
This plugin allows you to round up the total of the cart.


Build workflow status

This plugin simply round up your cart.
Then you can choose to donate the difference to a charity, plant a tree or keep it for you as a tip...

Screenshot of cart page


1. Composer

composer require alexispe/sylius-round-up-plugin

2. Load bundle

Add to the bundle list in config/bundles.php:


return [
    // ...
    Alexispe\SyliusRoundUpPlugin\AlexispeSyliusRoundUpPlugin::class => ['all' => true],
    // ...

3. Load configuration

Add to the imports list in config/packages/_sylius.yaml:

    - { resource: "@AlexispeSyliusRoundUpPlugin/config/config.yml" }

4. Show round up line in cart summary

Override template Cart\Summary\_totals.html.twig and add line 52 (before cart total tr):

{% include '@AlexispeSyliusRoundUpPlugin/Shop/Cart/Summary/_round_up_total.html.twig' %}


Quickstart Installation

  1. Execute docker compose up -d

  2. Initialize plugin docker compose exec app make init

  3. See your browser open localhost

Running plugin tests

docker compose exec app make ecs
docker compose exec app make phpstan
docker compose exec app make psalm
docker compose exec app make phpunit
docker compose exec app make phpspec
docker compose exec app make behat


This plugin is completely free and released under the MIT License.


I'm a 🇫🇷 freelance Sylius developer. If you want to contact me, e-mail me to I will try to answer you as soon as possible.