Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Laravel testing trait to count and track database queries
288 1
Very basic Laravel admin check middleware
27 0
Send a message to MS Teams
260 1
Easily create database helpers for given test scenarios
5 0
Very basic API key middleware for Laravel
4 0
Basic LDAP auser auth/lookup
4 187 0
Basic spreadsheet import/export
3 432 2
PHP library for the Transmission BitTorrent client
193 1
Laravel wrapper for the Transmission torrent server API
161 4
12 762 1
Very basic trait to add a HashID ->id_hash attribute to models
Base preset for our Laravel applications.
13 0
Adds a custom auth provider for our LDAP service
3 445 0
Preset for Laravel
18 0