
Integration of Polr API Client into Symfony

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1.0.1 2021-01-12 13:38 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-01 05:39:33 UTC


(Note: This version is not compatible with Symfony 3. Please use version 0.1.1 for apps running on Symfony 3)

This bundle provides Polr API Client integration in Symfony (4|5). This bundle is simply a wrapper over PHP package adeelnawaz/polr-api-client. The bundle exposes a service PolrApiService that can be utilized to call API methods of the PolrApi class from API Client package.


Step 1: Configuration

Create a configuration file in your config directory named polr_api.yml containing the following configuration:

  api_url: '%env(POLR_API_URL)%'
  api_key: '%env(POLR_API_KEY)%'
  api_quota: '%env(int:POLR_API_QUOTA)%'

In .env[.*] file, add the following environment variables

POLR_API_QUOTA=0 # Set to zero for unlimited

Note: The POLR_API_QUOTA value makes sure that your application separates the API calls with enough delay that you don't exceed your calls/minute quota. If you specify a smaller value than your API key's actual quota then you will get an error from your Polr API.

Step 2: Install via Composer

In your console, navigate to your Symfony project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this package:

$ composer require adeelnawaz/polr-api-bundle

Step 3: Enable the Bundle

For apps with Symfony Flex, this step is not needed. Otherwise add the bundle to the list of registered bundles in config/bundles.php:

// config/bundles.php

return [
    Adeelnawaz\PolrApiBundle\PolrApiBundle::class => ['all' => true],

All done!


In order to consume the API, use the service PolrApiService. Create DTO object(s) (Adeelnawaz\PolrApiClient\DTO\Link, etc) for the method you intend to use and call the method. This will result in calling the respective REST API endpoint and returning the relative Adeelnawaz\PolrApiClient\DTO\Response object.
(See Docblocks of the PolrApiService methods for further information on input/output DTOs)

In case of a failed API call, the PolrApiService methods throw Adeelnawaz\PolrApiClient\Exception\ApiResponseException. The exception has getters for code, message, and a machine readable short string error_code returned by the Polr REST API.

Example controller:


namespace App\Controller;

use Adeelnawaz\PolrApiBundle\Service\PolrApiService;
use Adeelnawaz\PolrApiClient\DTO\Link;
use Adeelnawaz\PolrApiClient\Exception\ApiResponseException;

class DefaultController extends AbstractController
    public function indexAction(PolrApiService $api)
        // Prepare DTO for API method input
        $link = new Link();
        try {
            $responseLink = $api->shortenLink($link);
        } catch (ApiResponseException $e) {
            echo "Error: ({$e->getCode()} - {$e->getErrorCode()}) \"{$e->getMessage()}\"\n";

See also

Polr API Client Documentation.