
A set of sample ARCHE ingestion scripts

1.4.6 2024-02-22 10:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-03-25 15:01:24 UTC


The REST API provided by the ARCHE is quite a low-level from the point of view of real-world data ingestions. To make ingestions simpler, the arche-lib-ingest library has been developed. While it provides a convenient high-level data ingestion API, it's still only a library which requires you to write your own ingestion script.

This repository is aimed at closing this gap - it provides a set of data ingestion scripts (built on top of the the arche-lib-ingest) which can be used by people with almost no programming skills.

Scripts provided

There are two script variants provided:

  • Console scripts variant where where parameters are passed trough the command line.
    The benefit of this variant is easiness of use, especially in CI/CD workflows.
    • bin/arche-import-metadata imports metadata from an RDF file
    • bin/arche-import-binary (re)ingests a single resource's binary content (to be used when file name and/or location changed)
    • bin/arche-delete-resource removes a given repository resource (allows recursion, etc.)
    • bin/arche-delete-triples removes metadata triples specified in the ttl file (but doesn't remove repository resources)
    • bin/arche-update-redmine updates a Redmine issue describing the data curation/ingestion process (see a dedicated section at the bottom of the README)
  • Template variant where you adjust execution parameters and/or the way the script works by editign its content.
    The benefit of this variant is that it allows to treat the adjusted script as a documentation of the ingestion process and/or adjust it to your particular needs.
    • add_metadata_sample.php adds metadata triples specified in the ttl file preserving all existing metadata of repository resources
    • delete_metadata_sample.php removes metadata triples specified in the ttl file (but doesn't remove repository resources)
    • delete_resource_sample.php removes a given repository resource (allows recursion, etc.)
    • import_binary_sample.php imports binary data from the disk
    • import_metadata_sample.php imports metadata from an RDF file
    • reimport_single_binary.php reingests a single resource's binary content (to be used when file name and/or location changed)

Installation & Usage

Runtime environment

You need PHP and Composer.

You can also use the acdhch/arche-ingest Docker image (the {pathToDirectoryWithFilesToIngest} will be available at the /data location inside the Docker container):

docker run \
  --rm \
  -ti \
  --name arche-ingest \
  -v {pathToDirectoryWithFilesToIngest}:/data \

Console script variant

  • Install with:
    composer require acdh-oeaw/arche-ingest
  • Update regularly with:
    composer update --no-dev
  • Run with:
    vendor/bin/{scriptOfYourChoice} {parametersGoHere}
    vendor/bin/arche-import-metadata --concurrency 4 myRdf.ttl myLogin myPassword
    • To get the list of available parameters run
      vendor/bin/{scriptOfYourChoice} --help
      vendor/bin/arche-import-metadata --help

Running inside GitHub Actions

Do not store your ARCHE credentials in the workflow configuration file. Use repository secrets instead (see example below).

A fragment of your workflow's yaml config may look like that:

    - name: ingestion  dependencies
      run: |
        composer require acdh-oeaw/arche-ingest
    - name: ingest arche
      run: |
        vendor/bin/arche-import-metadata myRdfFile.ttl ${{secrets.ARCHE_LOGIN}} ${{secrets.ARCHE_PASSWORD}}
        vendor/bin/arche-update-redmine --token ${{ secrets.REDMINE_TOKEN }} 1234 'Upload AIP to Curation Instance (Minerva)'

Running on ACDH Cluster

  • Open the arche-ingestion workload console by:
    • Opening this link (if you are redirected to the login page, open the link once again after you log in)
    • Clicking on the bluish button with three vertical dots in the top-right corner of the screen and and choosing > Execute Shell
  • Run screen -S mySessionName
  • Go to your ingestion directory
  • Run scripts using /ARCHE/vendor/bin/{script}, e.g.
    /ARCHE/vendor/bin/arche-import-metadata --concurrency 4 myRdf.ttl myLogin myPassword
  • If the script will take long to run, you may safely quit the console with CTRL+D followed by exit.
    • To get back to the script log again into repo-ingestion@hephaistos and run
      screen -r mySessionName

