
3ev's WordPress starter kit

dev-use-our-theme 2014-10-17 14:55 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 16:38:20 UTC


A modern Wordpress environment

This is the base WordPress environment that we use at 3ev. It borrows heavily from many of the ideas in the excellent Bedrock project.

What's included?

Tools and Setup

Wordpress Plugins


  • PHP >=5.5.9
  • Composer
  • Node.js
  • Ruby/Rubygems/Bundler if you want to use Capistrano deployments


$ composer create-project 3ev/wordpress-starter -s dev
$ cd wordpress-starter/
$ bin/init

This will install dependencies, prompt you for any configuration, compile assets, install Wordpress and start your site running on Apache.

Building from an existing site

Once you've setup your WordPress site, you can easily create new builds for development or production. First, dump out your database with:

$ bin/phing db:structure:dump
$ bin/phing db:data:dump

and push to S3 to distribute the files, then all developers have to do is:

$ git clone git@github.com:you/your-wordpress.git my-wordpress-site/
$ cd my-wordpress-site/
$ bin/build

to get a working copy of your site.

Frontend Workflow

Wordpress Starter comes with a single theme, "3ev Starter Wordpress Theme" (public/app/themes/starter/), which is ready to use.

This theme includes the following:

  • Bootstrap v4-alpha-2 (via NPM)
  • jQuery v2.2.2 (via CDN)
  • Modernzir v3 with touch detection and mq API (included in this repo)

Where possible, you should always try to use NPM to install frontend packages. They're bundled with Browserify, and you can use Browserify Shim (configure at public/app/themes/starter/assets/js/shim.js) to bundle any incompatible libraries.

Wordpress Starter includes some Gulp tasks to make it easy to compile your assets. These are run automatically when building locally or deploying with Capistrano.

# Compile JS from `public/app/themes/starter/assets/js/main.js`

$ node_modules/.bin/gulp build:js

# Compile Sass from `public/app/themes/starter/assets/css/main.sass`

$ node_modules/.bin/gulp build:css

You can also compile all assets or watch for changes during development - just use gulp -T to see all available tasks.

Deploying with Capistrano

Capistrano comes setup and ready to go with this project to make deployment as straightforward as possible. Just run:

$ bundle install


Next, follow the guides to setting up a deployment user and the initial directory on http://capistranorb.com/. Then, modify the :application and :repo_url settings in config/deploy.rb and create a stage file in config/deploy/ (the production.rb file is there as an example for you to start with).

After that you can deploy your site with a single command:

$ bundle exec cap [stage] deploy

Note: You'll need to setup your database separately after your first deployment.

Deploying a different branch

By default, your master branch will be deployed, but you can deploy a different branch for testing by setting the BRANCH environment variable, like:

$ BRANCH=cool-new-feature bundle exec cap [stage] deploy


MIT © 3ev