
REST controller and endpoint classes

6.0.1 2023-06-05 12:55 UTC



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Set of PHP classes for REST APIs creation:

  • zozlak\rest\HttpController provides routing to the right endpoint class and handles errors
  • zozlak\rest\HttpEndpoint provides a base class for endpoints implementation


  • Simple and explicit endpoints implementation.
  • Builtin support for HTTP basic auth.
  • Convenient support for bigger then allowed PHP memory JSON output.
  • Automatic handling of OPTION method.


The easiest way to install is by using composer:

  • prepare a composer.json file:
    "require": {
        "zozlak/rest": "*"
  • obtain the Composer
  • run php composer.phar install
    The library should be now installed in the vendor directory.
  • Include Composer's autoloader in your code by adding the require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; line at the beginning of your code.

Sample usage

Lets assume you want to create a RESTfull API providing following endpoints:

  • http://yourDomain/person a collection supporting GET and POST methods
  • http://yourDomain/person/{id} resources supporting GET, PUT and DELETE methods
  • http://yourDomain/project a collection supporting GET and POST methods
  • http://yourDomain/project/{id} resources supporting GET, PUT and DELETE methods

HTTP server configuration

At first you will probably want to configure your HTTP server to redirect requests coming to your API to one PHP file. Sample set of rules for Apache (to put into the .htaccess file or into a <VirtualHost> configuration directive) would be:

RewriteEngine on

# handle requests for existing files and directories as usual
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule ^ - [L]

# redirect everyting else to index.php
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [QSA]

Endpoint classes

zozlak\rest\HttpEndpoint is a base class for implementing REST API endpoints. It provides a default implementation (emit HTTP 501 method not implemented error code) for all HTTP methods for both resource and collection endpoints (e.g. both http://yourDomain/person and http://yourDomain/person/{id}). For resource endpoint method names simply follow HTTP method names (get(), put(), etc.) and for the collection endpoint they are suffixed with a collection (getCollection(), postCollection(), etc.). The dfault implementation of the OPTION method checks which methods are implemented in your class and emits the Allow header value accordingly (and the 404 Not Found if none implemented).

You should derive your class from the zozlak\rest\HttpEndpoint one and override methods with useful implementations.

A class name should follow the name of the last API endpoint segment (skipping {id} segments) converted to CameCase, e.g.:

  • http://yourDomain/person, http://yourDomain/person/{id} or http://yourDomain/pErSoN/{id} will be handled by the Person class.
  • http://yourDomain/person/{id}/order or http://yourDomain/person/{id}/order/{id} will be handled by the Order class.

This means we must create two classes: Person and Project. Lets assume you will put their code into the src directory and follow the PSR-4 naming rules (meaning file name follows class name).


namespace myRestEndpoint;

use \zozlak\rest\HttpEndpoint;
use \zozlak\rest\DataFormatter;
use \zozlak\rest\HeadersFormatter;

class Person extends HttpEndpoint {
    public function getCollection(DataFormatter $f, HeadersFormatter $h){
        $f->data('you executed a GET action on a person collection');

    public function postCollectio(DataFormatter $f, HeadersFormatter $h){
        $f->data('you executed a POST action on a person collection');

    public function get(DataFormatter $f, HeadersFormatter $h){
        $f->data('you executed a GET action on a person resource with id ' . $this->personId);

    public function put(DataFormatter $f, HeadersFormatter $h){
        $f->data('you executed a PUT action on a person resource with id ' . $this->personId);

    public function delete(DataFormatter $f, HeadersFormatter $h){
        $f->data('you executed a DELETE action on a person resource with id ' . $this->personId);



Just copy-paste-adapt the src\Person.php.


namespace myRestEndpoint;

use \Throwable;
use \zozlak\rest\HttpController;

    header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
    require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
    // you should probably use autoloader but to make it simpler we will explicitely include them
    require_once 'src/Person.php';
    require_once 'src/Project.php';
    $controller = new HttpController('myRestEndpoint');
}catch(Throwable $ex){

Test your API

Try to access your API endpoints, e.g. with curl:

  • curl -i -X GET http://yourDomain/person - 200 OK "you executed a GET action on a person collection"
  • curl -i -X GET http://yourDomain/person/5 - 200 OK "you executed a GET action on a person resource with id 5"
  • curl -i -X PUT http://yourDomain/person/5 - 200 OK "you executed a PUT action on a person resource with id 5"
  • curl -i -X PUT http://yourDomain/person - 501 Not implemented

Advanced topics


To check credentials provided by the user use getAuthUser() and getAuthPswd() in your endpoint's class code. If the credentials are wrong simply throw the zozlak\rest\UnauthorizedException exception.


namespace myRestEndpoint;

use \zozlak\rest\HttpEndpoint;
use \zozlak\rest\DataFormatter;
use \zozlak\rest\HeadersFormatter;
use \zozlak\rest\UnauthorizedException;

class Person extends HttpEndpoint {
    static private $users = ['user1' => 'pswd1', 'user2' => 'pswd2'];

    public function getCollection(DataFormatter $f, HeadersFormatter $h) {
        $user = $this->getAuthUser();
        if (!isset(self::$users[$user]) || self::$users[$user] !== $this->getAuthPswd()) {
            throw new UnauthorizedException();
        $f->data('Login successful');

Changing HTTP status code and headers

Use the HeadersFormatter object passed to all methods to alter response HTTP status and headers.

Lets assume you want to return for the POST method run on a collection with a 201 Created response code and a Location header pointing to the newly created item:

namespace myRestEndpoint;

use \zozlak\rest\HttpEndpoint;
use \zozlak\rest\DataFormatter;
use \zozlak\rest\HeadersFormatter;

class Person extends HttpEndpoint {
    public function postCollection(DataFormatter $f, HeadersFormatter $h) {
        $id = rand();
        // ...everyting else to be done to create the new person...
        $h->addHeader('Location', $this->getUrl() . '/' . $id);

There is also a shorthand for redirects:

namespace myRestEndpoint;

use \zozlak\rest\HttpEndpoint;
use \zozlak\rest\DataFormatter;
use \zozlak\rest\HeadersFormatter;

class Person extends HttpEndpoint {
    public function get(DataFormatter $f, HeadersFormatter $h) {
        $h->setRedirect('https://other/location', 302);

Returning non-JSON data

You shouldn't directly return data with echo, etc. because it can break some library features (precisely after printing more then PHP output buffer bytes the PHP will automatically issue HTTP 200 status code with default set of HTTP headers and all the settings made to the HeadersFormatter will be discarded).

There are two helper methods of the DataFormatter object passed all methods helping you to deal with non-JSON data:

  • raw($data, $contentType, $filename = null) - returns an arbitrary string with a given Content-Type header. If the $filename parameter is provided, a corresponsing Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="$filename" header is emitted.
  • file($path, $contentType = null, $filename = null) - returns a given file. By default the Content-Type header value is guessed with the mime_content_type() PHP function but you can override it by passing the contentType parameter value. If the $filename parameter is provided, a corresponsing Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="$filename" header is emitted.

To alter HTTP status code and/or add other headers, use the setStatus() and setHeader() methods on the HeadersFormatter object.


namespace myRestEndpoint;

use \zozlak\rest\HttpEndpoint;
use \zozlak\rest\DataFormatter;
use \zozlak\rest\HeadersFormatter;

class Person extends HttpEndpoint {
    public function postCollection(DataFormatter $f, HeadersFormatter $h) {
        // ...create a file...
        $path = '/tmp/tmpName.csv';
        $f->file($path, '', 'niceName.csv');