Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Côt&Pêche Librairie
13 1
Bundle log app errors in db
94 0
Bundle to export data like is it in forms
77 0
Library to use api free mobile sending SMS
68 0
Bundle SF2 that use library api free mobile sending SMS
57 1
Symfony2 Blog Bundle
1 849 9
Symfony2 Form contact Bundle
118 1
Symfony2 Doctrine Crud generator Bundle
24 1
Resources for MvCrudGenerator
31 0
Convert to words any integer in french
18 0
11 0
Manage address in PHP, particulary AFNOR XPZ 10-011 for french postal address
365 1
PHP connector to calc road distance between locations
5 0