Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Flexible payments system for Symfony2 e-commerce applications.
19 663 0
PayPal plugin for Sylius.
1 143 128 42
Payum integration for Symfony e-commerce applications.
96 330 11
Acme example plugin for Sylius.
8 047 76
Product catalog system with support for product options and variants.
302 571 22
Product catalog for your Symfony applications.
274 510 16
Flexible promotion management for PHP applications.
391 858 28
Manage ecommerce promotions system in your Symfony application.
353 580 21
Manage ecommerce promotions system in your Symfony2 application.
18 994 0
Services registry.
8 932 384 61
Basic resource interfaces for PHP applications.
2 163 575 23
Resource component for Sylius.
8 189 441 229
Review system, for commenting and rating shop components.
118 247 3
Review system for Symfony ecommerce applications.
79 444 5
Flexible shipping component for PHP e-commerce projects.
170 482 12