
Fork from Norbybaru - Library to interact with AWS Timestream service via API - Downgrade for Laravel6 + PHP7 - Fixes for AWS Config

v0.0.1 2022-09-29 21:58 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:38:54 UTC


PHPUnit Tests PHPStan

AWS Timestream is a fast, scalable, and serverless time series database service. This package is an opinionated implementation to query timestream and ingest data into timestream.

It provides a query builder class which has common timeseries sql function. This was inspired by Laravel Eloquent ORM. See supported query functions AlexVergara\AwsTimestream\Contract\QueryBuilderContract

It also provide a payload builder class to format your data correctly to ingest into timestream. See AlexVergara\AwsTimestream\Contract\PayloadBuilderContract


composer require norbybaru/laravel-aws-timestream


  • Publish config
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="AlexVergara\AwsTimestream\TimestreamServiceProvider" --tag="timestream-config"
  • Open timestream.php config file and setup your databse name and tables
  • Setup you AWS Timestream keys and permissions with the following enviroment variable

Basic Usage

Query Timestream

Using TimestreamBuilder::query() will give autocomplete of all available functions

  1. Using TimestreamBuilder to build query to be passed onto TimestreamReaderDto which generate am object that can be consumed by TimestreamService query function

use AlexVergara\AwsTimestream\TimestreamService;
use AlexVergara\AwsTimestream\TimestreamBuilder;
use AlexVergara\AwsTimestream\Dto\TimestreamReaderDto;

public function overview(TimestreamService $timestreamService)
    $queryBuilder = TimestreamBuilder::query()
        ->from("database-name", 'table-name')
        ->whereAgo('time', '24h', '>=')
        ->whereNotIn('measure_value::varchar', ['reviewer', 'open', 'closed'])
        ->orderBy('time', 'desc');


    // response from Aws timestream
    return $timestreamService->query($timestreamReader)
  1. Use TimestreamReaderDto to inject from query with default database name and on demand table name. NB. No need to add ->from() query on your query builder.

use AlexVergara\AwsTimestream\TimestreamService;
use AlexVergara\AwsTimestream\TimestreamBuilder;
use AlexVergara\AwsTimestream\Dto\TimestreamReaderDto;

public function overview(TimestreamService $timestreamService)
   $queryBuilder = TimestreamBuilder::query()
       ->whereAgo('time', '24h', '>=')
       ->whereNotIn('measure_value::varchar', ['reviewer', 'open', 'closed'])
       ->orderBy('time', 'desc');

   TimestreamReaderDto::make($queryBuilder, 'table-name');

   // response from Aws timestream
   return $timestreamService->query($timestreamReader)

Timestream Ingestion

We need to build our payload that Timestream will accept for ingestion.

  1. Use TimestreamBuilder to build ingestion payload

use AlexVergara\AwsTimestream\TimestreamService;
use AlexVergara\AwsTimestream\Dto\TimestreamWriterDto;
use AlexVergara\AwsTimestream\TimestreamBuilder;

public function ingest(TimestreamService $timestreamService)
    $metrics = [
        'measure_name' => 'cpu_usage',
        'measure_value' => 80,
        'time' => Carbon::now(),
        'dimensions' => [
            'mac_address' => 'randomstring',
            'ref' => 'refs',

    $payload = TimestreamBuilder::payload(

    $timestreamWriter = TimestreamWriterDto::make($payload)->forTable('table-name');
    return $timestreamService->write($timestreamWriter);
  1. Ingestion data in batch using Common Attributes to reduce ingestion cost with Timestream

use AlexVergara\AwsTimestream\TimestreamService;
use AlexVergara\AwsTimestream\Dto\TimestreamWriterDto;
use AlexVergara\AwsTimestream\Support\TimestreamPayloadBuilder;

public function ingest(TimestreamService $timestreamService)
    $metrics = [
            'measure_name' => 'cpu_usage',
            'measure_value' => 80,
            'time' => Carbon::now(),
            'dimensions' => [
                'ref' => 'ref_1',
            'measure_name' => 'memory_usage',
            'measure_value' => 20,
            'time' => Carbon::now(),
            'dimensions' => [
                'ref' => 'ref_2',

    $commonAttributes['device_name'] = 'device_1';
    $commonAttributes['mac_address'] = 'randomstring';

    $payload = TimestreamBuilder::batchPayload($metrics);

    $common = TimestreamBuilder::commonAttributes($commonAttributes);

    $timestreamWriter = TimestreamWriterDto::make($payload, $common, 'table-name');
    return $timestreamService->write($timestreamWriter);

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