
Basic LDAP auser auth/lookup

2.0.1 2022-06-10 14:45 UTC



Simple LDAP package for Laravel

This is a very, very simple and very specific LDAP package. It's really just a wrapper of code I usually copy from project to project to do LDAP lookups of our local LDAP server, so it's usefulness outside of that is probably quite limited. But it might be useful as a basis for your own setup.


composer require ohffs/simple-laravel-ldap 

I'm assuming this is for Laravel 5.5+ so it should auto-discover the service providers. You can then publish the config file :

php artisan vendor:publish

And pick the 'Ohffs\Ldap\LdapServiceProvider' option which will create a config/ldap.php file. This just looks for two env variables which you should set - LDAP_SERVER and LDAP_OU eg,



You can use the facade to access the main methods :

if (\Ldap::authenticate('username', 'password')) {
  // whatever

$user = \Ldap::findUser('jenny123');
Ohffs\Ldap\LdapUser {#739
  #username: "jenny123"
  #email: "Jenny@example.com"
  #surname: "Smith"
  #forenames: "Jenny"
  #phone: "012345678"
print $user['email'];
// 'Jenny@example.com'
print $user->email;
// 'Jenny@example.com'
print $user->toArray();
     "username" => "jenny123",
     "email" => "Jenny@example.com",
     "surname" => "Smith",
     "forenames" => "Jenny",
     "phone" => "012345678",

Or if you want to use the container/DI just typehint on 'Ohffs\Ldap\LdapService':

use Ohffs\Ldap\LdapService;

public function __construct(LdapService $ldap)
    $this->ldap = $ldap;

public function something()
   if ($this->ldap->authenticate('username', 'password')) {
       // ...