amandiobm / rustici-engine-api-v2-client-php
Rustici Engine API V2 Client (PHP)
Installs: 5 660
Dependents: 0
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 1
Watchers: 3
Forks: 0
Open Issues: 0
- php: >=5.5
- ext-curl: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-mbstring: *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^6.2||^7.0
Requires (Dev)
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer: ~2.12
- phpunit/phpunit: ^4.8
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: ~2.6
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-06 01:56:54 UTC
Rustici Engine API
This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 2.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen
PHP 5.5 and later
Installation & Usage
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"require": {
"amandiobm/rustici-engine-api-v2-client-php": "*@dev"
Then run composer install
Manual Installation
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
composer install
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
<?php require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); // Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic $config = RusticiSoftware\Engine\V2\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration() ->setUsername('YOUR_USERNAME') ->setPassword('YOUR_PASSWORD'); // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth $config = RusticiSoftware\Engine\V2\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'); $apiInstance = new RusticiSoftware\Engine\V2\Api\AboutApi( // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`. // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default. new GuzzleHttp\Client(), $config ); $engine_tenant_name = "engine_tenant_name_example"; // string | optional tenant for this request try { $result = $apiInstance->getAbout($engine_tenant_name); print_r($result); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling AboutApi->getAbout: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; } ?>
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to http://localhost/api/v2/
Documentation For Models
- AboutPlayerSchema
- AboutSchema
- ActivityResultSchema
- AssetFileSchema
- CommentSchema
- CompletionAmountSchema
- ConnectorContentItemSchema
- ConnectorContentListEntrySchema
- ConnectorContentListSchema
- ConnectorContentSearchContextSchema
- ConnectorContentSearchSchema
- ConnectorImportRequestSchema
- ConnectorListSchema
- ConnectorSchema
- ConnectorTypeSchema
- CourseActivitySchema
- CourseConnectorSchema
- CourseListNonPagedSchema
- CourseListSchema
- CourseReferenceSchema
- CourseResourceSchema
- CourseSchema
- CreateConnectorSchema
- CreateDestinationListSchema
- CreateDispatchIdSchema
- CreateDispatchListSchema
- CreateDispatchSchema
- CreateRegistrationSchema
- CreateRegistrationWithLaunchLinkSchema
- CredentialCreatedSchema
- CredentialListSchema
- CredentialRequestSchema
- CredentialSchema
- DestinationIdSchema
- DestinationListSchema
- DestinationSchema
- DispatchIdListSchema
- DispatchIdSchema
- DispatchListSchema
- DispatchLti13InfoSchema
- DispatchLtiInfoSchema
- DispatchRegistrationCountSchema
- DispatchSchema
- EnabledSchema
- EventMessage
- FileListItemSchema
- FileListSchema
- FinalizeRegistrationProgressSchema
- IdListSchema
- ImportAdHocReferenceRequestSchema
- ImportAssetRequestSchema
- ImportConnectorRequestSchema
- ImportFetchRequestSchema
- ImportJobResultSchema
- ImportLti11LinkReferenceRequestSchema
- ImportLti13LinkReferenceRequestSchema
- ImportMediaFileReferenceRequestSchema
- ImportReferenceRequestSchema
- ImportRequestSchema
- ImportResultSchema
- IntegerResultSchema
- ItemValuePairSchema
- JsonWebKeySetSchema
- JsonWebKeySetSchemaKeys
- LaunchHistoryListSchema
- LaunchHistorySchema
- LaunchLinkRequestSchema
- LaunchLinkSchema
- LaunchPageResponseSchema
- LearnerPreferenceSchema
- LearnerSchema
- LinkSchema
- Lti13PlatformConfigurationSchema
- Lti13ToolConfigurationSchema
- LtiLinkMetadataSchema
- LtiLinkMetadataSchemaContext
- LtiReporterIdSchema
- LtiReporterSchema
- MediaFileMetadataSchema
- MessageSchema
- MetadataSchema
- NotificationFailedBody
- OAuthCredentialsSchema
