api2cart / api2cart-php-sdk
2025-01-09 11:24 UTC
- php: >=5.5
- ext-curl: *
- ext-dom: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-mbstring: *
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer: *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: *
- phpunit/phpunit: *
Requires (Dev)
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-09 11:40:59 UTC
- API version: 1.1
PHP 5.6 and above
Installation & Usage
composer require api2cart/api2cart-php-sdk
Documentation For Authorization
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: api_key
- Location: URL query string
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: store_key
- Location: URL query string
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to https://api.api2cart.com/v1.1
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccountApi | accountCartAdd | POST /account.cart.add.json | |
AccountApi | accountCartList | GET /account.cart.list.json | |
AccountApi | accountConfigUpdate | PUT /account.config.update.json | |
AccountApi | accountFailedWebhooks | GET /account.failed_webhooks.json | |
AccountApi | accountSupportedPlatforms | GET /account.supported_platforms.json | |
AttributeApi | attributeAdd | POST /attribute.add.json | |
AttributeApi | attributeAssignGroup | POST /attribute.assign.group.json | |
AttributeApi | attributeAssignSet | POST /attribute.assign.set.json | |
AttributeApi | attributeAttributesetList | GET /attribute.attributeset.list.json | |
AttributeApi | attributeCount | GET /attribute.count.json | |
AttributeApi | attributeDelete | DELETE /attribute.delete.json | |
AttributeApi | attributeGroupList | GET /attribute.group.list.json | |
AttributeApi | attributeInfo | GET /attribute.info.json | |
AttributeApi | attributeList | GET /attribute.list.json | |
AttributeApi | attributeTypeList | GET /attribute.type.list.json | |
AttributeApi | attributeUnassignGroup | POST /attribute.unassign.group.json | |
AttributeApi | attributeUnassignSet | POST /attribute.unassign.set.json | |
BasketApi | basketInfo | GET /basket.info.json | |
BasketApi | basketItemAdd | POST /basket.item.add.json | |
BasketApi | basketLiveShippingServiceCreate | POST /basket.live_shipping_service.create.json | |
BasketApi | basketLiveShippingServiceDelete | DELETE /basket.live_shipping_service.delete.json | |
BasketApi | basketLiveShippingServiceList | GET /basket.live_shipping_service.list.json | |
BridgeApi | bridgeDelete | POST /bridge.delete.json | |
BridgeApi | bridgeUpdate | POST /bridge.update.json | |
CartApi | bridgeDownload | GET /bridge.download.file | |
CartApi | cartBridge | GET /cart.bridge.json | |
CartApi | cartClearCache | POST /cart.clear_cache.json | |
CartApi | cartConfig | GET /cart.config.json | |
CartApi | cartConfigUpdate | PUT /cart.config.update.json | |
CartApi | cartCouponAdd | POST /cart.coupon.add.json | |
CartApi | cartCouponConditionAdd | POST /cart.coupon.condition.add.json | |
CartApi | cartCouponCount | GET /cart.coupon.count.json | |
CartApi | cartCouponDelete | DELETE /cart.coupon.delete.json | |
CartApi | cartCouponList | GET /cart.coupon.list.json | |
CartApi | cartCreate | POST /cart.create.json | |
CartApi | cartDelete | DELETE /cart.delete.json | |
CartApi | cartDisconnect | GET /cart.disconnect.json | |
CartApi | cartGiftcardAdd | POST /cart.giftcard.add.json | |
CartApi | cartGiftcardCount | GET /cart.giftcard.count.json | |
CartApi | cartGiftcardList | GET /cart.giftcard.list.json | |
CartApi | cartInfo | GET /cart.info.json | |
CartApi | cartList | GET /cart.list.json | |
CartApi | cartMethods | GET /cart.methods.json | |
CartApi | cartPluginList | GET /cart.plugin.list.json | |
CartApi | cartScriptAdd | POST /cart.script.add.json | |
CartApi | cartScriptDelete | DELETE /cart.script.delete.json | |
CartApi | cartScriptList | GET /cart.script.list.json | |
CartApi | cartShippingZonesList | GET /cart.shipping_zones.list.json | |
CartApi | cartValidate | GET /cart.validate.json | |
