
Log error once and notify admin (via email or push notification)

v4.0.2 2021-02-07 22:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-08 07:05:11 UTC


On production mode, log an error message only once. Optionally, notify admins via email or Pushover. On development mode, show Whoops Pretty Page.


Install via composer as zkwbbr/whoops-helper

Sample Usage

Using FileSystem logger

Put the ff. code on top of your script.



use Zkwbbr\WhoopsHelper;

// the following constants are arbitrary and not required
define('APP_DEV_MODE', true); // set to false in production
define('APP_ADMIN_EMAIL', 'admin@example.com');
define('APP_LOG_DIR', '/path/to/logs/');
define('APP_LOG_TIME_ZONE', 'UTC');
define('APP_URL', 'example.com');
define('APP_SMTP_HOST', 'example.com');
define('APP_SMTP_USER', 'user');
define('APP_SMTP_PASS', 'pass');
define('APP_SMTP_PORT', '25');
define('APP_SMTP_ENCR', 'TLS');
define('APP_PUSHOVER_APP_KEY', 'example');
define('APP_PUSHOVER_USER_KEY', 'example');

$whoops = new \Whoops\Run;


    \ini_set('display_errors', '1');

    $whoops->pushHandler(new \Whoops\Handler\PrettyPageHandler);

} else {

    ini_set('display_errors', '0');

    $whoops->pushHandler(function ($ex) {

        $logger = new WhoopsHelper\Logger\Filesystem\FileSytemLogger(APP_LOG_DIR, APP_LOG_TIME_ZONE);

        $handler = new WhoopsHelper\Handler($ex, $logger, APP_LOG_TIME_ZONE);

        // optionally remove sensitive info from $_SERVER var in the log
        $sampleSensitiveInfo = ['PHP_AUTH_PW'];


        // ----------------------------------------------
        // optionally send email on first instance of an error
        // ----------------------------------------------

        $smtpServers = [
            0 => (new \MetaRush\EmailFallback\Server)

        $mailBuilder = (new \MetaRush\EmailFallback\Builder)

        $action = new WhoopsHelper\Actions\Email\Action(APP_URL, $mailBuilder);


        // ----------------------------------------------
        // optionally send Pushover notification on first instance of an error
        // ----------------------------------------------

        $action = new WhoopsHelper\Actions\Pushover\Action(


        // ----------------------------------------------
        // send response to user/client
        // ----------------------------------------------

        \header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 500 Internal Server Error');
        \header('Status: 500 Internal Server Error');

        echo 'Sorry an error occurred, our admins have been notified';


Note: Using email and Pushover notifications are optional. You can just remove them from the sample code above if you don't want to use them.

Using PDO logger

You can use any PDO database (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite)

Create a table with the ff. columns:

  • createdOn DATETIME
  • hash VARCHAR (10)
  • message TEXT (length depends on how big your log message is)

Make hash column UNIQUE if you want

Replace the $logger adapter (line 52 from the above sample) with the ff.

$dataMapper = (new \MetaRush\DataMapper\DataMapper)

$logger = new WhoopsHelper\Logger\Pdo\PdoLogger($dataMapper, 'your_db_table', APP_LOG_TIME_ZONE);