
A simple Laravel package that can translate between languages

v1.0.0 2023-10-19 13:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-20 23:03:45 UTC


A simple Laravel package that can translate between languages.


You can install this package via composer using this command:

composer require zubs/translator

Then, the service provider is automatically registered.



This package provides the Zubs\Translator\Translate and that provides the following methods:

All the methods cache results for better performances. The cache defaults to 24hrs but can be changed by passing an extra parameter to the methods.

Get all available languages with getLanguages()

This function definition looks like this:

public function getLanguages(string $target = 'en', int $ttl = self::DEFAULT_CACHE_TIME): array

The target parameter is optional and defaults to en. This is the language that the returned array will be translated to. The ttl is used to set the time that the cache will be stored for. It defaults to 1 day.

The function returns an array of all available languages in the format, code => language, like this:

    'en' => 'English',
    'fr' => 'French',
    'es' => 'Spanish',

Get the language codes of all available languages with getLanguageCodes()

This function definition looks like this:

public function getLanguageCodes(int $ttl = self::DEFAULT_CACHE_TIME): array

This function takes just one parameter, ttl, and returns the same array as the getLanguages() function, but without the language names. Like this:


The ttl is used to set the time that the cache will be stored for. It defaults to 1 day.

Detect the language of a string with detectLanguage()

This function definition looks like this:

public function detectLanguage(string $text, int $ttl = self::DEFAULT_CACHE_TIME): string

This function takes a mandatory string, text as a parameter. It also takes an optional parameter, ttl. The ttl is used to set the time that the cache will be stored for. It defaults to 1 day. The function returns the language code of the language that the string is written in. Like this:

detectLanguage('Hello world!'); // returns 'en'

Translate a string with translate()

This function definition looks like this:

public function translate
    string $text,
    string $to,
    string $from = null,
    int $ttl = self::DEFAULT_CACHE_TIME
): string

This function takes a mandatory string, text, as a parameter and returns the translated string. The to parameter is the language code of the language that the string should be translated to. The from parameter is the language code of the language that the string is written in. If the from parameter is not provided, the function will try to detect the language of the string. The ttl is used to set the time that the cache will be stored for. It defaults to 1 day.

The function can be used like this:

translate('Hello world!', 'fr'); // returns 'Bonjour le monde!'

translate('Hello world!', 'fr', 'en'); // returns 'Bonjour le monde!'


The package also exposes a few API endpoints that can be used to achieve the same results as the methods above.

  • GET /languages - returns all available languages
  • GET /language/codes - returns the language codes of all available languages
  • POST /detect-language - returns the language code of the language that a string is written in
  • POST /translate - returns a translated string