CategoryApi | categoryAdd | POST /category.add.json | |
CategoryApi | categoryAssign | POST /category.assign.json | |
CategoryApi | categoryCount | GET /category.count.json | |
CategoryApi | categoryDelete | DELETE /category.delete.json | |
CategoryApi | categoryFind | GET /category.find.json | |
CategoryApi | categoryImageAdd | POST /category.image.add.json | |
CategoryApi | categoryImageDelete | DELETE /category.image.delete.json | |
CategoryApi | categoryInfo | GET /category.info.json | |
CategoryApi | categoryList | GET /category.list.json | |
CategoryApi | categoryUnassign | POST /category.unassign.json | |
CategoryApi | categoryUpdate | PUT /category.update.json | |
CustomerApi | customerAdd | POST /customer.add.json | |
CustomerApi | customerCount | GET /customer.count.json | |
CustomerApi | customerFind | GET /customer.find.json | |
CustomerApi | customerGroupAdd | POST /customer.group.add.json | |
CustomerApi | customerGroupList | GET /customer.group.list.json | |
CustomerApi | customerInfo | GET /customer.info.json | |
CustomerApi | customerList | GET /customer.list.json | |
OrderApi | orderAbandonedList | GET /order.abandoned.list.json | |
OrderApi | orderAdd | POST /order.add.json | |
OrderApi | orderCount | GET /order.count.json | |
OrderApi | orderFinancialStatusList | GET /order.financial_status.list.json | |
OrderApi | orderFind | GET /order.find.json | |
OrderApi | orderInfo | GET /order.info.json | |
OrderApi | orderList | GET /order.list.json | |
OrderApi | orderRefundAdd | POST /order.refund.add.json | |
OrderApi | orderShipmentAdd | POST /order.shipment.add.json | |
OrderApi | orderShipmentList | GET /order.shipment.list.json | |
OrderApi | orderShipmentTrackingAdd | POST /order.shipment.tracking.add.json | |
OrderApi | orderShipmentUpdate | PUT /order.shipment.update.json | |
OrderApi | orderStatusList | GET /order.status.list.json | |
OrderApi | orderUpdate | PUT /order.update.json | |
ProductApi | productAdd | POST /product.add.json | |
ProductApi | productAttributeList | GET /product.attribute.list.json | |
ProductApi | productAttributeValueSet | POST /product.attribute.value.set.json | |
ProductApi | productAttributeValueUnset | POST /product.attribute.value.unset.json | |
ProductApi | productBrandList | GET /product.brand.list.json | |
ProductApi | productChildItemFind | GET /product.child_item.find.json | |
ProductApi | productChildItemInfo | GET /product.child_item.info.json | |
ProductApi | productChildItemList | GET /product.child_item.list.json | |
ProductApi | productCount | GET /product.count.json | |
ProductApi | productCurrencyAdd | POST /product.currency.add.json | |
ProductApi | productCurrencyList | GET /product.currency.list.json | |
ProductApi | productDelete | DELETE /product.delete.json | |
ProductApi | productFields | GET /product.fields.json | |
ProductApi | productFind | GET /product.find.json | |
ProductApi | productImageAdd | POST /product.image.add.json | |
ProductApi | productImageDelete | DELETE /product.image.delete.json | |
ProductApi | productImageUpdate | PUT /product.image.update.json | |
ProductApi | productInfo | GET /product.info.json | |
ProductApi | productList | GET /product.list.json | |
ProductApi | productManufacturerAdd | POST /product.manufacturer.add.json | |
ProductApi | productOptionAdd | POST /product.option.add.json | |
ProductApi | productOptionAssign | POST /product.option.assign.json | |
ProductApi | productOptionList | GET /product.option.list.json | |
ProductApi | productOptionValueAdd | POST /product.option.value.add.json | |
ProductApi | productOptionValueAssign | POST /product.option.value.assign.json | |
ProductApi | productOptionValueUpdate | PUT /product.option.value.update.json | |
ProductApi | productPriceAdd | POST /product.price.add.json | |
ProductApi | productPriceDelete | DELETE /product.price.delete.json | |
ProductApi | productPriceUpdate | PUT /product.price.update.json | |
