
A set of useful functions for managing the Partez framework, but not only!

v1.2.8 2024-11-20 07:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 07:43:33 UTC


Provides some usefull PHP functions to help developpers in their daily work.

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Getting started


You can easily add this library in your project using Composer:

composer require abollinger/helpers

Or add it manually in your composer.json file.


Here are all the function you can, showd in the Classes tree they belong to:

Functions in the Classes tree


Function that clean an array of parameters using the htmlspecialchars functions, to avoid the risk of XSS attacks.

  • @param array $arr: The array that is to be cleaned.
  • @return array: The cleaned array. Returns false if @param is not an array.

Example :

$myArray = Helpers::cleanArray([
    "attack" => "<script>alert('Hey, I'm trying to hack you!')</script>"

echo var_dump($myArray);

// output:

array(1) {
    string(66) "&lt;script&gt;alert('Hey, I'm trying to hack you!')&lt;/script&gt;"


Render PHP array into a HTML ul list

  • @param array $arr: The array to render as a list.
  • @param array $classes: A array of classes to apply to the ul/li. Expecting ["ul" => "classForTheUlTag", "li" => "classForTheLiTag"].
  • @return string: Default return is an empty string, else it's a HTML ul list of the array.

Example :

$myArray = Helpers::printArray([
    "firstName" => "Antoine",
    "lastName" => "Bollinger"

echo $myArray;

// output:

    <li>firstName => <strong>Antoine</strong></li>
    <li>lastName => <strong>Bollinger</strong></li>


Function that create an array of default value that will be replace by the client value when exist *

  • @param array $default: an array of default values that are necessary but not mandatory on client side.
  • @param array $params: an array of parameters mandatories that will be filled with the default values.
  • @return array: the array $params filled with default values.


$params = [
    "firstName" => "Victor"

$test = Abollinger\Helpers::defaultParams([
    "firstName" => "Antoine",
    "lastName" => "Bollinger"
], $params);

echo var_dump($test);

// output:
array(2) {
    ["firstName"] => string(6) "Victor"
    ["lastName"] => string(9) "Bollinger"


Yaml files reader returning the content as a array. Base on Symfony/Yaml package.

  • @param string $filePath: The path to the YAML file.
  • @return array: Return a PHP array of the YAML file content.


Scan a directory and return an array of all paths. Escape the .class.php files.

  • @param string $dir: Directory to scan.
  • @param string $rootDir: Root of the directory. Initially $dir = $rootDir, but in the loop $dir will change.
  • @return array: Array of all detailles path/files. Not nested.


Function that evaluate if an array is Associative (ex.: ["key1" => "value1", "key2" => "value2"]) or not (["value1", "value2"]).

  • @param array $arr: An array to be evaluated.
  • @return bool: True if the array is associative, false otherwise.


Function that determine the max lenght among elements of an array

  • @param array $arr: An array to be evaluated.
  • @return int: The max lenght.


Defines constants from an associative array if they are not already defined.

  • @param array $arr: An associative array containing constant names as keys and their respective values.
  • @return bool: Returns true if constants are defined or if the input is not an array. Returns false otherwise.


Function that returns the subdirectory path of an application relative to the document root.

  • @param string $appRoot: The path to the application's root directory.
  • @param string $documentRoot: The path to the document root directory.
  • @return string: The subdirectory path or an empty string if the document root is longer than or equal to the application root.


This function returns the complete host URL of the current application.

  • @return string: The complete host URL of the current application.


Extends the erusev/parsedown library by adding # in the title, so the anchor links can work.

Classes tree

├── Helpers::
│   ├── cleanArray($array)
│   ├── printArray($array, $classes)
│   ├── defaultParams($default, $array)
│   ├── getYaml($filePath)
│   ├── getScan($dir, $rootDir, $allData)
│   ├── isAssociativeArray($array)
│   ├── largestElementInArray($array)
│   ├── defineConstants($array)
│   ├── getAppSubdirectory($appRoot, $documentRoot)
│   └── getAppCompleteHost()
└── Parsedown::
    └── extends the erusev/parsedown library


This library is licensed under the MIT License. For full license details, see the LICENCE file distributed with this source code.


Antoine Bollinger Email: abollinger@partez.net

For contributions, issues, or feedback, feel free to contact the author or open a GitHub issue.