API Service to work with DotKernel

dev-main 2024-10-03 12:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-03 12:16:05 UTC


An API client primarily to work with DotKernel API. https://github.com/dotkernel/api



Install via composer


composer install advancedideasmechanics/apiclient

Call package


$apiclient = new ApiClient(baseurl, clientId, clientSecret, grantType, scope, userName, userSecret, tokenLocation, tokenFilename, debug, additionalParams);

See if it works, if api call works it will create a tokenFilename in your chosen location. Create location path if not already in place.



Send data to API

$apiclient->makeApiRequest($endpoint, $body, $method = "GET", $additionalHeaders = []);

Initialize Details

Below uses some DotKernel defaults. DO NOT use those values in production.

baseurl = http://localhost:8083

clientId = frontend # DotKernel default

clientSecret = frontend # DotKernel default

grantType = password

scope = api # DotKernel default (you can keep this)

userName = test@dotkernel.com # DotKernel default

userSecret = dotkernel # DotKernel default

tokenLocation = /var/www/data/ # keep outside web folder

tokenFilename = token.json # can be any file name you wish.

debug = false # optional will default to false, this for guzzle debugging to log files.

additionParms = [] # Optional Guzzle parameters.

Send / Retrieve to API

endpoint = /someapiendpoint # start from the root of the baseurl

body = [] # Array of information that will be sent to api as json_encoded() can be just [] if using GET

method = GET # defaults to GET but you can use any HTTP VERB you set if the endpoint accepts it.

additionalHeader = [] # Optional for Guzzle