andrey900 / flight-skeleton
Simple Flight Framework skeleton application with Twig & Monolog & Eloquent ORM
- php: >=5.3.0
- illuminate/database: v4.1.30
- mikecao/flight: ^1.2
- monolog/monolog: 1.21.0
- twig/twig: 1.24
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-19 21:46:11 UTC
Simple Flight micro Framework skeleton application with Twig & Monolog & Eloquent ORM. This package is suitable for any web hosting with php version higher 5.3. Use this skeleton application to quickly setup and start working on a new application. This application does not use latest version libraries: Monolog, Eloquent ORM - since the more recent versions use a higher php version.
- Installation
- Start
- Structure
- Examples
- More links and docs
Installation use composer
$ composer create-project andrey900/flight-skeleton path/to/install
Composer will create a new Flight Skeleton project under the path/to/install
Installation use git
$ git clone andrey900/Flight-Skeleton path/to/install
Git will create a new Flight Skeleton project under the path/to/install
Installation of the unix console (not realization)
$ mkdir path/to/install && cd path/to/install $ wget -c -O $ unzip && rm
Installation use browser
Download the zip archive use link, or use button "Clone or download -> Download zip". Uncompressed archive in you hosting or local directory.
Remember: The string "path/to/install" should be replaced by your folder path.
First start
Open file src/bootstrap/config.php for edit, and enter the correct data for your connection db. More info for config file link
Copy files to you root webserver folder. Open browser input you host. Local start use php in unix:
$ cd path/to/install $ php -S
After open browser use link: http://localhost:8080
Folder structure
├── .git # git repository folder
├── cache # Cache folder
│ └── ... # Cache type, etc
├── log # Logs files
├── src # Folder for you application source code
│ ├── App # You namespace for library and classes
│ │ └── ... # Make you structure, etc
│ ├── bootstrap # Files using for starting application
│ ├── Controllers # Controllers for you application
│ └── Models # Model for you application
├── templates # Templates use in you application
│ ├── main # Holds name for template, use for many templates and easy substitution
│ └── ... # Make you template, etc
├── uploads # Static files
├── ... # Make you folder, etc
Files structure
├── src
│ ├── App
│ │ ├── Routes # Example: Routes namespace
│ │ │ └── RouteGenerator.php # Example: Make array for config, and init this routers
│ │ └── Utils.php # Example: Class for utilities
│ ├── bootstrap
│ │ ├── config.php # Config array for you application: @return array
│ │ ├── dependencies.php # Init dependencies and class in Flight
│ │ ├── routes.php # Init routes in Flight
│ │ └── start.php # Boot file for you application
│ ├── Controllers
│ │ ├── FrontController.php # Example: Base controller and logic for front-end
│ │ └── PageController.php # Example: Specific controller for type page
│ └── Models
│ └── Pages.php # Example: Page model for sql table "pages"
└── templates
└── main # Example: template
├── base.twig # Base template layout
├── home.twig # Home template
├── pageLists.twig # List pages template
├── pageDetail.twig # Detail page template
└── 404.twig # 404 error - page not found template
Config example
Structure file config - multidimensional array. This file must return always array for correctly functioning your application!
First level - key for config library Second level - array - with a convenient structure for use, most often used key-value
return array( ... "you_key" => array( "you_first_key" => "value1", "you_second_key" => "value2", ), );
Install example site and db structure
Follow for link: /install-example/ and click button "Install".
Remember: You must first start and correctly configure a database connection.
More links and docs
More information can be found in the documentation of individual system modules: