zvps / volo-commerce-client
2020-10-09 10:07 UTC
- php: >=5.4
- ext-curl: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-mbstring: *
Requires (Dev)
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer: ~1.12
- phpunit/phpunit: ~4.8
- satooshi/php-coveralls: ~1.0
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: ~2.6
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-09 20:41:33 UTC
Volo Public APIs
This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 1.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen
PHP 5.4.0 and later
Installation & Usage
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git"
"require": {
Then run composer install
Manual Installation
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
composer install
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
<?php require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); // Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth \VoloCommerce\Api\v1\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setUsername('YOUR_USERNAME'); \VoloCommerce\Api\v1\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setPassword('YOUR_PASSWORD'); $api_instance = new \VoloCommerce\Api\v1\Client\AuthenticationApi(); $authorization = "authorization_example"; // string | Base 64 encoded Basic Auth Header (base64[username:password]) i.e. if username is user123 and password is pass then header value will be Basic dXNlcjEyMzpwYXNz $x_api_key = "x_api_key_example"; // string | API Key try { $result = $api_instance->getJWTToken($authorization, $x_api_key); print_r($result); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling AuthenticationApi->getJWTToken: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; } ?>
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to https://api.volocommerce.io/1.0
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AuthenticationApi | getJWTToken | GET /token | Retrieve auth token |
BatchApi | getBatchStatus | GET /batch/status/{batchId} | Returns status of a given batch. The batch ID is provided by the asynchronous methods |
CouriersApi | getCourierNames | GET /couriers | Returns a list of active couriers |
CustomersApi | doUpdate | PUT /customers | Update Customer |
CustomersApi | getCustomers | GET /customers | Returns a list of customers |
CustomersApi | removeCustomer | DELETE /customers/{customerId} | Delete the customer |
CustomersApi | saveCustomers | POST /customers | Add a list of customers |
LocationsApi | doRemove | DELETE /locations/{locationId} | Remove Locations |
LocationsApi | doUpdate | PUT /locations | Update Locations |
LocationsApi | getLocations | GET /locations | Returns locations based on given criteria |
LocationsApi | saveLocations | POST /locations | Add new locations |
LookupApi | getOrderTaxRates | GET /lookup/taxRates | Returns standard set of Tax Rates |
ProductsApi | getAllExportableFields | GET /products/fieldNames | Returns a list of Exportable Fields |
ProductsApi | getCourierName | GET /products/ebay/courierNames | Returns the courier name used on eBay template for products |
ProductsApi | getInventoryFlags | GET /products/flags/{flagType} | Returns a list of inventory flags |
ProductsApi | getPartialProducts | GET /products/partial | Returns smaller standard set of product data |
ProductsApi | getProductImages | GET /products/images | Returns a list of Product Image |
ProductsApi | getProductPriceNames | GET /products/priceLevels | Returns a list of Product Price Names |
ProductsApi | getProductPrices | GET /products/prices | Returns a list of Product Image |
ProductsApi | getProducts | GET /products | Returns standard set of product data for products matching given search criteria |
ProductsApi | getQuestionMessage | GET /products/question/message | Returns eBay question content |
ProductsApi | getQuestions | GET /products/questions | Returns a list of eBay product question data |
ProductsApi | getStockLevels | GET /products/stockLevels | Returns product stock levels |
ProductsApi | getStockLevels_0 | GET /products/stockLevels/locations | Returns the locations and quantity of where given stock numbers are stored |
