
andrewfenn/xmlreader is an XML library that makes sabre/xml package easier to use

1.0.0 2017-01-30 08:33 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-16 03:54:27 UTC


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The sabre/xml library is a specialized XML reader and writer for PHP which can be downloaded here. This project is not associated with the sabre/xml project.

Sabre XML is a great PHP library for XML reading, but it can be difficult to use and make your code unessesarily complicated when you have very simple XML to parse. Therefore I have made this small extension on top of sabre/xml that allows you to access the information more natually making it easier to get what you want done.


composer require andrewfenn/xmlreader -v ~1.0.0


XMLReaderElement provides the following methods...

  • array find( string )

    Searches through all the children or attributes, and returns an array. If you are searching for a tag the array will be a list of XMLReaderElement elements. If you are searching for an attribute your array will be of the value it contains. To search for an attribute prepend an @ to the beginning of your search term.

  • mixed findFirst( string )

    Searches through all the children or attributes and returns the first result found. If you are searching for a tag the result will be an XMLReaderElement. If you are searching for an attribute you will get that attributes value.

  • array children( void )

    Returns an array of this XMLReaderElement's children.

  • bool hasChildren( void )

    If the element has any XMLReaderElement children


$input = <<<XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HotelMessage Version="1.0"
    <Hotel HotelCode="3">
            <StatusControl Start="2017-01-01" End="2017-01-02" InvTypeCode="999" RatePlanCode="888" />
            <LengthsOfStay ArrivalDateBased="true">
                <LengthOfStay MinMaxMessageType="MinLOS" TimeUnit="Day" Time="3" />
    <Hotel HotelCode="7">
            <StatusControl Start="2017-01-04" End="2017-01-05" InvTypeCode="111" RatePlanCode="444" />
            <LengthsOfStay ArrivalDateBased="true">
                <LengthOfStay MinMaxMessageType="MinLOS" TimeUnit="Day" Time="7" />

// Use Sabre as usual
$reader = new \Sabre\Xml\Reader();

// Parse in the reader object
$data = (new \Sabre\Xml\XMLReaderElement())->parse($reader->parse());


// Start accessing the data you want

/* Returns...
object(Sabre\Xml\XMLReaderElement)#68 (4) {
  string(12) "HotelMessage"
  string(0) ""
  object(stdClass)#69 (2) {
    string(3) "1.0"
    string(19) "2016-05-26T11:11:50"
  string(19) "Message,Hotel,Hotel"

Accessing a single child tag

echo "Message: ".$data->Message->value."\n";
echo "Message Type: ".$data->Message->attributes->Type."\n";

/* Returns...
Message: Hello
Message Type: Info

When accessing a single child tag like this it will return the first element it finds, for multiple children see below.

echo "Hotel ID: ".$data->Hotel->attributes->HotelCode."\n";
/* Returns...
Hotel ID: 3

Accessing multiple children tags

foreach($data->find('Hotel') as $hotel) {
    // Find a specific element's attribute
    echo "Hotel ID: ".$hotel->attributes->HotelCode."\n";

foreach($data->children() as $tag) {
    if ($tag->name == 'Hotel') {
        echo "Hotel ID: ".$tag->attributes->HotelCode."\n";

/* Returns...
Hotel ID: 3
Hotel ID: 7
Hotel ID: 3
Hotel ID: 7

Finding an array of tags or attributes

The find() function will always return an array. Your search term must match exactly to that of the Tag or Attribute.

// You can search for any tag attribute by prepending an @ infront of the attribute's name like so...
foreach($data->find('@HotelCode') as $hotel_code) {
    echo "Hotel Code: ".$hotel_code."\n";

// You can search for any tag like so...
foreach($data->find('LengthsOfStay') as $los) {
    echo "Length of Stay: ".$los->findFirst('@Time')." Days\n";

/* Returns...
Hotel Code: 3
Hotel Code: 4
Length of Stay: 3 Days
Length of Stay: 7 Days

Picking up the first element or attribute

echo $data->findFirst('@TimeStamp')."\n";
echo $data->findFirst('@HotelCode')."\n";
echo $data->findFirst('Hotel')->findFirst('@RatePlanCode')."\n";

/* Returns...