zzstudio / think-jwt
The ThinkPHP6+ Jwt Package
2019-11-09 01:13 UTC
- php: >=7.1.0
- firebase/php-jwt: ~5.0.0
- topthink/framework: ^6.0
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-22 17:49:06 UTC
Use composer to manage your dependencies and download think-jwt:
composer require zzstudio/think-jwt
系统安装后会自动在 config 目录中生成 jwt.php 的配置文件, 如果系统未生成可在命令行执行
php think jwt:config
<?php use think\Jwt; $key = "example_key"; $token = array( "iss" => "http://example.org", "aud" => "http://example.com", "iat" => 1356999524, "nbf" => 1357000000 ); /** * IMPORTANT: * You must specify supported algorithms for your application. See * https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-algorithms-40 * for a list of spec-compliant algorithms. */ $jwt = Jwt::encode($token, $key); $decoded = Jwt::decode($jwt, $key, array('HS256')); print_r($decoded); /* NOTE: This will now be an object instead of an associative array. To get an associative array, you will need to cast it as such: */ $decoded_array = (array) $decoded; /** * You can add a leeway to account for when there is a clock skew times between * the signing and verifying servers. It is recommended that this leeway should * not be bigger than a few minutes. * * Source: http://self-issued.info/docs/draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token.html#nbfDef */ Jwt::$leeway = 60; // $leeway in seconds $decoded = Jwt::decode($jwt, $key, array('HS256')); ?>
Example with RS256 (openssl)
<?php use think\Jwt; $privateKey = <<<EOD -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIICXAIBAAKBgQC8kGa1pSjbSYZVebtTRBLxBz5H4i2p/llLCrEeQhta5kaQu/Rn vuER4W8oDH3+3iuIYW4VQAzyqFpwuzjkDI+17t5t0tyazyZ8JXw+KgXTxldMPEL9 5+qVhgXvwtihXC1c5oGbRlEDvDF6Sa53rcFVsYJ4ehde/zUxo6UvS7UrBQIDAQAB AoGAb/MXV46XxCFRxNuB8LyAtmLDgi/xRnTAlMHjSACddwkyKem8//8eZtw9fzxz bWZ/1/doQOuHBGYZU8aDzzj59FZ78dyzNFoF91hbvZKkg+6wGyd/LrGVEB+Xre0J Nil0GReM2AHDNZUYRv+HYJPIOrB0CRczLQsgFJ8K6aAD6F0CQQDzbpjYdx10qgK1 cP59UHiHjPZYC0loEsk7s+hUmT3QHerAQJMZWC11Qrn2N+ybwwNblDKv+s5qgMQ5 5tNoQ9IfAkEAxkyffU6ythpg/H0Ixe1I2rd0GbF05biIzO/i77Det3n4YsJVlDck ZkcvY3SK2iRIL4c9yY6hlIhs+K9wXTtGWwJBAO9Dskl48mO7woPR9uD22jDpNSwe k90OMepTjzSvlhjbfuPN1IdhqvSJTDychRwn1kIJ7LQZgQ8fVz9OCFZ/6qMCQGOb qaGwHmUK6xzpUbbacnYrIM6nLSkXgOAwv7XXCojvY614ILTK3iXiLBOxPu5Eu13k eUz9sHyD6vkgZzjtxXECQAkp4Xerf5TGfQXGXhxIX52yH+N2LtujCdkQZjXAsGdm B2zNzvrlgRmgBrklMTrMYgm1NPcW+bRLGcwgW2PTvNM= -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- EOD; $publicKey = <<<EOD -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC8kGa1pSjbSYZVebtTRBLxBz5H 4i2p/llLCrEeQhta5kaQu/RnvuER4W8oDH3+3iuIYW4VQAzyqFpwuzjkDI+17t5t 0tyazyZ8JXw+KgXTxldMPEL95+qVhgXvwtihXC1c5oGbRlEDvDF6Sa53rcFVsYJ4 ehde/zUxo6UvS7UrBQIDAQAB -----END PUBLIC KEY----- EOD; $token = array( "iss" => "example.org", "aud" => "example.com", "iat" => 1356999524, "nbf" => 1357000000 ); $jwt = Jwt::encode($token, $privateKey, 'RS256'); echo "Encode:\n" . print_r($jwt, true) . "\n"; $decoded = Jwt::decode($jwt, $publicKey, array('RS256')); /* NOTE: This will now be an object instead of an associative array. To get an associative array, you will need to cast it as such: */ $decoded_array = (array) $decoded; echo "Decode:\n" . print_r($decoded_array, true) . "\n"; ?>