ProductApi | productReviewList | GET /product.review.list.json | |
ProductApi | productStoreAssign | POST /product.store.assign.json | |
ProductApi | productTaxAdd | POST /product.tax.add.json | |
ProductApi | productUpdate | PUT /product.update.json | |
ProductApi | productVariantAdd | POST /product.variant.add.json | |
ProductApi | productVariantCount | GET /product.variant.count.json | |
ProductApi | productVariantDelete | DELETE /product.variant.delete.json | |
ProductApi | productVariantInfo | GET /product.variant.info.json | |
ProductApi | productVariantList | GET /product.variant.list.json | |
ProductApi | productVariantPriceAdd | POST /product.variant.price.add.json | |
ProductApi | productVariantPriceDelete | DELETE /product.variant.price.delete.json | |
ProductApi | productVariantPriceUpdate | PUT /product.variant.price.update.json | |
ProductApi | productVariantUpdate | PUT /product.variant.update.json | |
SubscriberApi | subscriberList | GET /subscriber.list.json | |
TaxApi | taxClassInfo | GET /tax.class.info.json | |
WebhookApi | webhookCount | GET /webhook.count.json | |
WebhookApi | webhookCreate | POST /webhook.create.json | |
WebhookApi | webhookDelete | DELETE /webhook.delete.json | |
WebhookApi | webhookEvents | GET /webhook.events.json | |
WebhookApi | webhookList | GET /webhook.list.json | |
WebhookApi | webhookUpdate | PUT /webhook.update.json |
Documentation For Models
- A2CDateTime
- BaseCustomer
- Basket
- BasketItem
- BasketItemOption
- BasketLiveShippingService
- Brand
- Carrier
- Cart
- CartConfigUpdate
- CartCouponAdd
- CartShippingZone
- CartStoreInfo
- CartWarehouse
- Category
- Child
- ChildCombination
- Country
- Coupon
- CouponAction
- CouponCode
- CouponCondition
- CouponHistory
- Currency
- Customer
- CustomerAdd
- CustomerAddAddress
- CustomerAddress
- CustomerGroup
- GiftCard
- Image
- Info
- InlineResponse200
- InlineResponse2001
- InlineResponse20010
- InlineResponse20010Result
- InlineResponse20011
- InlineResponse20011Result
- InlineResponse20012
- InlineResponse20012Result
- InlineResponse20013
- InlineResponse20013Result
- InlineResponse20014
- InlineResponse20015
- InlineResponse20015Result
- InlineResponse20016
- InlineResponse20016Result
- InlineResponse20017
- InlineResponse20017Result
- InlineResponse20018
- InlineResponse20018Result
- InlineResponse20019
- InlineResponse20019Result
- InlineResponse2001Result
- InlineResponse2002
- InlineResponse20020
- InlineResponse20020Result
- InlineResponse20021
- InlineResponse20021Result
- InlineResponse20022
- InlineResponse20023
- InlineResponse20023Result
- InlineResponse20024
- InlineResponse20024Result
- InlineResponse20025
- InlineResponse20026
- InlineResponse20026Result
- InlineResponse20026ResultCarts
- InlineResponse20027
- InlineResponse20027Result
- InlineResponse20028
- InlineResponse20028Result
- InlineResponse20028ResultWebhook
- InlineResponse20029
- InlineResponse20029Result
- InlineResponse2002Result
- InlineResponse2003
- InlineResponse20030
- InlineResponse20030Result
- InlineResponse20031
- InlineResponse20031Result
- InlineResponse20032
- InlineResponse20033
- InlineResponse20033Result
- InlineResponse20033ResultProduct
- InlineResponse20034
- InlineResponse20034Result
- InlineResponse20035
- InlineResponse20035Result
- InlineResponse20036
- InlineResponse20036Result
- InlineResponse20037
- InlineResponse20037Result
- InlineResponse20038
- InlineResponse20039
- InlineResponse20039Result
- InlineResponse20039ResultCategory
- InlineResponse2003Result
- InlineResponse2003ResultEvents
- InlineResponse2004
- InlineResponse20040
- InlineResponse20040Result
- InlineResponse20041
- InlineResponse20041Result
- InlineResponse20042
- InlineResponse20043
- InlineResponse20043Result
- InlineResponse20044
- InlineResponse20044Result
- InlineResponse20045
- InlineResponse20045Result
- InlineResponse20045ResultCartOrderStatuses
- InlineResponse20046
- InlineResponse20046Result
