ahmard / guzwrap
A wrapper around popular php http client, "GuzzleHttp"
- php: ^8.1
- ext-json: *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^7.5
Requires (Dev)
- phpstan/phpstan: ^1.9
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9.5
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-21 20:12:04 UTC
Guzwrap is an object-oriented wrapper around GuzzleHttp.
This project is founded to make sending request with Guzzle easier and enjoyable.
Supported PHP Versions
Guzwrap require PHP >= 7.4 or >= 8.0.
Make sure you have Composer installed.
composer require ahmard/guzwrap
use Guzwrap\Request; //simple request $result = Request::get('http://localhost:8002')->exec(); //with authentication Request::get('http://localhost:8002') ->auth('username', 'password') ->exec();
- get Guzwrap Instance
use Guzwrap\Request; $instance = Request::create(); //Do something...
- Request with cookies
use Guzwrap\Request; Request::create()->get('http://localhost:8002') ->withCookie() //or use cookie file ->withCookieFile('path/to/file') //use cookie session ->withCookieSession('session_name') //use array too ->withCookieArray([ 'first_name' => 'Jane', 'other_names' => 'Doe' ], 'localhost') //Use single cookie across requests ->withSharedCookie();
- Handle redirects
use Guzwrap\Request; use Guzwrap\Wrapper\Redirect; Request::get('http://localhost:8002') ->redirects(function(Redirect $redirect){ $redirect->max(5); $redirect->strict(); $redirect->referer('http://goo.gl'); $redirect->protocols('http'); $redirect->trackRedirects(); $redirect->onRedirect(function(){ echo "Redirection detected!"; }); })->exec();
- Headers
use Guzwrap\Request; use Guzwrap\Wrapper\Header; Request::get('http://localhost:8002') ->header(function(Header $header){ $header->add('hello', 'world'); $header->add('planet', 'earth'); }) ->exec();
- Query
use Guzwrap\Request; Request::get('https://google.com') ->query('q', 'Who is jane doe') ->exec();
- Post form data
use Guzwrap\Request; use Guzwrap\Wrapper\Form; Request::uri('http://localhost:8002') ->post(function(Form $form){ $form->field('first_name', 'Jane'); $form->field('last_name', 'Doe'); }) ->exec(); //Post with multipart data Request::uri('http://localhost:8002') ->post(function(Form $form){ $form->method('post'); $form->field('full_name', 'Jane Doe'); $form->file('avatar', 'C:\jane_doe.jpg'); })->exec();
You can use RequestInterface::form() method
Note: If you did not set form method to post, all your input fields will be treated as url queries.
use Guzwrap\Request; use Guzwrap\Wrapper\Form; use Guzwrap\Wrapper\File; Request::form(function (Form $form){ $form->method('get'); //You can use any http method here $form->action('localhost:8002'); $form->field('name', 'Guzwrap'); })->exec(); //Send file with custom information Request::form(function(Form $form){ $form->method('post'); $form->action('http://localhost:8002'); $form->field('full_name', 'Jane Doe'); $form->file(function(File $file){ $file->field('avatar'); $file->path('C:\jane_doe.jpg'); $file->name('John_doe.gif'); }); })->exec();
More Request usage
- Use request data
use Guzwrap\Request; use Guzwrap\UserAgent; //Basic usage $request = Request::query('artist', 'Taylor Swift') ->useData([ 'headers' => [ 'pass' => 'my-random-pass', 'user-agent' => 'My Custom Useragent', ], 'query' => [ 'action' => 'create' ] ])->exec(); //User other request's data $request1 = Request::userAgent(UserAgent::FIREFOX) ->query([ 'username' => 'Ahmard', 'realm' => 'admin' ]); $realRequest = Request::useData($request1->getData());
- Use request object
use Guzwrap\Request; use Guzwrap\UserAgent; $request1 = Request::query('username', 'Ahmard'); $request2 = Request::query('language', 'PHP') ->userAgent(UserAgent::CHROME) ->allowRedirects(false); $realRequest = Request::useRequest($request1, $request2); //Has request 1 and request 2 data
Asynchronous Operations
use Guzwrap\Request; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; $promise = Request::get('localhost:8002') ->query('wraps', 'guzzlehttp') ->query('name', 'guzwrap') ->execAsync(); $promise->then(function (ResponseInterface $response){ var_dump($response->getBody()->getContents()); }); $promise->wait();
Running multiple requests at once
- Create PHP Built-in Server
php -S localhost:8002 index.php
