
Generate images of your entries and terms

dev-main 2024-05-20 17:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 18:49:55 UTC


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This addon provides an easy-to-use interface to generate images of your entries and terms. A common use case would be to generate social images for Open Graph and Twitter.


Paparazzi uses Browsershot to generate the images and requires a working installation of Puppeteer on your server and local machine.


Install the addon using Composer:

composer require aerni/paparazzi

The config will be automatically published to config/paparazzi.php as part of the installation process.

Configuring Models

The first thing you should do is to configure your models in config/paparazzi.php. You can add as many models as you like. The only requirement for a model is the width and height. All other configuration options are passed down from the defaults array. You may override any default value by setting it on the model itself.

'models' => [

    'open_graph' => [
        'width' => 1200,
        'height' => 630,

    'instagram_post' => [
        'width' => 1080,
        'height' => 1080,
        'extension' => 'jpeg',
        'quality' => 80,
        'container' => 'instagram',


Layouts & Templates

Next, you should create your first layout and templates for your models. Use the following commands to do so:

The views will be saved to resources/views/paparazzi. If you'd like to use another path, you can change it in the config.

Working with models

A model will be created for each template that exists for a given model. The ID of a model will constructed from the model's handle and its template. Let's say you have an open_graph model with a default, article, and video template. This would result in three models with IDs of open_graph::default, open_graph::article, and open_graph::video.

Use the Model facade to get a model by its ID:

use Aerni\Paparazzi\Facades\Model;


Alternatively, you can use the model's handle as the method and pass the template as an argument:


If you don't pass the template as an argument, you will get the model with the default template as defined in the config('paparazzi.defaults.template'). If you don't have a template with that name, it will return the first model it can find.


You can also get all the models at once:


Or only a selection of models:

Model::all(['open_graph::defaults', 'twitter::article']);

Or get all the models of a specific type:


Generating an image

Now you can simply call the generate() method on the model:


Or generate the image in the background by dispatching a job:


If you want the data of an entry or term available in the template, you can add the entry/term with the content() method:


Generate the images of all models with the content of an entry.


You can also pass a callback to the generate or dispatch method to configure the browsershot instance.

Model::twitter()->generate(fn ($browsershot) => $browsershot->fullPage());

Asset management

The generated images will be saved as a Statamic asset. The asset container, directory, and file reference can be changed in the config.


You may use a couple of variables to customize the directory and file reference.

File Reference

The reference is used to get the generated images that belong to a model.

'directory' => '{type}/{parent}/{site}/{slug}',
'reference' => '{model}-{layout}-{template}-{parent}-{site}-{slug}',

Previewing Templates

You may preview your templates in the browser according to the following URL schema. The preview is only available in local environment.

// Schema

// Example

This will return the default template of the open_graph model. To show a different model, provide the full ID instead:


You may also change the layout that is used with the layout parameter:


To add the content of an entry or term to the rendered template, add the content query parameter containing the entry's or term's ID.

// Entry ID

// Term ID

Use the optional site parameter to get the entry or term in a specific localization.


Live Preview

Add a model to the Live Preview of all collections:

public function handle(EntryBlueprintFound $event)

Add a model to the Live Preview of a specific collection:

public function handle(EntryBlueprintFound $event)

Add a model to the Live Preview of multiple selected collection:

public function handle(EntryBlueprintFound $event)
    Model::openGraph()->addLivePreviewToCollection(['pages', 'articles']);

Add a model to the Live Preview of all taxonomies:

public function handle(EntryBlueprintFound $event)

Add a model to the Live Preview of a specific taxonomy:

public function handle(EntryBlueprintFound $event)

Add a model to the Live Preview of multiple selected taxonomies:

public function handle(EntryBlueprintFound $event)
    Model::openGraph()->addLivePreviewToTaxonomy(['categories', 'tags']);

You can also add a model to collections and taxonomies at the same time:

public function handle(TermBlueprintFound $event)
        ->addLivePreviewToCollection(['pages', 'articles']);


Paparazzi is free to use software but may not be reused in other projects without the express written consent of Michael Aerni.


Developed by Michael Aerni