
PHP client library(SDK) for Google Maps API Web Services

v10.0.0 2024-08-04 08:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-04 09:41:14 UTC


Google Maps Services for PHP

PHP client library(SDK) for Google Maps API Web Services.

Fork of older Nick Tsai's library.

Build Status Scrutinizer Code Quality Latest Stable Version Minimum PHP Version Downloads License Code Coverage


  • Minimal php is 8.1
  • Type checks
  • Dependency injection
  • With PSR and other remote libraries than Guzzle/Curl in mind
  • Only API key now usable



For nearly any raw php / custom frameworks:

// somewhere in configuration something like this

/// ... with anonymous function as setter in DI
function (): \kalanis\google_maps\ClientConfig
    return \kalanis\google_maps\ClientConfig::init('Your API Key');

Then on desired pages:

class YourPresenter extends YourFramework
    public function __construct(
        // ... other used classes
        protected kalanis\google_maps\Client $mapService,
    ) {

    public function process(): void
        // Geocoding an address
        $geocodeResult = $this->mapService->geocode('Pelješki most, Croatia');

        // Look up an address with reverse geocoding
        $reverseGeocodeResult = $this->mapService->reverseGeocode(42.916667, 17.533333);

        // Request directions via public transit
        $directionsResult = $this->mapService->directions('Ploče', 'Dubrovnik', [
            'mode' => "transit",
            'departure_time' => time(),

For Laravel:

/// app\Providers\AppServiceProvider.php
public function register()
    // ... other binds
    $this->app()->bind(\kalanis\google_maps\Client::class, function(
            Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface $client,
            Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface $request
        ) {
            return new \kalanis\google_maps\Client(
                \kalanis\google_maps\ClientConfig::init('Your API Key'),

And then in the controller is the code the same as in another random framework.

For Symfony:

# config/services.yaml
    arguments: ['Your API Key']
    arguments: ['@Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface', '@Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface', '@kalanis\google_maps\ClientConfig']
namespace App\Controller;

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Attribute\Route;

class YourMapsPresenter extends AbstractController
    public function __construct(
        // ... other used classes
        protected kalanis\google_maps\Client $mapService,
    ) {

    #[Route('/geocode', name: 'maps_geocode', defaults: ['where' => 'Pelješki most, Croatia'], methods: ['GET'])]
    public function geocode(Request $request, string $where): Response
        $geocodeResult = $this->mapService->geocode($where);
        return new JsonResponse($geocodeResult)

    #[Route('/reverse-geocode', lat: '42.916667', lon: '17.533333', defaults: ['lat' => '42.916667', 'lon' => '17.533333'], methods: ['GET'])]
    public function reverseGeocode(Request $request, string $lat, string $lon): Response
        $geocodeResult = $this->mapService->reverseGeocode([$lat, $lon]);
        return new JsonResponse($geocodeResult)

For Nette:

    # ... other ones
    - kalanis\google_maps\ClientConfig('Your API Key')
    - kalanis\google_maps\Client
    # ... other ones

Or with parameters for different servers/services:

    # ... other ones
    googleMapsKey: 'Your API Key'
    # ... other ones

    # ... other ones
    - kalanis\google_maps\ClientConfig(%parameters.googleMapsKey%)
    - kalanis\google_maps\Client
    # ... other ones

And then in class like in other frameworks with DI.


The PHP Client for Google Maps Services is a PHP Client library for the following Google Maps APIs:


  • PHP 8.1+ or higher

API keys

Each Google Maps Web Service request requires an API key or client ID. API keys are freely available with a Google Account at The type of API key you need is a Server key.

To get an API key:

  1. Visit and log in with a Google Account.

  2. Select one of your existing projects, or create a new project.

  3. Enable the Google Maps Services API(s) you plan to use, such as:

    • Directions API
    • Distance Matrix API
    • Geocoding API
    • Places API
    • Roads API
    • Time Zone API
    • Nearby API
  4. Create a new Server key.

