Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
A simple PHP IDS based on Expose / PHPIDS rules
6 209 0
Image manipulation helper class
4 026 2
Translator class using MessageFormatter
3 870 0
jsTree is jquery plugin, that provides interactive trees.
1 716 516 5 164
JWT token handling
4 144 1
A simple key-value storage class
4 445 1
PSR HTTP Message implementations MUTABLE
1 883 0
A file logger class
59 2
A few simple mail sender classes
3 946 0
PSR-15 middleware dispatcher. Let's stop trying to make this complicated.
875 0
PHP database migrations
694 0
An ORM implementation
861 7
A collection of PHP classes for storing a tree in a relational database
4 116 2
A random int / string / byte generator
52 163 1
A simple request router
184 1