ProductsApi | importProducts | POST /products/import | Import product data |
ProductsApi | searchProductsByField | POST /products/searchByField | Define product data to be retrieved |
ProductsApi | sendProductAnswer | POST /products/question/reply | Send reply to eBay product questions |
ProductsApi | updateProducts | PUT /products/partial | Update stock level and prices of products |
ProductsApi | updateProductsAsync | PUT /products/partial/async | Update stock level and prices of products asynchronously |
PurchaseOrdersApi | confirmDelivery | POST /purchaseOrders/{purchaseOrderId}/delivery | Confirm Delivery. |
PurchaseOrdersApi | confirmOrder | POST /purchaseOrders/{purchaseOrderId}/confirm | Confirm Purchase Order. |
PurchaseOrdersApi | doUpdate | PUT /purchaseOrders | Update Purchase Order. |
PurchaseOrdersApi | getDetails | GET /purchaseOrders | Get Purchase Order Details |
PurchaseOrdersApi | removePurchaseOrder | DELETE /purchaseOrders/{purchaseOrderId} | Remove Purchase Order |
PurchaseOrdersApi | removePurchaseOrderItems | DELETE /purchaseOrders/{purchaseOrderId}/orderItem/{purchaseOrderItemId} | Remove Purchase Order Item |
PurchaseOrdersApi | savePurchaseOrders | POST /purchaseOrders | Add a list of Purchase Order |
PurchaseOrdersApi | updateDeliveries | PUT /purchaseOrders/{purchaseOrderId}/delivery | Update deliveries. |
SalesOrdersApi | addOrderHistories | PUT /salesOrders/histories | Add history entries/notes to sales orders |
SalesOrdersApi | addOrderItem | POST /salesOrders/{espOrderNo}/orderItems | Add Order Items for sales order |
SalesOrdersApi | deleteOrderItems | DELETE /salesOrders/{espOrderNo}/orderItems/{orderItemId} | Deletes order items from order |
SalesOrdersApi | getAmazonRefundReasons | GET /salesOrders/amazon/refund/reasons | Returns a list of Amazon refund reasons |
SalesOrdersApi | getOrderCredits | GET /salesOrders/credits | Returns array of order credits |
SalesOrdersApi | getOrderHistories | GET /salesOrders/histories | Returns order histories for given order numbers |
SalesOrdersApi | getOrderStatuses | GET /salesOrders/statuses | Returns List of all Sales Order Statuses |
SalesOrdersApi | getOrders | GET /salesOrders | Returns a list of orders |
SalesOrdersApi | getSalesOrderFlags | GET /salesOrders/flags/{flagType} | Returns List Sales order flags |
SalesOrdersApi | getSellerIds | GET /salesOrders/sellers | Returns a list of seller ids |
SalesOrdersApi | getStockActions | GET /salesOrders/refund/stockActions | Returns stock actions to process refunds |
SalesOrdersApi | issueRefund | POST /salesOrders/{espOrderNo}/refund | Issue Refund |
SalesOrdersApi | saveOrders | POST /salesOrders | Create orders within Volo |
SalesOrdersApi | savePayment | POST /salesOrders/{espOrderNo}/payments | Payment details for SalesOrder within Volo |
SalesOrdersApi | updateOrderItems | PUT /salesOrders/{espOrderNo}/orderItems | Update to an order Item |
SalesOrdersApi | updateOrders | PUT /salesOrders | Update order details |
SalesOrdersApi | updateOrdersAsync | PUT /salesOrders/async | Updates order details |
SalesOrdersApi | updateSalesOrderPayment | PUT /salesOrders/{espOrderNo}/payments/{paymentId} | Update payment details of sales order |
SuppliersApi | doUpdate | PUT /suppliers | Update Supplier |
SuppliersApi | getSuppliers | GET /suppliers | Returns a list of suppliers |
SuppliersApi | removeSupplier | DELETE /suppliers/{supplierId} | Delete the supplier |
SuppliersApi | saveSupplier | POST /suppliers | Add a list of suppliers |
WebhooksApi | createHook | POST /webhooks | Returns registed webhook id |
WebhooksApi | doDelete | DELETE /webhooks/{webHookId} | Delete registered webhook |
WebhooksApi | getAvailableEvents | GET /webhooks/events | Returns list of available events |
WebhooksApi | getAvailableScope | GET /webhooks/scopes/{eventType} | Returns list of available scopes |
WebhooksApi | getWebHooks | GET /webhooks | Returns registered webhooks |
WebhooksApi | updateWebhooks | PUT /webhooks/{webHookId} | Update registered webhook |
Documentation For Models
- APIError
