
Additional validation classes for the laminas-validator framework.

v2.1.1 2024-02-14 17:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-14 20:35:09 UTC


This package provides additional validation classes for the Laminas Validator framework, plus a custom base validation class.


Install the latest version with:

$ composer require alleyinteractive/laminas-validator-extensions

Basic usage

For more information about what validators do, how to use them, and how to write your own, visit the Laminas documentation.

Base validators


The abstract Alley\Validator\ExtendedAbstractValidator class standardizes the implementation of custom validators with \Laminas\Validator\AbstractValidator.

When extending ExtendedAbstractValidator, validation logic goes into a new testValue() method, which is responsible only for applying the logic and adding any validation errors. It's no longer necessary to call setValue() prior to evaluating the input, and isValid() will return true if there are no error messages after evaluating the input and false if there are any messages.



class Float extends \Laminas\Validator\AbstractValidator
    const FLOAT = 'float';

    protected $messageTemplates = [
        self::FLOAT => "'%value%' is not a floating point value",

    public function isValid($value)

        if (! is_float($value)) {
            return false;

        return true;



class Float extends \Alley\Validator\ExtendedAbstractValidator
    const FLOAT = 'float';

    protected $messageTemplates = [
        self::FLOAT => "'%value%' is not a floating point value",

    public function testValue($value): void
        if (! is_float($value)) {


The standalone, abstract Alley\Validator\FreeformValidator class leaves most of the implementation details to your discretion, but it's often easier to use for validators that are project-specific or not ready for wider distribution.

Like the ExtendedAbstractValidator class, the FreeformValidator expects that validation logic goes into a testValue() method, and isValid() will return true or false based on whether there are error messages.

Validation errors can be added using the error() method, which accepts the message key and text.


class Float extends \Alley\Validator\FreeformValidator
    public function testValue($value): void
        if (! is_float($value)) {
            $this->error('float', 'Please enter a floating point value');

"Any Validator" chains

\Alley\Validator\AnyValidator is like a Laminas validator chain except that it connects the validators with "OR," marking input as valid as soon it passes one of the given validators.

Unlike a Laminas validator chain, validators can only be attached, not prepended, and there is no $priority argument.

Basic usage


$valid = new \Alley\Validator\AnyValidator([new \Laminas\Validator\LessThan(['max' => 10])]);
$valid->attach(new \Laminas\Validator\GreaterThan(['min' => 90]));

$valid->isValid(9); // true
$valid->isValid(99); // true
$valid->isValid(42); // false

"Fast fail" validator chains

\Alley\Validator\FastFailValidatorChain is like a Laminas validator chain except that if a validator fails, the chain will automatically be broken; there is no $breakChainOnFailure parameter.

Unlike a Laminas validator chain, validators can only be attached, not prepended, and there is no $priority argument.

Basic usage

$valid = new \Alley\Validator\FastFailValidatorChain([new \Laminas\Validator\LessThan(['max' => 10])]);
$valid->attach(new \Laminas\Validator\GreaterThan(['min' => 90]));

$valid->isValid(42); // false
count($valid->getMessages()); // 1

Validators by operator name

\Alley\Validator\ValidatorByOperator allows you to access a validator using a readable operator name, such as REGEX or NOT IN.

Its primary use case is to allow you to write functions that accept the readable operator names as parameters while using validators internally. Here's a demonstrative function call from the wp-match-blocks library:


$images = \Alley\WP\match_blocks(
        'name' => 'core/image',
        'attrs' => [
                'key' => 'credit',
                'value' => '/(The )?Associated Press/i',
                'operator' => 'REGEX',

The supported operator names are:

  • CONTAINS and NOT CONTAINS, which forward to \Alley\Validator\ContainsString using a case-sensitive search.
  • IN and NOT IN, which forward to \Alley\Validator\OneOf.
  • LIKE and NOT LIKE, which forward to \Alley\Validator\ContainsString using a case-insensitive search.
  • REGEX and NOT REGEX, which forward to \Laminas\Validator\Regex.
  • ===, !==, and the other operators supported by \Alley\Validator\Comparison.

Any operator name that isn't forwarded to a different validator must be a valid Comparison operator.

