Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
This is my package array-factory
6 902 1
A simple classmap generator extracted from composer
18 400 0
Common casts for spatie/data-transfer-object
1 711 0
Laravel dev-tools
12 917 2
Empty Laravel collections correctly understood by PHPStan
7 1
Laravel 8 factories for Laravel 7
1 871 3
Map json columns to PHP Object in Laravel
3 548 0
Interact with a Docker instance
8 643 2
Some useful extensions for Eloquent
8 908 0
Extensions for Laravel model factories
239 0
Write fluent policies in Laravel
9 517 1
An opinionated JsonResource for Laravel
10 208 1
Extended Model injection for Laravel
10 071 0
Rollbar wrapper for Laravel
831 0
FormRequest helpers using validated data
7 524 0