alexdpy / acl
Acl - Php
- php: >=5.4
- doctrine/cache: ^1.4.1
Requires (Dev)
- cakephp/database: ~3.0
- cakephp/orm: ~3.0
- doctrine/dbal: ~2.4
- doctrine/orm: ~2.4
- illuminate/database: >=4.2
- phpunit/phpunit: ~4.0
- symfony/console: ~2.3
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-29 20:12:20 UTC
The easiest way to dynamic Access Control List
This library is a PHP implementation of the ACL model. It has been designed to be very easy to use.
$ composer require alexdpy/acl
Update your database schema
You have to create the acl_permissions
You can generate the query output by using the vendor/bin/acl
command in your terminal.
$ vendor/bin/acl schema:get-create-query
Custom options are:
- the permissions table name
- the requester column length
- the resource column length
First, you have to choose a DatabaseProvider.
This library supports DoctrineDbal/ORM (~2.4), CakephpOrm (~3.0), IlluminateDatabase (>=4.2) or native PDO (./src/Database/Provider).
If you use another database connection library, you have to create a DatabaseProvider that implements the AlexDpy\Acl\Database\Provider\DatabaseProviderInterface
<?php // example with Doctrine use AlexDpy\Acl\Database\Provider\DoctrineDbalProvider; use Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager; $connection = DriverManager::getConnection(/* ... */); $databaseProvider = new DoctrineDbalProvider($connection);
Then, all you need to do is to create a new instance of AlexDpy\Acl\Acl
<?php use AlexDpy\Acl\Acl; $acl = new Acl($databaseProvider, new PermissionBuffer());
$acl uses an AclSchema
to know what the database schema looks like.
You can customize the schema options if you have to.
<?php use AlexDpy\Acl\Acl; use AlexDpy\Acl\Database\Schema\AclSchema; $aclSchema = new AclSchema([ 'permissions_table_name' => 'acl_perm', 'requester_column_length' => 100, 'resource_column_length' => 100, ]); $acl = new Acl( $databaseProvider, new PermissionBuffer(), 'AlexDpy\Acl\Mask\BasicMaskBuilder', $aclSchema );
You can also extends the AclSchema
and use your own.
isGranted, grant, revoke
Here is the scenario:
Given a
(the "requester") and apost
(the "resource")
When theuser
wants toedit
Then we call$acl->isGranted($user, $post, 'EDIT')
$user has to be an instance of AlexDpy\Acl\Model\RequesterInterface
$post has to be an instance of AlexDpy\Acl\Model\ResourceInterface
<?php if (!$acl->isGranted($user, $post, 'EDIT')) { throw new \Exception('You can not edit this post !'); }
<?php $acl->grant($user, $post, 'EDIT'); // $user can now edit $post $acl->revoke($user, $post, 'EDIT'); // $user can not edit $post anymore
The Requester and the Resource
$acl works with a RequesterInterface
and a ResourceInterface
Both of them have one method which is used for identify their object.
All is about naming convention. You have to care about identifiers conflicts.
A good way to do this is to have a prefix representing the object, and a unique id.
<?php use AlexDpy\Acl\Model\RequesterInterface; class User implements RequesterInterface { protected $id; public function getAclRequesterIdentifier() { return 'user-' . $this->id; } }
<?php use AlexDpy\Acl\Model\ResourceInterface; class Post implements ResourceInterface { protected $id; public function getAclResourceIdentifier() { return 'post-' . $this->id; } }
Of course, you can also work with any arbitrary requester or any arbitrary resource:
<?php use AlexDpy\Acl\Model\Requester; use AlexDpy\Acl\Model\Resource; $acl->grant( new Requester('user-666'), new Resource('post-1337'), 'VIEW' );
The CascadingRequesterInterface
Sometimes, It can be useful to work with a requester and his parents. As a user and his security roles.
The $acl->isGranted()
will take care about all the parents. If one parent is granted, then it will return true.
<?php use AlexDpy\Acl\Model\CascadingRequesterInterface; class User implements CascadingRequesterInterface { protected $id; protected $roles; public function getAclRequesterIdentifier() { return 'user-' . $this->id; } public function getAclParentsRequester() { $parents = []; foreach ($this->roles as $role) { $parents[] = new Requester('role-' . $role); } return $parents; } }
The MaskBuilder
The MaskBuilder is an intanceof AlexDpy\Acl\Mask\MaskBuilderInterface
Its job is to care about permission level. It works with bitmasks.
We provide a BasicMaskBuilder
which has 4 masks :
const MASK_VIEW = 1;
const MASK_EDIT = 2;
const MASK_CREATE = 4;
const MASK_DELETE = 8;
When you grant a requester with both VIEW and EDIT, the stored mask will be 3 (MASK_VIEW + MASK_EDIT).
The public function resolveMask($code);
will convert a readable parameter into the integer mask equivalent.
It allows you to write $acl->grant($user, $post, ['view', 'edit']);
or $acl->grant($user, $post, 3);
for the same result.
If you need more and/or different masks, you can create your own MaskBuilder, extending AlexDpy\Acl\Mask\AbstractMaskBuilder
And then:
<?php use AlexDpy\Acl\Acl; $acl = new Acl($databaseProvider, new PermissionBuffer(), 'My\New\MaskBuilder');
To avoid useless database requests, $acl needs a PermissionBuffer
PermissionBuffer works with the DoctrineCache library. It needs a Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider
The easiest way is to use APC:
<?php use Doctrine\Common\Cache\ApcCache; $cacheProvider = new ApcCache(); $cacheProvider->setNamespace('acl'); $permissionBuffer = new PermissionBuffer($cacheProvider); $acl = new Acl($databaseProvider, $permissionBuffer);
Filtering lists