  5. If you'd like to restrict requests to a specific IP address, do so now.

For guided help, follow the instructions for the Directions API. You only need one API key, but remember to enable all the APIs you need. For even more information, see the guide to API keys.

Important: This key should be kept secret on your server.


Run Composer in your project:

composer require alex-kalanis/google-maps-php-services

Then you could call it after Composer is loaded depended on your PHP framework:

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use kalanis\google_maps\Client;


Before using any Google Maps Services, first you need to create a Client with configuration, then use the client to access Google Maps Services.


Create a Client using API key:

$gmaps = new \kalanis\google_maps\Client(
    new \PsrMock\Psr7\Request(),
    new \PsrMock\Psr18\Client(),
    new \kalanis\google_maps\ConfigClient('Your API Key'),


You could set language for Client for all services:

$gmaps = new \kalanis\google_maps\Client(
    new \PsrMock\Psr7\Request(),
    new \PsrMock\Psr18\Client(),
    new \kalanis\google_maps\ConfigClient('Your API Key', 'pt-br'),

list of supported languages - Google Maps Platform


Elevation API

Elevation API overview | Google for Developers

// Get elevation by locations parameter
$elevationResult = $gmaps->elevation(25.0339639, 121.5644722);
$elevationResult = $gmaps->elevation('25.0339639', '121.5644722');

Routes API

Get a route | Google for Developers

$routes = $gmaps->computeRoutes($originArray, $destinationArray, $fullBodyArray, $fieldMask)

// Get the route data between two places simply
$routes = $gmaps->computeRoutes([
        "location" => [
           "latLng" => [
              "latitude" => 37.419734,
              "longitude" => -122.0827784
        "location" => [
           "latLng" => [
              "latitude" => 37.41767,
              "longitude" => -122.079595

// Get the full route data between two places with full request data
$routes = $gmaps->computeRoutes([...], [...], ["travelMode": "DRIVE", ...], '*');

Roads API

Snap to Roads | Google for Developers

$roads = $gmaps->snapToRoads([[-35.27801,149.12958], [-35.28032,149.12907], [-35.28099,149.12929]]);

Directions API

Getting directions | Google for Developers

// Request directions via public transit
$directionsResult = $gmaps->directions('Milano', 'Venezia', [
    'mode' => "transit",
    'departure_time' => time(),

Distance Matrix API

Get started with the Distance Matrix API | Google for Developers

// Get the distance matrix data between two places
$distanceMatrixResult = $gmaps->distanceMatrix('Canberra', 'Perth');

// With Imperial units
$distanceMatrixResult = $gmaps->distanceMatrix('Stonehenge', 'Bristol', [
    'units' => 'imperial',

Geocoding API

Geocoding API overview | Google for Developers

// Geocoding an address
$geocodeResult = $gmaps->geocode('Avenida Maracanã 350, Rio de Janeiro');

// Look up an address with reverse geocoding
$reverseGeocodeResult = $gmaps->reverseGeocode(-22.912167, -43.230164);

Geolocation API

Geolocation API overview | Google for Developers

// Simple geolocate
$geolocateResult = $gmaps->geolocate([]);

Time Zone API

Time Zone API overview | Google for Developers

// requests the time zone data for given location
$timezoneResult = $gmaps->timezone([25.381111, 83.021389]); // Sárnáth

Nearby API

Nearby API overview | Google for Developers

// requests the nearby points for given location
$nearbyResult = $gmaps->nearby('restaurant', [25.71874, 32.6574]); // in Luxor

Find by Place API

Find by Place API overview | Google for Developers

// requests the place points for given location by given place
$nearbyResult = $gmaps->findPlace('Champs Elysees', 'restaurant', ['name', 'current_opening_hours']);

Find by Text API

Find by Text API overview | Google for Developers

// requests the place points for given location by given text
$nearbyResult = $gmaps->findText('Sagrada Familia', 350, [], 3, 0, true);

Place details API

Place details API overview | Google for Developers

// requests the details about place point
$nearbyResult = $gmaps->placeDetails('ChIJN1t_tDeuEmsRUsoyG83frY4', ['name', 'current_opening_hours']);