
A Laravel package for rapid domain driven development.

2.0.1 2025-02-28 18:24 UTC


A Laravel package to scaffold Domain-Driven Design (DDD) structures in your Laravel projects. This package creates a complete suite of files—domain entities, value objects, repositories, domain services, models (with optional soft deletes), factories, observers, policies, and even migrations—so you can quickly get started with a DDD approach.


  • Domain Scaffolding Automatically creates directories and stub files for a new domain.

  • Model Generation Generates a domain model extending your BaseModel with optional soft delete support.

  • Factory, Observer, & Policy Generates a factory, observer, and policy for your domain.

  • Optional Migrations Create migrations (with or without soft deletes) for your domain’s table.

  • Repository Binding Automatically updates your RepositoryServiceProvider with the new domain’s repository binding.

  • CRUD Actions Generates a full set of CRUD actions (Create, Update, Delete, Index, Show) using aesircloud/laravel-actions.

  • Optional Soft Delete Actions When the domain uses soft deletes, additional Restore and ForceDelete actions are generated.

  • Value Object Generation Use the make:value-object command to scaffold a new value object. Optionally specify a domain to place the value object within that domain’s folder.

  • Interactive Prompts If a file already exists, you'll be prompted (defaulting to replace) so you can control file overwrites.

  • --force Option Overwrite existing files without being prompted.

  • Customizable Stubs Publish the package stubs for customization.


Install the package via Composer:

  composer require aesircloud/laravel-domains

Laravel’s package auto-discovery will register the service provider automatically. If you need to manually register it, add the following to your config/app.php providers array:



To customize the stub files used for scaffolding, publish the package stubs:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=ddd-stubs

This will copy all stub files into stubs/laravel-domains in your project, where you can modify them as you wish.


To scaffold a new domain, run the following command:

php artisan make:domain {DomainName} [--migration] [--soft-deletes] [--force]


  • Class Names: DomainName is automatically converted to StudlyCase.
  • Table Names: The table name is derived from your raw domain input, converted to snake_case and pluralized. Example: php artisan make:domain user_profile
    • Domain class name: UserProfile
    • Table name: user_profiles


  1. Basic Domain Creation

    php artisan make:domain User

    Creates domain files under app/Domains/User/ Generates a User model, factory, observer, policy, DTO, repository interface, and domain service.

  2. Domain with Migration

    php artisan make:domain User --migration

    Also creates a migration in the database/migrations folder.

  3. Domain with Soft Deletes

    php artisan make:domain User --soft-deletes

    Model, observer, policy, repository, and actions will include soft-delete logic.

  4. Domain with Migration and Soft Deletes

    php artisan make:domain User --migration --soft-deletes
  5. Force Overwrite of Existing Files

    php artisan make:domain User --force

    Automatically overwrites any existing files without prompting.

The command will:

  • Create domain directories (e.g., app/Domains/User/Entities, Repositories, DomainServices).
  • Generate stub files for Entity, Repository Interface, and Domain Service.
  • Create a BaseModel (if not already present) and a domain-specific model in app/Models (using soft delete logic if selected).
  • Create a DTO file using spatie/laravel-data in app/Domains/User/DataTransferObjects.
  • Create a factory in database/factories.
  • Create an observer in app/Observers and a policy in app/Policies.
  • Optionally generate a migration file (using stubs from stubs/model).
  • Update the RepositoryServiceProvider with the binding for the new domain’s repository interface and its concrete implementation.
  • Generate CRUD actions (Create, Update, Delete, Index, Show), with optional Restore and ForceDelete actions if soft deletes are enabled.


To create a subdomain within an existing domain, use the make:subdomain command:

php artisan make:subdomain {ParentDomain} {SubdomainName} [--migration] [--soft-deletes] [--force]


Example: Under the 'User' domain, create a 'AuthenticationLogs' subdomain

php artisan make:subdomain User AuthenticationLogs --migration --soft-deletes
  • Also creates actions in app/Actions/{ParentDomain}/{SubdomainName}, e.g. app/Actions/User/AuthenticationLogs/DeleteAuthenticationLogAction.php.
  • Binds the repository to RepositoryServiceProvider.

NOTE: The parent domain (e.g. app/Domains/User) must already exist before you can add a subdomain within it.

  • You can make a folder in the app/Domains/<domain> directory to represent a parent domain that you do not need to scaffold. E.g., app/Domains/HumanResources. Then you can create subdomains within that folder.
  • Example: php artisan make:subdomain HumanResources Payroll --migration --soft-deletes


You can also generate a value object, optionally scoping it to a domain:

php artisan make:value-object Address

Creates a file named AddressValueObject.php in app/ValueObjects.

Or specify a domain:

php artisan make:value-object Address --domain=User

Or specify a domain and subdomain:

php and artisan make:value-object Check --domain=HumanResources --sub-domain=Payroll 

You can also use the --force option to overwrite existing files:

php artisan make:value-object Address --force


  • PHP: 8.3 or higher
  • Laravel: 11.42 or higher
  • illuminate/console: 11.42 or higher
  • illuminate/support: 11.42.1 or higher
  • spatie/laravel-data: 4.13 or higher
  • aesircloud/sluggable: 1.1.0 or higher
  • aesircloud/laravel-actions: 1.0.0 or higher


Please see the Standards & Pattern Philosophy file for the design and development standards used in this package.


If you've found a bug regarding security please mail instead of using the issue tracker.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License file for more information.