
A generic data access layer for basic CRUD operations. Can act as a layer between database and repositories/services.

v1.7.3 2022-06-03 14:51 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:45:33 UTC


A generic data access layer for basic CRUD operations. Can act as a layer between database and repositories/services.


Install via composer as metarush/data-mapper


Init library


$builder = (new \MetaRush\DataMapper\Builder)
    ->setDsn('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=example') // PDO DSN

$dM = $builder->build();

Create new row

// insert 'foo' in column 'col1' and 'bar' in column 'col2'
$data = [
    'col1' => 'foo',
    'col2' => 'bar'
$lastInsertId = $dM->create('table', $data);

Find column

// find value of column 'col2' where 'col1' == 'foo'
$column = $dM->findColumn('table', ['col1' => 'foo'], 'col2');
\print_r($column); // bar

Find row

// find row where column 'col1' == 'foo'
$row = $dM->findOne('table', ['col1' => 'foo']);

Find rows

// find all rows
$rows = $dM->findAll('table');

// find rows where column 'col1' = 'foo'
$rows = $dM->findAll('table', ['col1' => 'foo']);

// find rows where column 'col1' = 'foo', order by col1 DESC
$rows = $dM->findAll('table', ['col1' => 'foo'], 'col1 DESC');

// find rows where column 'col1' = 'foo', order by col2 DESC, limit 2, offset 3
$rows = $dM->findAll('table', ['col1' => 'foo'], 'col2 DESC', 2, 3);

// find rows grouped by column 'col1'
$rows = $dM->findAll('table');

Update rows

$data = ['col1' => 'bar'];
$where = ['col2' => 'foo'];
$dM->update('table', $data, $where);

Delete rows

$where = ['col1' => 'foo'];
$dM->delete('table', $where);

Using $where clause

As per Atlas.Query documentation, if the value of the column given is an array, the condition will be IN (). Given a null value, the condition will be IS NULL. For all other values, the condition will be =. If you pass a key without a value, that key will be used as a raw unescaped condition.

$where = [
    'foo' => ['a', 'b', 'c'],
    'bar' => null,
    'baz' => 'dib',
    'zim = NOW()'

The above sample is equivalent to WHERE foo IN (:__1__, :__2__, :__3__) AND bar IS NULL AND baz = :__4__ AND zim = NOW()

Other examples using other WHERE operators:

$where = [
    'foo > 20',
    'bar <= 30',
    'baz BETWEEN 5 AND 10',
    "firstName LIKE 'test%'"

Remember, if you pass a key without a value (like these other WHERE operators), they will be unescaped.

Transaction methods


Custom SQL query

You can use prepared statements with placeholders or named parameters


$preparedStatement = 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE x = ? AND y = ?';
$bindParams = ['foo', 'bar'];
$fetchStyle = \PDO::FETCH_BOTH; // See for options. Default: \PDO::FETCH_BOTH
$rows = $dM->query($preparedStatement, $bindParams, $fetchStyle);


$preparedStatement = "INSERT INTO table (firstName, lastName, age) VALUES (?, ?, ?)";
$bindParams = ['Mark', 'Calaway', '18'];
$numberOfAffectedRows = $dM->exec($preparedStatement, $bindParams); // returns 1
$lastInsertID = $dM->getLastInsertId();

Multiple INSERT in one statement

$preparedStatement = "INSERT INTO table (firstName, lastName, age) VALUES (?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?)";
$bindParams = ['Mark', 'Calaway', '18', 'Dwayne', 'Johnson', '17'];
$numberOfAffectedRows = $dM->exec($preparedStatement, $bindParams); // returns 2
$lastInsertID = $dM->getLastInsertId();


$preparedStatement = "UPDATE table SET age = ? WHERE lastName = 'Doe'";
$bindParams = ['18'];
$numberOfAffectedRows = $dM->exec($preparedStatement, $bindParams);


$preparedStatement = "DELETE FROM table WHERE lastName = ?";
$bindParams = ['Doe'];
$numberOfAffectedRows = $dM->exec($preparedStatement, $bindParams);

Optional config/builder methods


If set totrue,create()and update() methods will strip missing columns in their $data parameter.

->setTablesDefinition(array $tablesDefinition);

Required when using setStripMissingColumns(true)

Example parameter for $tablesDefinition:

$tablesDefinition = [
    'UsersTable' => [ // table name
        'id', 'firstName', 'lastName' // column names
    'PostsTable' => [ // table name
        'id', 'subject', 'message' // columns names

Current adapters

  • PDO (via Atlas.Query)