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dev-master 2019-07-28 20:21 UTC

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Last update: 2024-05-13 21:39:26 UTC


Wrapper around Doctrine\ORM's QueryBuilder. Providing easy-to-use, customizable classes to specify WHERE and ORDER parameters.


Create generic filter

$data = [
    'name' => 'David',
    'location' => 'USA',
    'age' => 26,
    'position' => 'IT'

$filter = new QueryFilter($data);

// You can specify the relations between parameters
// Untouched parameters will be appended to the end of query with AND operator

$filter ->and('name')
            ->or('age', Where::NOT_EQUAL)
        ->and('position', Where::LIKE);
// Return DQL Where part with prefixed columns
echo $filter->getStatement('c'); 

// "c.name = David AND ((c.location = USA OR c.age <> 26) AND c.position LIKE Manager)"

Use filter in query builder

Since $filter->getStatement() returns string, it's easy to use in Doctrine QueryBuilder.

$qb = $this->em->createQueryBuilder();
$qb ->select('p')
    ->from(Product::class, 'p')

You can skip passing $prefix parameter by using prepared class FilterApplier

$qb = $this->em->createQueryBuilder();
$qb ->select('p')
    ->from(Product::class, 'p');
$applier = new FilterApplier($qb);

Create custom filters

You can create custom filter by implementing IQueryFilter interface

class ActiveProductsFilter implements IQueryBuilderFilter
	public function getStatement(string $prefix): string
		$expr = new Expr();

		return $expr->andX(
			$expr->eq("{$prefix}.removed", 'FALSE'),
			$expr->eq("{$prefix}.visible", 'TRUE')

and easily use it in FilterApplier.

$qb = $this->em->createQueryBuilder();
$qb ->select('p')
    ->from(Product::class, 'p');

$applier = new FilterApplier($qb);
    ->filter(new ActiveProductsFilter());


Using QueryOrder

QueryOrder is simple object to store ordering options for QueryBuilder.

$order = new QueryOrder(['position', 'ASC'])

$qb = $this->em->createQueryBuilder();
$qb ->select('p')
    ->from(Product::class, 'p');
// By calling
$qb->orderBy($order->getColumnName('p'), $order->getOrder());

// By FilterApplier