$t->code; // returns 'english-1'
$t->version = '2';
$t->code; // returns 'english-2'
$t->code; // returns 'english'


Available since: 1.1

A trait which gives the class support for eZ publish template attributes.

By using this trait the classes will allow instances to be used in eZ publish templates. The attributes will map to the existing properties or virtual properties on the class.

Works best when combined with VirtualPropertes.


The helper library is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.