Basic usage

$valid = new \Alley\Validator\ValidatorByOperator('REGEX', '/^foo/');
$valid->isValid('foobar'); // true

$valid = new \Alley\Validator\ValidatorByOperator('NOT IN', ['bar', 'baz']);
$valid->isValid('bar'); // false

$valid = new \Alley\Validator\ValidatorByOperator('!==', 42);
$valid->isValid(43); // true



\Alley\Validator\AlwaysValid marks all input as valid. It can be used to satisfy type requirements when full validation needs to be disabled or is impractical.

Supported options


Basic usage


$valid = new \Alley\Validator\AlwaysValid();
$valid->isValid(42); // true
$valid->isValid(false); // true
$valid->isValid('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'); // true


\Alley\Validator\Comparison compares input to another value using a PHP comparison operator. The input passes validation if the comparison is true. Input is placed on the left side of the operator.

Supported options

The following options are supported for \Alley\Validator\Comparison:

  • compared: The value the inputs are compared to. It is placed on the right side of the operator.
  • operator: The PHP comparison operator used to compare the input and compared.

Basic usage


$valid = new \Alley\Validator\Comparison(
        'operator' => '<=',
        'compared' => 100,
$valid->isValid(101); // false

$valid = new \Alley\Validator\Comparison(
        'operator' => '!==',
        'compared' => false,
$valid->isValid(true); // true


\Alley\Validator\ContainsString is a validator around the str_contains() function. Each instance of the validator represents the "needle" string and validates whether the string is found within the input "haystack." Inputs will automatically be cast to strings.

Supported options

The following options are supported for \Alley\Validator\ContainsString:

  • needle: The string or instance of \Stringable the inputs are searched for. It will automatically be cast to a string at the time of validation.
  • ignoreCase: Whether to perform a case-insensitive search. False by default.

Basic usage


$valid = new \Alley\Validator\ContainsString(
        'needle' => 'foo',

$valid->isValid('foobar'); // true
$valid->isValid('barbaz'); // false


\Alley\Validator\DivisibleBy allows you to validate whether the input is evenly divisible by a given numeric value. Inputs will automatically be cast to integers.

Supported options

The following options are supported for \Alley\Validator\DivisibleBy:

  • divisor: The value the inputs are divided by. It will automatically be cast to an integer.

Basic usage


$valid = new \Alley\Validator\DivisibleBy(
        'divisor' => 3,

$valid->isValid(9); // true
$valid->isValid(10); // false


Alley\Validator\Not inverts the validity of a given validator. It allows for creating validators that test whether input is, for example, "not one of" in addition to "one of."

Supported options


Basic usage


$origin = new \Alley\Validator\OneOf(['haystack' => ['foo', 'bar']]);
$valid = new \Alley\Validator\Not($origin, 'The input was invalid.');

$valid->isValid('foo'); // false
$valid->isValid('baz'); // true


Alley\Validator\OneOf validates whether an array of scalar values contains the input.

OneOf is a simpler version of \Laminas\Validator\InArray that accepts only scalar values in the haystack and does only strict comparisons. In return, it produces a friendlier error message that lists the allowed values.

Supported options

The following options are supported for \Alley\Validator\OneOf:

  • haystack: The array to be searched for the input.

Basic Usage


$valid = new \Alley\Validator\OneOf(['haystack' => ['one', 'two', 'three']]);
$valid->isValid('four'); // false
$valid->getMessages(); // ['notOneOf' => 'Must be one of [one, two, three] but is four.']


\Alley\Validator\Type allows you to validate whether the input is of the given PHP type. The input passes if it is the expected type.

This validator is inspired by PHPUnit's \PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\IsType class.

Supported options

The following options are supported for \Alley\Validator\Type:

  • type: The expected PHP type. Supported types are array, bool, boolean, callable, double, float, int, integer, iterable, null, numeric, object, real, resource, string, and scalar.

Basic usage


$valid = new \Alley\Validator\Type(['type' => 'callable']);
$valid->isValid('date_create_immutable'); // true

$valid = new \Alley\Validator\Type(['type' => 'bool']);
$valid->isValid([]); // false


Alley\Validator\WithMessage allows you to decorate a validator with a custom failure code and message, replacing the validator's usual failure messages.

Supported options


Basic usage


$origin = new \Laminas\Validator\GreaterThan(42);
$valid = new \Alley\Validator\WithMessage('tooSmall', 'Please enter a number greater than 42.', $origin);

$valid->isValid(41); // false
$valid->getMessages(); // ['tooSmall' => 'Please enter a number greater than 42.']





Alley Interactive