- ObjectiveSchema
- PIIDeletionRequestResultSchema
- PIIDeletionRequestSchema
- PIIDeletionResultSchema
- PermissionsSchema
- PingSchema
- PlayerConfigurationResultsSchema
- PlayerConfigurationSchema
- PlayerInfoSchema
- PlayerResultsSchema
- PluginInformationSchema
- PluginVersionSchema
- PostBackSchema
- RefreshConnectorResultListSchema
- RefreshConnectorResultSchema
- RegistrationCountDetailSchema
- RegistrationCountSummarySchema
- RegistrationInstancingSchema
- RegistrationListSchema
- RegistrationResourceSchema
- RegistrationSchema
- ResourcesSchema
- ResponseErrorSchema
- RotateKeysSchema
- RuntimeInteractionSchema
- RuntimeObjectiveSchema
- RuntimeSchema
- ScoreSchema
- SettingItem
- SettingListSchema
- SettingMetadata
- SettingValidValue
- SettingsIndividualSchema
- SettingsPostSchema
- SharedDataEntrySchema
- StaticPropertiesSchema
- StringResultSchema
- SubscriptionAuthDefinitionSchema
- SubscriptionAuthEntrySchema
- SubscriptionAuthListSchema
- SubscriptionDefinitionSchema
- SubscriptionDefinitionSchemaFilters
- SubscriptionEntrySchema
- SubscriptionListSchema
- TenantListSchema
- TenantProperties
- TenantSchema
- TitleSchema
- TokenInfoSchema
- TokenRequestSchema
- UpdateConnectorSchema
- UpdateDispatchSchema
- UserCountDetailSchema
- UserCountSummarySchema
- XapiAccount
- XapiActivity
- XapiActivityDefinition
- XapiAgentGroup
- XapiAttachment
- XapiContext
- XapiContextActivity
- XapiCredentialAuthTypeSchema
- XapiCredentialPermissionsLevelSchema
- XapiCredentialPostSchema
- XapiCredentialPutSchema
- XapiCredentialSchema
- XapiCredentialsListSchema
- XapiEndpointSchema
- XapiGetAuthorityBody
- XapiGetAuthorityResponseSchema
- XapiInteractionComponent
- XapiResult
- XapiScore
- XapiSelfSourcedPipeSchema
- XapiStatement
- XapiStatementPipeListSchema
- XapiStatementPipePostSchema
- XapiStatementPipePutSchema
- XapiStatementPipeSchema
- XapiStatementReference
- XapiStatementResult
- XapiVerb
Documentation For Authorization
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: implicit
- Authorization URL: /authorize
- Scopes:
- read: Grants read access
- write: Grants write access
- delete: Grants deletion access
- admin: Grants read, write, and account management access
- admin:read: Grants read-only admin access
- admin:createTenant: Grants tenant creation access
- admin:deleteData: Grants ability to delete an entire tenants data or do PII deletion
- admin:writeConfiguration: Grants write administrative configuration settings
- admin:writeCredential: Grants ability to create a credential
- admin:connector: Grants access to administer content connectors
- read:connectorContent: Grants access to read content connector list of available content
- read:course: Grants read access to course resources
- write:course: Grants write access to course resources
- delete:course: Grants deletion access to course resources
- read:dispatch: Grants read access to dispatch resources
- write:dispatch: Grants write access to dispatch resources
- delete:dispatch: Grants deletion access to dispatch resources
- read:ping: Grants read access to the ping resource
- read:about: Grants read access to about resource
- read:registration: Grants read access to registration resources
- write:registration: Grants write access to registration resources
- delete:registration: Grants deletion access to registration resources
- read:xapicredential: Grants read access to xapi credential resources
- write:xapicredential: Grants write access to xapi credential resources
- delete:xapicredential: Grants deletion access to xapi credential resources
- read:xapipipe: Grants read access to xapi pipe resources
- write:xapipipe: Grants write access to xapi pipe resources
- delete:xapipipe: Grants deletion access to xapi pipe resources
- configure:server: Includes server administrator settings when managing configuration
- request:secrets: Grants read access to encrypted configuration settings
- write:player: Grants write access to the player resources
- read:player: Grants read access to the player resources
- read:contentVault: Grants read access to the content vault resources
- pens:collect: Grants access to make PENS collect requests