Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
A plugin to enable REST API in any BEdita application.
35 704 4
BEdita 5 plugin for applications that use AWS resources such as S3
29 272 3
BEdita API-first content management server app
269 68
BEdita core logic and models.
41 439 3
A plugin to give some useful tools to BEdita developers.
69 895 3
ElasticSearch plugin for BEdita
4 249 1
GraphQL plugin for BEdita
4 3
Internationalization plugin for BEdita 4 & CakePHP
85 239 3
BEdita I18n Aws plugin supporting PHP >= 7.4
211 0
BEdita I18n Deepl plugin supporting PHP >= 7.4
497 1
BEdita I18n Google plugin supporting PHP >= 7.4
18 0
BEdita I18n Microsoft plugin supporting PHP >= 7.4
8 0
BEdita Manager - official admin webapp for BEdita4 API
528 12
73 443 4
Tools for CakePHP apps that use BEdita API
60 459 3