
Object-oriented Web Micro Framework

1.0.0 2025-01-19 09:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-19 09:40:58 UTC


About The Project

Miel is an object-oriented PHP web development micro-framework (MIEL stands for Micro + Elegant, it also means "honey" in French). It' intend is to be designed based on elegant objects principles of Yegor Bugayenko. It means :

  • No mutable classes
  • No nulls
  • No type-checking or reflexion
  • No public static methods or constants
  • No configuration files
  • No DI container

It was inspired by the framework Takes For being operational it requires PSR-7 and PSR-17 implementations/libraries of your choice. For example Guzzle PSR-7

Getting Started

composer require ..

Quick Start

Create this index.php file:

use Alvinios\Miel\App;
use Alvinios\Miel\Http\Emit;
use Alvinios\Miel\Response\Text;
use Alvinios\Miel\Fork\Regex;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\{HttpFactory, ServerRequest};

(new Emit())(
    (new App(
        new Regex('/', new Text('Hello world!'))
    ))->response(ServerRequest::fromGlobals(), new HttpFactory(), new HttpFactory())

Cd to your index.php folder and run php local server

php -S localhost:8000

A Bigger Example

use Alvinios\Miel\App;
use Alvinios\Miel\Http\Emit;
use Alvinios\Miel\Endpoint\Base;
use Alvinios\Miel\Request\WithRegex;
use Alvinios\Miel\Response\{Json, Response, Text, Twig}; 
use Alvinios\Miel\Fork\{Regex, Methods};
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\{HttpFactory, ServerRequest};
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;

(new Emit())(
  (new App(
        new Regex('/', new Text('Hello world!')),
        new Regex(
            new Methods(
                new class() extends Base {
                    public function act(ServerRequestInterface $request): Response {
                        return new Json(
            new Methods(
                new class() extends Base {
                    public function act(ServerRequestInterface|WithRegex $request): Response {
                        return new Text(sprintf(
                            '<html><body>User %s</body></html>',
  ))->response(ServerRequest::fromGlobals(), new HttpFactory(), new HttpFactory())


Routes can be composed as variadic argument of Routes or with Generators using Append wrapper.

use Alvinios\Miel\App;
use Alvinios\Miel\Response\{Text, Twig}; 
use Alvinios\Miel\Fork\{Append, Regex};

 new App(
     new Append(
         call_user_func(function() : \Iterator {
             yield new Regex('^(/|/home)$', new Twig($this->twig, 'index.html.twig', []));
         call_user_func(function() : \Iterator {
             yield new Regex('/foo', new Text('Foo'));
             yield new Regex('/bar', new Text('Bar'));

Middleware Support

You can shield a route/routes behind PSR-15 Middleware(s). This is how it can be done:

Multiple Middlewares

use Alvinios\Miel\Fork\{Regex, Shields};
use Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface;

new Shields(
    new Regex('/foo', new Text('Behind middleware')),
    new class() implements MiddlewareInterface {
    new class() implements MiddlewareInterface {

Shields can be nested.

Single Middleware

use Alvinios\Miel\Fork\Shield;
use Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface;

new Shield(
    new class() implements MiddlewareInterface {
    new Regex('/foo', new Text('Behind middleware'))


Today the project is in a conceptual state and has not been tested in production environment.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

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