- Create an index.php file and put below code into it
\sleep($_GET['sleep']); echo $_GET['sleep'];
- Crate test.php and put below code into it
use Guzwrap\Request; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; $promise = Request::get('localhost:8002') ->query('wraps', 'guzzlehttp') ->query('sleep', 2) ->execAsync(); $promise->then(function (ResponseInterface $response){ var_dump($response->getBody()->getContents()); }); $promise2 = Request::get('localhost:8002') ->query('name', 'guzwrap') ->query('sleep', 1) ->execAsync(); $promise2->then(function (ResponseInterface $response){ var_dump($response->getBody()->getContents()); }); $promise->wait(); $promise2->wait();
- Now run the test.php file
php test.php
Using Concurrent class to manage Guzzle Request Concurrency
use Guzwrap\Request; $promise1 = Request::get('localhost:8002')->execAsync(); $promise2 = Request::get('localhost:8002')->execAsync(); $responses = Request::concurrent($promise1, $promise2)->unwrap(); echo $responses[0]->getStatusCode() . PHP_EOL; echo $responses[1]->getReasonPhrase() . PHP_EOL;
- Using request pool
use Guzwrap\Request; use Guzwrap\Wrapper\Pool; use GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException; use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; require 'vendor/autoload.php'; $pool = Request::pool(function (Pool $pool) { $pool->concurrency(5); $pool->fulfilled(function (Response $response, $index) { // this is delivered each successful response }); $pool->rejected(function (RequestException $reason, $index) { // this is delivered each failed request }); $pool->requests(function ($total) { $uri = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) { yield new \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request('GET', $uri); } }); }); $promise = $pool->promise(); $promise->then(function (ResponseInterface $response){ echo "{$response->getStatusCode()} @ {$response->getReasonPhrase()}\n"; }); $promise->wait();
We provide custom user agents to help send request easily.
use Guzwrap\Request; use Guzwrap\UserAgent; Request::userAgent(UserAgent::CHROME); //Choose specific useragent index from array Request::userAgent(UserAgent::CHROME, '1'); //Choose sub-useragent Request::userAgent(UserAgent::CHROME, '9.1');
- List user agents
use Guzwrap\UserAgent; $userAgents = UserAgent::init()->getAvailable();
- Get random user agent
use Guzwrap\UserAgent; $randomUA = UserAgent::init()->getRandom();
- Add user agents to the collection.
Please take a look at user agent definition sample
use Guzwrap\UserAgent; UserAgent::init()->addFile('/path/to/user-agents.json');
- Use raw user agent
Note that you can only pass Guzwrap\UserAgent class to the request object, nothing more.
This may open door to other possibilities in the future.
use Guzwrap\UserAgent; use Guzwrap\Request; $request = Request::userAgent(UserAgent::raw('Browser 1.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)'));
Manipulating Guzzle StackHandler
use Guzwrap\Request; use GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlHandler; use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack; Request::stack(function (HandlerStack $stack){ $stack->setHandler(new CurlHandler()); //Do something here });
Adding middleware to GuzzleHttp requests
use Guzwrap\Request; use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface; /** * An example of middleware that add header to requests * @link https://docs.guzzlephp.org/en/stable/handlers-and-middleware.html */ Request::middleware(function(){ return function (callable $handler){ return function ( RequestInterface $request, array $options ) use ($handler){ $request = $request->withHeader('X-Guzwrap-Version', 'V2'); return $handler($request, $options); }; }; });
Extending Guzwrap
use Guzwrap\Wrapper\Guzzle; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; require 'vendor/autoload.php'; class Client extends Guzzle { public static function create(): Client { return new Client(); } public function boom(): ResponseInterface { echo "Executing request...\n"; return parent::exec(); } } $client = Client::create() ->get('localhost:8002') ->withCookie() ->boom();
Rust PHP built-in server before running the test
php -S localhost:8002 -t tests/raw/
Run the test
composer test
Enjoy 😎