Kunstmaan member since: Aug 01, 2012

Kunstmaan's packages

  • PHP


    Managing forms, fields and their submissions by the user is a key functionality missing in most platforms. By leveraging the KunstmaanPagePartBundle system in the KunstmaanFormBundle users gain an easy way to create and manage the form on their website, again without having to worry about the technical side of things.

  • PHP


    If you're like us, you like to build applications without having to do the same things over and over again and dislike copy/pasting code and change a couple of words every time you need feature X. The KunstmaanGeneratorBundle gives you the possibility to generate code for new bundles, adminlists and can even make you a basic default website. That way you don't have to wait too long before you see some results and you have more time to do other things. Easy no?

  • PHP


    Command to generate a changelog based on Github milestones and pull requests

  • PHP


    A custom fork of alchemy/google-plus-api-client for the use into the Kunstmaan Bundles CMS without the composer warnings

  • PHP


    Kunstmaan Google API is an SDK for google apis

  • PHP


    The Kunstmaan Language chooser bundle supplies your project with basic but extendible language chooser

  • PHP


    This bundle makes it easy to create lead generation popups for your website.

  • PHP


    Unofficial PHP library for interacting with the Multichain JsonRPC interface

  • PHP


    The KunstmaanLiveReloadBundle injects the livereload script from grunt-contrib-watch into your html page.

  • PHP


    To build your perfect website you probably need images, video's or maybe even a presentation too. The Kunstmaan Media Bundle handles all those media assets and centralizes them so you can find your content just the way you like it: fast and efficiently. No central asset management module is useful without some pretty advanced image editing functionality. To provide this we have integrated the Aviary image editing service right from the interface.

  • PHP


    The KunstmaanMediaPagePartBundle is a pagepart that can be used on the KunstmaanPagePartBundle. It is a separate bundle to prevent a tight coupling between the KunstmaanPagePartBundle and the KunstmaanMediaBundle.

  • PHP


    This bundle makes it possible to manage multiple menus via the administrator interface.

  • PHP


    This bundle makes it possible to manage multiple websites from within KunstmaanCMS.

  • PHP


    All websites need pages(we call them nodes) but you probably don't want to spend too much time building them. Plus they should look pretty and contain the right content and that takes time. We make sure you have to spend less time managing your pages but still offer you flexibility so you can focus on more important tasks and don't have to worry about it.

  • PHP


    This bundle uses the KunstmaanSearchBundle to search through Nodes from the KunstmaanNodeBundle