- AddConfirmDeliveryRequest
- AddCustomers
- AddItem
- AddLocationResponse
- AddLocations
- AddOrderItemResponse
- AddOrderItemResponseBean
- AddOrderItems
- AddOrderResponse
- AddPurchaseOrders
- AddSalesOrderItemsRequest
- AddSalesOrdersBean
- AddSuppliers
- AddUpdatedLocationResponse
- AddUpdatedSupplierResponse
- AmazonRefundReasonResponse
- BatchStatusBean
- BatchStatusResponse
- ChannelListedQuantity
- CollectOrderResponse
- ConfirmDeliveryRequest
- ConfirmPurchaseOrderItems
- CountryRatesResponseBean
- CourierBean
- CourierResponse
- CreateItem
- CreateLocationResponse
- CreateOrderItems
- CreateSalesOrderPaymentBean
- CreateSalesOrderPaymentResponse
- CustomImportLayout
- CustomImportRequest
- CustomerBean
- CustomerRequestBean
- CustomerResponse
- CustomerResponseBean
- CustomerResponseBeanList
- DeleteCustomerResponse
- DeleteOrderItemsResponse
- DeleteSupplierResponse
- DeleteWebHookResponse
- Depth
- EbayCourierNameResponse
- EventResponse
- ExportableFieldsResponse
- ExportableFieldsResponseBean
- FlagsResponse
- FullProductByField
- Height
- History
- ImportData
- ImportProductsResponse
- ImportRow
- IssueRefundParams
- Item
- ItemUpdateInput
- ItemUpdateInputList
- JWTToken
- KeyValueBean
- LayoutFields
- Listed
- LocationBean
- LocationsParamBean
- LocationsResponse
- MessageResponse
- Order
- OrderBean
- OrderCredit
- OrderCreditDTO
- OrderCreditResponse
- OrderCreditType
- OrderCredits
- OrderHistories
- OrderHistory
- OrderHistoryResponse
- OrderItems
- OrderItemsResponseBean
- OrderStatusResponse
- OrderUpdate
- OrderUpdateAsync
- OrderUpdateAsyncBean
- OrdersResponse
- OutPutField
- OutgoingOrders
- PageContext
- Pagination
- PartialProduct
- PartialProductResult
- PartialProductUpdateResult
- PartialProductUpdates
- Payment
- PaymentBean
- Payments
- PaymentsBean
- Price
- Prices
- ProductBean
- ProductImageResponse
- ProductImagesItems
- ProductLocationBean
- ProductPriceNamesResponse
- ProductPriceNamesResponseBean
- ProductPriceResponse
- ProductPriceResponseBean
- ProductResultBean
- ProductSearchByFieldResponse
- ProductStockLevelBean
- ProductUpdate
- ProductsAPISearchCriteria
- ProductsSearchByFieldRequest
- PurchaseOrderBean
- PurchaseOrderItems
- PurchaseOrderRequestBean
- PurchaseOrderRequestItems
- PurchaseOrderResponse
- PurchaseOrderResponseBean
- PurchaseOrderResponseBeanList
- QuestionDataBean
- QuestionMessage
- QuestionResult
- RefundOrderItem
- RefundPaymentItem
- RefundSalesOrderResponse
- RegisterWebHookRequest
- ReplyProductQuestionBean
- SalesOrderPaymentBean
- SalesOrderPaymentResponse
- SalesOrdersRefundResponseDTO
- Scope
- ScopeResponse
- SellerIdResponse
- SellerIdsBean
- ShippingRefundItem
- StockActionBean
- StockActionsResultBean
- StockLevel
- StockLevelResult
- StockLocationResponse
- StockLocationResponseBean
- SupplierBean
- SupplierRequestBean
- SupplierResponseBean
- SupplierResponseBeanList
- SuppliersResponse
- TaxCodesResultResponse
- TaxCodesResultResponseBean
- TaxRatesResponseBean
- UpdateAsyncResponse
- UpdateCustomer
- UpdateCustomerRequest
- UpdateDeliveries
- UpdateDelivery
- UpdateLocation
- UpdateLocationBean
- UpdateLocationResponse
- UpdateOrderItemsResponse
- UpdateOrderItemsResponseBean
- UpdateProductAsyncResponse
- UpdatePurchaseOrder
- UpdatePurchaseOrderItems
- UpdatePurchaseOrderItemsBean
- UpdatePurchaseOrderRequest
- UpdateResponseJsonEntries
- UpdateResponseJsonEntry
- UpdateSalesOrderAsyncBean
- UpdateSalesOrderErrorResponse
- UpdateSalesOrderPaymentBean
- UpdateSalesOrderPaymentRequest
- UpdateSalesOrderPaymentResponse
- UpdateSalesOrderPaymentResponseBean
- UpdateSalesOrdersBean
- UpdateSupplier
- UpdateSupplierRequest
- UpdateWebHookRequest
- VoloAPIErrorResponse
- WebHookAuth
- WebHookAuthResponse
- WebHookRequestScope
- WebHookResponse
- WebHookResponseBean
- WebHookScopeCode
- WebHookSubcribeResponse
- WebHookSubscribeResponseBean
- WebHookUpdateResponse
- WebServiceMessage
- Weight
- Width
Documentation For Authorization
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: x-api-key
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: HTTP basic authentication