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Simple implementation of the PSR-11 dependency injection container

0.1.0 2023-05-29 13:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 16:26:46 UTC


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A simple PSR-11 compatible Dependency Injection Container


Installation via Composer.

require alex-patterson-webdev/container ^0.1


To begin using the container, we simply need to create an instance of it

use Arp\Container\Container;

$container = new Container();

The Arp\Container\Container implements the Psr\ContainerInterface and therefore can be used to check and fetch services by name.

if (true === $container->has('ServiceName')) {
    $service = $container->get('ServiceName');

Registering services with the container

There are a number of different ways we can register a 'service' with the container, the method you choose will depend on how you wish the service to be created.

Objects and Values

The simplest use case is when you need to set() an object or value on the container. These values do not require instantiation, the container will simply store and return this value unmodified when requested via get().

$container = new Container();
$container->set('TodaysDate', new \DateTime('today'));
$todaysDate = $container->get('TodaysDate');


Factories provide us with a location to construct and resolve dependencies using the container. The factory can be any php callable and can be set by calling $container->setFactory().

$container = new Container();
$container->setFactory('TodaysDate', static function() {
    return new \DateTime('today');

When invoked the factory class will also have the container injected into it as the first argument. We can use the container to resolve other dependencies.

$container->setFactory('TodaysDateService', static function(ContainerInterface $container) {
    return new TodayDateService($container->get('TodaysDate');

We also have access to the requested service name as the second argument, $name. By being aware of the name of the service which is being created it allows the creation of reusable factories.

$factory = static function(ContainerInterface $container, string $name) {
   $todaysDate = $container->get('TodaysDate');
   if ('EnglishDateService' === $name) {
        return new EnglishDateService($todaysDate);
   return new FrenchDateService($todaysDate);

We can then assign the same factory with different service names.

$container->setFactory('EnglishDateService', $factory);
$container->setFactory('FrenchDateService', $factory);

Object Factory

In cases where you need have a service without dependencies we can use the Arp\Container\Factory\ObjectFactory and the container will create the class for us based on the service $name. If the service $name is not a valid class name an exception is thrown.

use Arp\Container\Factory\ObjectFactory;
$container = new Container();
$container->setFactory(\stdClass(), ObjectFactory::class);

// @var \stdClass $object
$object = $container->get(\stcClass());

The above configuration isn't explicitly required as any service $name using a FQCN not registered with the container with be automatically registered to use ObjectFactory. We recommended that you explicitly define the service for clarity.

Unit Tests

The project unit tests can be executed using PHPUnit

php vendor/bin/phpunit