
A set of sample ARCHE ingestion scripts

1.6.1 2025-03-06 08:23 UTC


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A collection of ARCHE ingestion script templates

The REST API provided by the ARCHE is quite a low-level from the point of view of real-world data ingestions. To make ingestions simpler, the arche-lib-ingest library has been developed. While it provides a convenient high-level data ingestion API, it's still only a library which requires you to write your own ingestion script.

This repository is aimed at closing this gap - it provides a set of data ingestion scripts (built on top of the the arche-lib-ingest) which can be used by people with almost no programming skills.

Scripts provided

There are two script variants provided:

  • Console scripts variant where where parameters are passed trough the command line.
    The benefit of this variant is easiness of use, especially in CI/CD workflows.
    • bin/arche-import-metadata imports metadata from an RDF file
    • bin/arche-import-binary (re)ingests a single resource's binary content (to be used when file name and/or location changed)
    • bin/arche-delete-resource removes a given repository resource (allows recursion, etc.)
    • bin/arche-delete-triples removes metadata triples specified in the ttl file (but doesn't remove repository resources)
    • bin/arche-update-redmine updates a Redmine issue describing the data curation/ingestion process (see a dedicated section at the bottom of the README)
  • Template variant where you adjust execution parameters and/or the way the script works by editign its content.
    The benefit of this variant is that it allows to treat the adjusted script as a documentation of the ingestion process and/or adjust it to your particular needs.
    • add_metadata_sample.php adds metadata triples specified in the ttl file preserving all existing metadata of repository resources
    • delete_metadata_sample.php removes metadata triples specified in the ttl file (but doesn't remove repository resources)
    • delete_resource_sample.php removes a given repository resource (allows recursion, etc.)
    • import_binary_sample.php imports binary data from the disk
    • import_metadata_sample.php imports metadata from an RDF file
    • reimport_single_binary.php reingests a single resource's binary content (to be used when file name and/or location changed)

Installation & Usage

Runtime environment

You need PHP and Composer.

You can also use the acdhch/arche-ingest Docker image (the {pathToDirectoryWithFilesToIngest} will be available at the /data location inside the Docker container):

docker run \
  --rm \
  -ti \
  --name arche-ingest \
  -v {pathToDirectoryWithFilesToIngest}:/data \

Console script variant

  • Install with:
    composer require acdh-oeaw/arche-ingest
  • Update regularly with:
    composer update --no-dev
  • Run with:
    vendor/bin/{scriptOfYourChoice} {parametersGoHere}
    vendor/bin/arche-import-metadata --concurrency 4 myRdf.ttl myLogin myPassword
    • To get the list of available parameters run
      vendor/bin/{scriptOfYourChoice} --help
      vendor/bin/arche-import-metadata --help

Running inside GitHub Actions

Do not store your ARCHE credentials in the workflow configuration file. Use repository secrets instead (see example below).

A fragment of your workflow's yaml config may look like that:

    - name: ingestion  dependencies
      run: |
        composer require acdh-oeaw/arche-ingest
    - name: ingest arche
      run: |
        vendor/bin/arche-import-metadata myRdfFile.ttl ${{secrets.ARCHE_LOGIN}} ${{secrets.ARCHE_PASSWORD}}
        vendor/bin/arche-update-redmine --token ${{ secrets.REDMINE_TOKEN }} 1234 'Upload AIP to Curation Instance (Minerva)'

Running on ACDH Cluster

First, get the arche-ingestion workload console as described here


  • Run screen -S mySessionName
  • Go to your ingestion directory
  • Run scripts using {scriptName}, e.g.
    arche-import-metadata myRdf.ttl myLogin myPassword
  • If the script will take long to run, you may safely quit the console with CTRL+a + d followed by exit.
    • To get back to the script log again into repo-ingestion@hephaistos and run
      screen -r mySessionName

Template variant

  • Clone this repository.
  • Run
    composer update --no-dev
  • Adjust the script of your choice.
    • Available parameters are provided at the beginning of the script.
    • Don't adjust anything below the
      line until you consider yourself a programmer and would like to change the way a script works.
  • Run the script with
    php -f {scriptOfYourChoice}
    • You can consider reading input from a file and/or saving output to a log file, e.g. with:
      php -f import_metadata_sample.php < inputData 2>&1 | tee logFile
      (see the section below for hints on the input file format)

Long runs

If you are performing time consuming operations, e.g. a large data ingestion, you may consider running scripts in a way they won't stop when you turn your computer off.

You can use nohup or screen for that, e.g.:

  • nohup - run with:
    # console script variant
    nohup vendor/bin/arche-import-metadata --concurrency 4 myRdf.ttl myLogin myPassword > logFile 2>&1 &
    # template variant
    nohup php -f import_metadata_sample.php < input > logFile 2>&1 &
    • If you want to run template script variants that way, you have to prepare the input data file.
      It should look as follows:
      {arche instance API URL}
  • screen
    • start a screen session with
      screen -S mySessionName
    • Then run your commands as usual
    • Hit CTRL+a followed by a d to leave the screen session.
    • You can get back to the screen session with
      screen -r mySessionName

Reporting errors

Create a subtask of the Redmine issue #17641.

  • Provide information on the exact location of the ingestion script location (including the script file itself) and any other information which may be required to replicated the problem.
  • Assign Mateusz and Norbert as watchers.

Using arche-update-redmine in a GitHub workflow

The basic idea is to execute data processing steps in a following way:

  • note down the step name so we can read it instead of a failure
  • perform the step
  • call the arche-update-redmine

and have a separate on-failure job step which makes an arche-update-redmine call noting the faillure.


  • As a good practice we should include the GitHub job URL in the Redmine issue note. For that we set up a dedicated environment variable.
  • It goes without saying Redmine access credentials are stored as a repository secret.
  • The way you store the main Redmine issue ID doesn't matter as it's not secret. Do it a way you want (here we just hardcode it in the workflow using an environment variable)
name: sample

  push: ~

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      REDMINE_ID: 21085
    - uses: actions/checkout@v4
    - name: init
      run: |
        composer require acdh-oeaw/arche-ingest
    - name: virus scan
      run: |
        echo 'STEP=Virus Scan' >> $GITHUB_ENV
        ...perform the virus scan...
        vendor/bin/arche-update-redmine --token ${{ secrets.REDMINE_TOKEN }} --append "$RUN_URL" $REDMINE_ID 'Virus scan'
    - name: repo-filechecker
      run: |
        echo 'STEP=Run repo-file-checker' >> $GITHUB_ENV the repo-filechecker...
        vendor/bin/arche-update-redmine --token ${{ secrets.REDMINE_TOKEN }} --append "$RUN_URL" $REDMINE_ID 'Run repo-file-checker'
    - name: check3
      run: |
        echo 'STEP=Upload AIP to Curation Instance (Minerva)' >> $GITHUB_ENV
        ...perform the ingestion...
        vendor/bin/arche-update-redmine --token ${{ secrets.REDMINE_TOKEN }} --append "$RUN_URL" $REDMINE_ID 'Upload AIP to Curation Instance (Minerva)' 
    - name: on failure
      if: ${{ failure() }}
      run: |
        vendor/bin/arche-update-redmine --token ${{ secrets.REDMINE_TOKEN }} --append "$RUN_URL" --statusCode 1 $REDMINE_ID "$STEP"