
PHP Classes to allow data placement in a grid structure and exporting in various data formats.

0.7.1 2024-09-05 20:33 UTC


Packagist link

There will be no new features added to this project. I suggest using the Symfony Serializer Component instead for similar functionality. The project will not receive ongoing support.


This package is a PHP object-oriented solution for modelling data in two (rows + columns) or three dimensions (rows + columns + pages). It can be thought of like a spreadsheet.

It allows a single data class ExportData to be used to organize your data in a grid, with various output styles Exporter so you can easily get a .csv file or a .xlsx file, among many others.

See the code for more documentation.

Install with Composer

  1. Require this package:

    composer require aklump/loft_data_grids:^0.7


Let's build a two-layer data grid. (Layers are called pages.) The first page will contain names and ages of three people. The second page will contain vehicle information. It can be pictured in two tables:

Page 0

Name Age
Adam 39
Brandon 37
Charlie 7

Page 1

Color Make
Black Honda
White BMW

In Code

$data_grid = new \AKlump\LoftDataGrids\ExportData();

// By default we're on page 0, row 0.
$data_grid->add('Name', 'Adam')->add('Age', 39)->next();
$data_grid->add('Name', 'Brandon')->add('Age', 37)->next();
$data_grid->add('Name', 'Charlie')->add('Age', 7)->next();

// Switch to page 1; we'll be placed on row 0.
$data_grid->add('Color', 'Black')->add('Make', 'Honda')->next();
$data_grid->add('Color', 'White')->add('Make', 'BMW')->next();

Accessing data from the object

Think of pointer as a row in a table.

$value = $data_grid->setPage(0)->setPointer(0)->getValue('Name') // $value === 'Adam'
$value = $data_grid->getValue('Name') // $value === 'Adam'
$value = $data_grid->setPointer(2)->getValue('Name') // $value === 'Charlie'
$value = $data_grid->setPointer(0)->get() // $value === array('Name' => 'Adam', 'Age' => 39)
$value = $data_grid->setPage(1)->setPointer(1)->getValue('Color') // $value === 'White'

Exporting data to other formats

We can export both pages in CSV like this:

$exporter = new \AKlump\LoftDataGrids\CSVExporter($data_grid);

$csv_string = $exporter->export();
// "Name","Age"
// "Adam","39"
// "Brandon","37"
// "Charlie","7"

$csv_string = $exporter->export(1);
// "Color","Make"
// "Black","Honda"
// "White","BMW"

Or to get it as JSON...

$exporter = new \AKlump\LoftDataGrids\JSONExporter($data_grid);
$json_string = $exporter->export();

(This has been formatted for easier-reading; the actual JSON is minified.)

      "Name": "Adam",
      "Age": 39
      "Name": "Brandon",
      "Age": 37
      "Name": "Charlie",
      "Age": 7
      "Color": "Black",
      "Make": "Honda"
      "Color": "White",
      "Make": "BMW"

Or any of the other exporter classes.

Saving to File

$exporter = new \AKlump\LoftDataGrids\XLSXExporter($data_grid, 'users');

Exporters: objects as values

  • Exporters can handle objects if they implement the objectHandler method.
  • Exporters can handle \DateTime objects if they set a value for 'dateFormat'.


  1. Run the PhpUnit tests with ./bin/run_unit_tests.sh