- InlineResponse20047
- InlineResponse20047Result
- InlineResponse20048
- InlineResponse20048Result
- InlineResponse20049
- InlineResponse20049Result
- InlineResponse2004Result
- InlineResponse2005
- InlineResponse20050
- InlineResponse20050Result
- InlineResponse20051
- InlineResponse20052
- InlineResponse20052Result
- InlineResponse20053
- InlineResponse20053Result
- InlineResponse20054
- InlineResponse20055
- InlineResponse20055Result
- InlineResponse20056
- InlineResponse20056Result
- InlineResponse20057
- InlineResponse20057Result
- InlineResponse20058
- InlineResponse20059
- InlineResponse20059Result
- InlineResponse2005Result
- InlineResponse2006
- InlineResponse20060
- InlineResponse20060Result
- InlineResponse20061
- InlineResponse20061Result
- InlineResponse20062
- InlineResponse20062Result
- InlineResponse20063
- InlineResponse20064
- InlineResponse20064Result
- InlineResponse20065
- InlineResponse20065Result
- InlineResponse20066
- InlineResponse20066Result
- InlineResponse20067
- InlineResponse20067Result
- InlineResponse20068
- InlineResponse20068Result
- InlineResponse20069
- InlineResponse20069Result
- InlineResponse2006Result
- InlineResponse2007
- InlineResponse20070
- InlineResponse20070Result
- InlineResponse20071
- InlineResponse20071Result
- InlineResponse20072
- InlineResponse20072Result
- InlineResponse20073
- InlineResponse20074
- InlineResponse20074Result
- InlineResponse20075
- InlineResponse20075Result
- InlineResponse20076
- InlineResponse20076Result
- InlineResponse20077
- InlineResponse20077Result
- InlineResponse20078
- InlineResponse20078Result
- InlineResponse20079
- InlineResponse20079Result
- InlineResponse2007Result
- InlineResponse2008
- InlineResponse20080
- InlineResponse20080Result
- InlineResponse20081
- InlineResponse20082
- InlineResponse20082Result
- InlineResponse20083
- InlineResponse20083Result
- InlineResponse2008Result
- InlineResponse2008ResultSupportedCarts
- InlineResponse2009
- InlineResponse2009Result
- InlineResponse200Result
- Language
- ModelResponseCartCouponList
- ModelResponseCartGiftCardList
- ModelResponseCartScriptList
- ModelResponseCategoryList
- ModelResponseCustomerGroupList
- ModelResponseCustomerList
- ModelResponseOrderAbandonedList
- ModelResponseOrderList
- ModelResponseOrderShipmentList
- ModelResponseProductAttributeList
- ModelResponseProductChildItemList
- ModelResponseProductList
- Order
- OrderAbandoned
- OrderAdd
- OrderAddOrderItem
- OrderAddOrderItemOption
- OrderAddOrderItemProperty
- OrderItem
- OrderItemOption
- OrderPaymentMethod
- OrderRefund
- OrderRefundAdd
- OrderRefundAddItems
- OrderShipmentAdd
- OrderShipmentAddItems
- OrderShipmentAddTrackingNumbers
- OrderShipmentTrackingAdd
- OrderShipmentUpdate
- OrderShippingMethod
- OrderStatus
- OrderStatusHistoryItem
- OrderStatusRefund
- OrderStatusRefundItem
- OrderTotal
- OrderTotals
- OrderTotalsNewDiscount
- Pagination
- Plugin
- PluginList
- Product
- ProductAdd
- ProductAddGroupPrices
- ProductAddShippingDetails
- ProductAddTierPrices
- ProductAdvancedPrice
- ProductAttribute
- ProductGroupPrice
- ProductInventory
- ProductOption
- ProductOptionItem
- ProductPriceAdd
- ProductPriceUpdate
- ProductPriceUpdateGroupPrices
- ProductReview
- ProductReviewRating
- ProductTaxAdd
- ProductTaxAddTaxRates
- ProductTierPrice
- ProductVariantAdd
- ProductVariantPriceAdd
- ProductVariantPriceUpdate
- ResponseCartCouponListResult
- ResponseCartGiftcardListResult
- ResponseCartScriptListResult
- ResponseCategoryListResult
- ResponseCustomerGroupListResult
- ResponseCustomerListResult
- ResponseOrderAbandonedListResult
- ResponseOrderListResult
- ResponseOrderShipmentListResult
- ResponseProductAttributeListResult
- ResponseProductChildItemListResult
- ResponseProductListResult
- Script
- Shipment
- ShipmentItems
- ShipmentTrackingNumber
- SpecialPrice
- State
- StoreAttribute
- StoreAttributeGroup
- Subscriber
- TaxClass
- TaxClassRate
- Webhook