New Releases RSS
- qubus/configv3.0.2 Package for loading, saving and accessing config settings.
- bjoern-goetschke/psr7-base-url3.0.2 PSR7 request base url library
- bjoern-goetschke/psr7-cookies3.0.2 PSR7 cookie handling library
- bjoern-goetschke/unique-id4.0.3 Library to generate unique identifiers
- bjoern-goetschke/object-dot-access3.0.2 Library to access nested object properties by providing a st
- bjoern-goetschke/event-store2.0.2 Event store library
- bjoern-goetschke/datetime3.0.2 DateTime library
- leazycms/web1.0.15 Build Easy Cms Laravel
- trendyminds/blacksmith-cli2.2.1 A Forge-provisioning CLI tool for sandboxes
- lambdadigamma/mm-feeds0.1.3 A package providing feeds for the Mein Moers platform.
New Packages RSS
- spec-doc/document-contracts A set of document interfaces for the specificator
- d3/guzzle-factory Guzzle factory
- prakort/laravel-wellness Laravel Wellness monitors the application services
- vhar/laravel-embed-video Laravel Embed Video is a package for generating embed video
- alrez/iran-states A package for managing provinces and cities of Iran in Larav
- onepix/woocommerce-stubs Stubs for the WooCommerce plugin for static analysis
- arunov/online-shopping-cart-laravel Online Shop Cart Laravel
- yunusbek/multilingual A multilingual package for PHP projects
- zatomant/combacart Plugin for making an e-commerce or marketplace based on Evol
- zakharov/lazy
Popular Packages View All
- symfony/deprecation-contracts A generic function and convention to trigger deprecation not
- symfony/polyfill-mbstring Symfony polyfill for the Mbstring extension
- psr/log Common interface for logging libraries
- psr/container Common Container Interface (PHP FIG PSR-11)
- symfony/console Eases the creation of beautiful and testable command line in
- symfony/service-contracts Generic abstractions related to writing services
- symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer Symfony polyfill for intl's Normalizer class and related fun
- symfony/polyfill-ctype Symfony polyfill for ctype functions
- psr/http-message Common interface for HTTP messages
- symfony/string Provides an object-oriented API to strings and deals with by
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Random Packages
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- everdreamsoft/ethereum-php A library integrating Ethereum with typed PHP.
- wdgt/nova-field-sortable A Laravel Nova field.
- pereira/blog
- zhan3333/laravel-swoole-manager Laravel Command Manager Tool
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- digital-creative/nova-json-wrapper Allows you to group Nova fields and merge their output into
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