Template variant

  • Clone this repository.
  • Run
    composer update --no-dev
  • Adjust the script of your choice.
    • Available parameters are provided at the beginning of the script.
    • Don't adjust anything below the
      line until you consider yourself a programmer and would like to change the way a script works.
  • Run the script with
    php -f {scriptOfYourChoice}
    • You can consider reading input from a file and/or saving output to a log file, e.g. with:
      php -f import_metadata_sample.php < inputData 2>&1 | tee logFile
      (see the section below for hints on the input file format)

Running on repo-ingestion@hephaistos

  • Make a copy and adjust content of the ingestion script. (from your PC perspective scripts can be found in the ARCHE/script_templates directory on the acdh_resources network drive).
  • Log into repo-ingestion@hephaistos.
  • Run
    screen -S mySessionName ./
  • Consider preparing an input file - see the "Long runs" section below.
  • Go to the directory with the script and run it, e.g.
    php -f import_metadata_sample.php 2>&1 | tee logFile
  • Leave the screen session by hitting CTRL+a followed by d.
  • To go back to the shell where you script is running run
    screen -r mySessionName

Long runs

If you are performing time consuming operations, e.g. a large data ingestion, you may consider running scripts in a way they won't stop when you turn your computer off.

You can use nohup or screen for that, e.g.:

  • nohup - run with:
    # console script variant
    nohup vendor/bin/arche-import-metadata --concurrency 4 myRdf.ttl myLogin myPassword > logFile 2>&1 &
    # template variant
    nohup php -f import_metadata_sample.php < input > logFile 2>&1 &
    • If you want to run template script variants that way, you have to prepare the input data file.
      It should look as follows:
      {arche instance API URL}
  • screen
    • start a screen session with
      screen -S mySessionName
    • Then run your commands as usual
    • Hit CTRL+a followed by a d to leave the screen session.
    • You can get back to the screen session with
      screen -r mySessionName

Reporting errors

Create a subtask of the Redmine issue #17641.

  • Provide information on the exact location of the ingestion script location (including the script file itself) and any other information which may be required to replicated the problem.
  • Assign Mateusz and Norbert as watchers.

Runinng under

Skip the instructions above.

Copy a current template from this directory into your collection import scripts directory and follow instructions for the "you want to save the settings inside the script" variant.

When adjusting settings at the top of a file leave $configLocation and $composerLocation as they are.

Using arche-update-redmine in a GitHub workflow

The basic idea is to execute data processing steps in a following way:

  • note down the step name so we can read it instead of a failure
  • perform the step
  • call the arche-update-redmine

and have a separate on-failure job step which makes an arche-update-redmine call noting the faillure.


  • As a good practice we should include the GitHub job URL in the Redmine issue note. For that we set up a dedicated environment variable.
  • It goes without saying Redmine access credentials are stored as a repository secret.
  • The way you store the main Redmine issue ID doesn't matter as it's not secret. Do it a way you want (here we just hardcode it in the workflow using an environment variable)
name: sample

  push: ~

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      REDMINE_ID: 21085
    - uses: actions/checkout@v3
    - name: init
      run: |
        composer require acdh-oeaw/arche-ingest
    - name: virus scan
      run: |
        echo 'STEP=Virus Scan' >> $GITHUB_ENV
        ...perform the virus scan...
        vendor/bin/arche-update-redmine --token ${{ secrets.REDMINE_TOKEN }} --append "$RUN_URL" $REDMINE_ID 'Virus scan'
    - name: repo-filechecker
      run: |
        echo 'STEP=Run repo-file-checker' >> $GITHUB_ENV the repo-filechecker...
        vendor/bin/arche-update-redmine --token ${{ secrets.REDMINE_TOKEN }} --append "$RUN_URL" $REDMINE_ID 'Run repo-file-checker'
    - name: check3
      run: |
        echo 'STEP=Upload AIP to Curation Instance (Minerva)' >> $GITHUB_ENV
        ...perform the ingestion...
        vendor/bin/arche-update-redmine --token ${{ secrets.REDMINE_TOKEN }} --append "$RUN_URL" $REDMINE_ID 'Upload AIP to Curation Instance (Minerva)' 
    - name: on failure
      if: ${{ failure() }}
      run: |
        vendor/bin/arche-update-redmine --token ${{ secrets.REDMINE_TOKEN }} --append "$RUN_URL" --statusCode 1 $REDMINE_ID "$STEP"